Monday, August 28, 2006

Tony and Eric, great friends... hope to see them back soon! Tony misses Eric. The other night we both just looked at the apartment and sighed.

Good Friends beautiful Country! more photos to come

Arya Marianna and Eric

The view from my kitchen window

This is the view from the highest peak when crossing the mountains from San Jose to Jaco

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Woke up to a phone call from Ken, yep hes back he apologized and took me out so things are back to normal. He called about his truck that Tony and I lined up for him to move his furniture from the beach in Monterey, to Escazu. It was early I woke up Tony then he escorted Minor to Monterey.
Then Tony and took Ron out for breakfast and I arranged for Ron to drop Tony off in San Jose. It worked out great. We ate went back to his house and repaired the mirror that was moved and fixed a few things for him before the guest he has coming from the USA tomorrow. THis house is beautiful, I really like the pieces that were done for me.

After Tony and Ron left for the city, while I checked mail and looked to see who was online to chat with.
I got my suit and towel then went to the LA FLOR into the pool only after I invited
Helen to go with me. We talked and talked and had a nice time. There were other people there too, but we knew them and chatted with them.

Later Helen and I went to watch the Sunset at Claritas on the beach. We ate nachos and drank a beer. It was a beautiful sunset tonight just beautiful! Helen wanted to hang out, so we decided to go to the house for a while. Then the new neigbors slipped over. It was ok talking to them but I miss Arya and Eric, Its not the same. I saw Candy ride by my nail girl and called her up to give her the gift I bought her in the states. I bought all sorts of nail polishes. She went nuts, But acted a little strange. When I asked how the party was and how Tony was at the party she acted like she didn't understand me at all. Played dumb.. I know better. I just ignored the ignore then went on the next subject.
THen Constaino maluko wanted to come over. I told Helen no lets go visit him.
So we both went and visited him and another guy. They drank a couple of beers while we visited, He is from Columbia, different sort of guy, if you recall some time back he was massaging my leg in front of Milo, and Milo never said a word. HE is a real character. I think he likes me so it makes it worse.
Iwas asked to dance and this place has no dancing, seems like this is my life lately working eating drinking dancing a little beach here and there. Clients that are fun and do fun things... not a bad life at the moment. Tony being here and being such a great help,not to mention a good friend. Things are good right now.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

So Much to say!

O I always have so much to say but this time its true. I lost a day or so in the states and now I have many to catch up with. I got home flew in after 12 hours of flight actually three of it was in Houston, sitting and waiting for the plane. I arrived in Costa Rica around 12:30, got my bags when this stranger, nice I could tell was asking others if he could catch a ride to Herradura, everyone turned him down. I spoke up and said sure you can ride with me. He had a long board a funny hat,and boxes with things he brought from the USA. He was from San Diego, named Jose!

Tony was waiting deligently outside for me. He was sitting on a bench looking kinda sad but when I came he kinda cheered up a little.. Do not know what was wrong, didn't ask but he cheer up much when he found out I invited this man to ride along with us.
Jose was cool we stopped in the pouring down rain and ate at that Mexican Restuarant, where Tony and I ate before. It was pouring I MEAN BUCKETS! the guy at the place came out with an umbrella but it didn't help much.
We ate drank two beers a peice and went on our way to Jaco. By four we were in Jaco.
When we got there Tony reminded me that Thursday was a good day to go to this place in the jungle here for dancing and Singing. I felt tired but he was insistant about going? I said ok. Then I realized that Arya and Eric were leaving for the USA for good, it would be the last time we could invite them to go to this special place that I love so much and Now Tony loves too.
We asked them to go and sure enough the got ready and we all went to the jungle to watch people sing and dance.
It was a great night, we had a good time it didn't last all night but we all had a wonderfull time together, especially when Eric decided to cut lose and sing a song that we all knew about the gorillas. It was very funny... Arya didn't think so but really it was funny and it was good to see Eric just let go.
Thats what happens here people are free and allow them selves to actually enjoy life.
Tony and I danced only after three or so guys were dancing with me at the same time. He callled me over to dance with him. So I did a couple of times then we all decided to go home. What a nice night and long day for me.

