Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday Oct 30

The blogger dash board changes from week to week sometimes the SPELL CHECK WORKS AND SOMETIMES THE FONT BOARD IS NOT WORKING AND SOMETIMES this stupid thing print twice or three times??? its a quandry but I still keep bloggin.

I did not sleep good last night had bad dreams about Tony, I guess he is on my mind because of things that have happened. I woke up early and had coffee, got dressed for the gym and left the house pretty early. I got there at 7:30 worked out pretty good, then came back to shower and prepare for the day. Returned emails and calls came in, then Ivan the drapery guy came by to meet me for the Macaw project. Tony was in in San Jose with a truck picking up products that I had paid for a couple of weeks ago. Ivan is so nice, and so cute. He always has a smile on his face and is so kind and gentle. Just love him... wish I was a bit younger!! we get along very well too. His boss was with him this time and he is getting better with me. Kidding and now joking and carrying on.

I heard from Tony about ten times today, but nothing really was said. I have some talking to do to him. I know he thinks everything is ok but honestly I have allot of questions, I think it may be best to just carry on let him do what he does, and see how this thing rides out. I think the stress of the office and all the different project, the language barrier has causes strain between him and I. When the dust settles here, I am sure things will get better.
I had a huge truck load of furniture today that he over saw, help Minor the truck driver that I use find all the locations and loaded all the furniture with him. When they showed up Orlando was with him I was shocked to see him. I asked why he was with but I really didn't get an answer.

Tony Looked tired, in fact he went to bed at 9:30, so I suppose he was really tired.

My day consisted of banking twice, driving back and forth to the office three times, meeting with the furniture vendor, meeting with drapery people, meeting with the window sign people, and dealing with the three brothers working in the office.

I actually ate sushi for lunch, from the Auto merchado. It was pretty good, I am tired of rice and beans at the moment, this is what the staple of food is here. Tony eats a ton of it, frankly I am sick of it!! I wanted something different and felt good to be different today. I dressed really cute the hair was good the makeup was good and I felt very pretty and sexy today. I got lots of complements. It was nice.

I hope that tomorrow goes well with Tony and I, I am feeling very strange with him since this last week. It was nice today not as hot, In fact this evening was pleasant.

I can not sleep the problems of the past few days are present in my mind and the lies, deception of people are lying on my head, keeping me from sleeping and feeling good, that is why I went over board today in looking and trying to feel sexy and good...

Miss my kids I know that came out of no where???

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