Friday, October 27, 2006

Electrical from Hell

Well today was a total experience in Building in Costa Rica, Wow what a mess... I got up around 6 and began my day dealing with one supplier, then ate and then to El lllagar to get some plastic for the pond area in the office. That was about a hour trip, getting the plastic is not just walk in and fine it. Its make a factura, then walk across the hot street to the other bodega and then find the plastic and have some guy cut it then walk to the caja and have another person look at the factura,then take the product to the front and have just another person stamp the factura then pay.

After that ordeal we went to the office where began dealing with the huge pile of rocks that were dropped by Tony and another guy in the middle of the office, In the mean time Freddy the electrican/ do it all man, was punching huge wakos in the walls, and ruining all the sheet rock that the mall constructed, now I have to pay to repair the walls, because they have no other way to run the lines.

If CADE SAW THIS HE WOULD CRAP HIS PANTS... its the most ridiculous way in the world to run electrical that I ever saw. Then Trying to explain to Tony and this guy that there are other ways to do this, was nearly impossible. I finally just had to laugh thinking if they only knew, and how in the world could I explain how. Its ridiculous and most annoying but in some sense funny.
But I hope that it all gets fixed living in that space day in and day out with all the mistakes will drive me nuts... But Hey pura vida aye?

The day was spent running around gather things, checking bank accounts, paying for delivery's and really not doing much as far as work goes.

I went to see Rosie and had nice conversations with several people I have not seen in a long time. Carlos the Cable guy who's hooking me up with cable for the office, and Internet. Then I met this police officer with Rosie's boyfriend and well he was nice he called later to Rosie and told her he was interested in me... but we will see on that. But that was a nice jesture, maybe I will look into the interest.

Tomorrow I hope to finish the garden in the store, and then Sat is spent in San Jose, dropping Tony off later, then driving back alone. I don't know what the weekend will bring , but you can bet after today Im going to have a good time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings im fresh here. I hit upon this website I find It quite accessible and its helped me out so much. I hope to give something back & guide others like it has helped me.

Thank You, See Ya Later