The following day I tried to take care of business here at the bank but I ran into errors and ended up being at the bank for like three hours with only a safe deposit box for my efforts. I needed much more but the bank insisted that they could not do a simple thing as open a savings account in my name.

Monday or Tuesday, I will go to San jose and try directly with a manager. Tony said he would help. He is a huge help, thank god for him!

Then at the end of the day We both went to Rons house, my client and had a drink with him and just talked for hours. Tony was busy trying to see if Billy another guy there was either dead or alive, cause the house had been playing music for two days, all the lights were on and the cell phone was ringing like crazy. Not like Billy.. he doesn't live in the house he has its strange he goes and visits it and then packs his things up and leaves. It is a long story but maybe sometime I can fill you in on his story.
Tony didn't find him. So we talked to Irwin who is the man I did all the drapes for, and then went back and talk to Ron for a while. Ken called and invited me to go out with him. So left Rons, Tony took me home and then Ken came. I wanted Tony to along with us, but he said he was tired.... ok this was a first. I think things are going a bit rough for him at the present and he just needed time to think and possible talk at home. So I went alone with Ken, I had a nice time, Ended up dancing at the Monkeys. IT was fun We came home around one. I rememebered that in the mornig Arya and Eric were going so I kept that in my head as I slept so I would wake up early and not miss them.
Exactly when I got up Eric was packing the bags in the car, I yelled down were you going? he said yes were leaving today. I said AWEEEE and then Arya came out. We talked and then decided to go to breakfast together for the last time.
I woke up Tony and told him that they were leaving to get dressed we were going to eat breakfast wtih them. He went and had a private moment with Eric. It was a good thing, While Arya brought over all here things from the house to give to me. Many things now my apartment is filled with the memory of her at least for a while.

We talked a little bit, then got dressed and went to breakfast following the Gallo Rojo, the red rooster for the last time. We drove to a place in the center of town. Eric parked while Tony and I walked across the way the office that we are doing. We talked to the contractor doing the work and gave him some instructions. THen walked back and took a seat with them .
We laughed reminised and cried a little. These two are incredible people. WE ENJOYED THEM SO MUCH TONY AND I.. I will miss my friends from the blog and from now my life. They were a blessing and also alot of fun! God bless Arya and Eric, Forever Will Tony and I hold them in our hearts are dear dear friends. Tony especially for Eric. What a great feeling Tony had around him and how he made Tony feel so at home. Now that they are gone, we were both very sad today, Tony played Christian music all day, it was nice but then I was wondering what really was going through Tony's head. I was quiet, didn't speak much at all. I just looked at the photos and thought how nice it was to have such great people from a wonder of the world INTERNET come into my life and make it better.

But before all that, When Ayra and Eric tired to leave, the car would not start. They tried and tired and the damn thing alarm kept going off, then Tony lifted the hood, and touched the wires of the alarm together and made the thing EXTREMLY LOUD.
I jumped he laughed and then so did everyone. THe car was not allowing them to go. Strange I told Arya its meant for you to stay dont GOOOOOOOOOo... but then after much time Eric manage to get it started. They loaded there things went to get Helen because she was going to catch a ride with them to San Jose. We drove off to Orotina to gather a few more things for one of the house's we needed to finish, when we passed we both waved and blew kisses good bye to our dear friends.
I cried, I really liked them and felt like always in my life people come and go that is how life is, for some of us. I felt like everytime something good happens, it just doesn't seem to last long enough for me.

I also knew what a void Eric was going to leave in Tony's life. I hope they keep in touch.

