Monday, October 23, 2006

Jimmy Never showed up today

Ok, Jimmy Never showed up today, he made excuses that he had car problems. The walls are not finished in the store, and he has not finished the bathroom. I was not a happy girl today. Then the floors showed up, I thought for sure the guy understood I said include the morter, the size for the cracks between the tiles and the sand for the cracks. Well he didn't he charged me for the tiles only, and then when they went to deliver I was at another job site, and Tony called saying bring the money! I said what money for whom? he said the truck wont leave the tiles unless you pay it all, well I had paid a huge amount, previously and the balance was like an eight of the total , logical, but insane that you have to have cash all the time.

Ok I had to drive from the mountain, to the location, talk to Tony who is now acting like he doesn't understand me, go to the tile store talk to the guy, then the bank cause he only takes cash. Then back to the tile store, then to the location only to find out that they delievered the Tiles only and nothing that I asked for.
Thats another day and a probably ten more trips.

But my day started with the electrician calling at 7:00 for me to meet him at the supply house to get all the electrial needs. That took four hours, and then Tony showed up with his suitcase in hand and well, took over.

We did paper work at the house for an hour, then went to location to drop off all the electrial supplies, meet the guy again, and from there is where the rest began.
Later I had a meeting with David for furniture, for my place and many others. His brother offered me to use their discount at Sur Paint. So that was a plus for the day.

While I was at the tile store, I met this guy that I sorta met last night at Davids, He was a really cute guy Italian from Jersey. He is opening a patio and garden store? Hmmm maybe I can help! or be of help? or he helps me! I rather just date him... Hes really cute and I like his smile.
But I don't think he thought a thing about me, he is probably married like all the other men I meet. But it is a nice thought!

It has been Raining allot, the days are warm, but not hot, the nights are humid and cooler. The rain is pouring, the Thunder is very loud. It cracks so hard that it shakes things. It sometimes scares me honestly.

Tomorrow another trip to San Jose to finalize some of the products for the Macaw project.

Today we got a call to design a disco Tech, so I hope that goes through... Ask Tony about it Tomorrow.

I heard from my oldest son, not much but at least he wrote a few lines.

Miss them, I will be in Portland for a few days in Novemeber. So I am sure I will see my sons at least a couple of times before I return here.

Didn't eat much today, but I am not working out like I should no time at all, I worked tonight untill ten, and started at 7:00 as I said earlier..