Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Nothing New really just striving to get the office going

Nothing New, just striving to get this office open, Got news from St Regis about a 5 thousand dollar deposit totally refundable and more.. I have to get on the ball and start advertising it so we can sell these Condos, and houses for this project.

The land is all cleared ready for the infrastructure, getting it set to begin the sales. Its set in a rounded clearing with levels so that everyone that buys the property has a great three sixty view of the mountains and the sea, set right at the beach. WOW REALLY SOMETHING!

The office is not going so well, Jimmy didn't show up again and so today I threaten to kick his balls off! No just kidding but I really wanted too. I ended up telling him that if he didn't show today that I was getting someone else, AND GUESS WHAT I DID!

The sign hunt for the place is a challenge, the windows are a challenge and now the electrical is a challenge, ITS JUST A CHALLENGE ok? but I am still pushing forward and hoping that it will all come together.
Were working on projects, and more has come, Nothing said about the Disco tec yet.

God that would be so stinking cool! I have always wanted to do something with a Disco Tec! Big levels lights galore, cat walks, video screens showing all the people dancing... more...

I did go to the gym today, Man I am not doing well with the work outs lately, I need to go I do not want to be a fatty, but its difficult, and I miss my jazzercise, I can not understand why they do not have it here? Music is very important to the total world, and so it health. I Miss is so bad. The kick boxing just doesn't do it for me.

Tony and I are working late, trying to put folders together for all the projects, the communication is better because I have told a couple of people who speak WAY better Spanish than I do, AS TO what the situation is and they have explained, except for Luis today . I told him to tell Tony something and he said YEAH AND SHE HAS A LOT OF MONEY! He thought I didn't know I socked him so hard he laughed and, we all laughed. So hopefully soon things will be better on that end.

I haven't seen my cute Italian guy I met the other day, was thinking about him today, but No I didn't see him...

We have new neighbors again now with Dog, and the bottom neighbor have dog also. Just hope I don't track Dog in my house! I got up this morning and one was sitting on my porch, a female pit bull she seems timid but ya nevah know.

Tomorrow we build the pond in the office, when I get the computer to except the photos and reduce them I will show what were doing. I have someone to look at this computer and once again get it straigthened out. It just wont reduce.

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