Orotina was dreary, it was raining and I was quiet, Tony didn't speak much either. We shopped and talked a little bit. I bought him a Machete, so he can do some cutting of wild things for me when I need.
We went back to 26 and started working on it again. We put the bejuco all around the sofit of the cabinets, and worked on the huge bamboo, I painted some masks while he fixed the stereo. THen we tweaked the upstairs and went to RONS, ron invited us to pizza and beer. So we the three of us were joking laughing and carring on for hours. We had the best time. Ron is cool... some of the story's are wild that he tells but I love him anyway! Tony and Laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.
Came home the phone rang and I think its Tonys family. He certainly changed his mood... Not happy now? God now what?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Shopping, eating, visiting... that is about all I have been doing. It has been so nice to go to jazzercise and se old friends. Although I noticed last night I was missing Costa rica already!
Its so cold here in the evening I forgot how cool it gets. I think I may have caught a cold here.

I took my coffee soaked cell phone to a place who said they were sure they could fix it, so I hope that happens I got a new Camera now so no more fussing with the old one. I speny much money trying to get it fixed. It was so aggrevating trying to get it work!

I called many contacts, The Heathman lodge, Sharp electronics, alco holding, and a couple of the other clients. Every year for the past couple of years Creative interiors has me to a holiday show for all there clients,where I go in and transform a showroom for the holidays. People come and watch the show I put on for them.The audiences are usually about 75 to hundred people. The only time I had more was in a lets get cooking show I had done. Anyway... they were interested in talking to me possibly again this year. I feel tired and just want to rest, but my nature is always busy doing something , somewhere.
Tonight My foot was killing me, Clint studied about my case here, and did some massage therapy. Clint is a liciense therapist, he did a wonderful job in making the swelling in my ankle go down, in fact it was soo goood that I fell off to sleep. I actuallly dosed off to sleep. Then we decided to go and get mexican food, So To muchas gracias we went.

Wow too much salt, I am already use to a cleaner food. Not much salt.. so this was exteme now for me. Gonna watch some tube and rest.

Monday, August 21, 2006


That night that we drove back from Guancaste, I had a broken nail and needed it fixed before I left for the USA, I was preparing to go for my sons Birthday on Sat. It was a surprise, Tony knew I was upset over this stupid broken nail, Just like a girl should be! as soon as we arrived he called my gal and told her he would pick her up, and bring her to the house to fix it. And he did...
She came fixed the nails and he pulled out my trunks to pack. Arya and Tony helped me packed. I couldn't believe that this was going on at this time at night. I was shocked honestly but it was so nice to have this kind of service.

In the morning We got up early to go to a meeting that I had before I left for the USA, we drove to Orotina and had breakfast, then drove like crazy to San Jose to catch the plane, Tony was driving like a mad man to get me there on time. I almost felt sick but I held on and laughed most time, as he was like a bat out of hell trying to drive behind slow trucks, detours,and lots of cars on the roadway.

When I got to the Port, it was full of people the lines were long but I got service quickly after Tony and I said our goodbyes hugged and slammed fists. I went in and sat and listen to some guy playing guitar in the airport and watched all the people,I played on the computer and had some man staring at me hard. He ran the booze shop, after when I was standing in line to board the plane he walked up to me handed me his phone number and asked me very politely to call him. He was a nice looking man I thought to my self, said hmmmmm thank you I may.

I boarded the plane sat next to these very weird nerdy people that I could hardly stand to listen to the whole three hours. Not once did they say a word to me, although I said hello and tired to talk to them they were just nerds. I actually laughed a couple of times listening to the conversations, VERY SERIOUS BUT VERY NERDISH.

They were seriously serious, and seriously nerdiest!

God I laughed to my self several times and even caught myself rolling my eyes at them.
Then In Houston the customs were easy I had big trunks so they didn't even go through them they put them in the over size and pushed me through very fast. I waited for three hours there, had a beer and salad and talk to several people there . Boarded and got to Portland at 11:30 the last hour of the flight about kiled me, I was so cold and so six of sitting that I was a jittery mess.

Jordan was late he got caught in the I five traffic , but he showed up and harldy recognized me because I high lighted my hair its really light now. We drove to Woodland, talked for a while then played with the baby and went to bed. The next morning I went to Jazzercise for the first time since my accident. It was fun Sharon played alot of latin music for me.
During the day I took the kids shopping and bought Jordan new shoes two pairs, and some clothes, He was happy.

Then On Sat night I got all ready went to Sharons and drove with Sharon to Brandon and Sara's house. The party was going on when we arrived. He saw Sharon but didn't recognize me. At first anyway he thought I was one of Sharons friends from jazz, I am LOL but he probibly didn't think it was me. When I got out of the car he was talking to Sharon, I said Hi Brandon Happy Birthday his face was happy and he hugged me. Then we all joined the party. It was alot of fun, many people were there. They had a bbq, and a fire pit in the road, and music blasting.
We were up till 2:00 then Cade and Kim dropped me off at Clints house. I slept there alone he was in Dallas Texas visiting his Famliy. Clint use to work for me too, in fact he still does when We do Holiday work. He has been with me for 11 years now. So he left me the keys to his house.

Clint is a loyal friend and good employee. More like a third son too. I couldn't wait to see him again.
On Sunday I was kinda hung over it was bad, I got sick and puked buy lately my stomach has been a bit weak, I almost puked several times during the week with Tony's driving... Sorry but its true! I hung out at Brandons slept, then came back here to Clints. Jordan called brought over all the ingredients for Pasta and salad. When Clint showed up he made us Dinner and it was Wonderful! We all sat around and chatted and just laughed. I played with Baby Julian... he is so cute at 11 months. Only two teeth though, but he sure does love to eat.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ending the week short part two

We walked farther up the hill and crossed once again a barbwire fence. The uncles would hold it open with there hands and there feet, so that we could crawl through the space safely. As we crossed this time I saw a small field of celantro growing, actually I could smell it first. I reached down picked it and ate it. I showed it to Arya and she tried it too. Tony questions who it belonged to but they did not respond. Then they cut to the right of the mountain, and on the edge was a steep pathway down ward, to the right again was the river rushing now and at a higher level. It was becoming strong and big. We walked down the muddy path me with a big stick in my right hand and Tony helping me with the left. We saw the River. The rest went forward as Tony and I walked toward it and just stared and never said a word to each other.
I felt extremely emotional, but I didn't know why, maybe it was the fact that I was seeing something that was a part of his growing up his past, his life. Somethig that was ingrained in him and now I got to share and see this place of beauty. Maybe it was because I was in awe and was so happy to be in such a beautiful place that all you could hear were the sounds of nature at your feet. Or it could have been that it was truly a very spiritual place, untouched by human hands, and still in a state of purity.

All I know is that my eyes welled up, my spirit inside me was leaping out of my skin, and my heart was pounding very fast. We stood for the longest moments just watching the water fall in the dark shaded area of the jungle.

Then we caught up with the other's
Tony questioned me, asked if I was happy and wanted to know what I was thinking. I tried to explain but my vocabulary in spanish is so limited that I barely could share what I really thought. I was very excited and happy to share this precious moment with him and my friends.

Further we went, when The uncle found this bug that was making all the noise in the jungle. He picked one up, it looked like a peice of jewerly, so brightly colors and huge and wings of clear sheer colorfull spun fabric. The body was bright teal and aqua blue with touches of lime green and little spots of gold. He held it out and gave it to me, I was not afraid I picked up the way he handed it and held it for a while watching it rub its wings fast and making the noise I heard. Then I let it walk on my hand and my fingers. Tony video taped it for us and he watched it crawl up my arm.
It then flew away...

Farther up the hill now my emotions were higher, then the men said that the rocks we were seeing were indian burual grounds, he showed us a tomb,I could not contain my feelings then. It was like my breath was being taken away. I have felt this before but not quite this strong.
onward we went, then into a field out of the jungle and onto a rock, a huge rock, it had carvings on ancient indian carvings as if it was a whole family. They believe it is a tomb it had marks were it could have been open, with divits in particular areas as if maybe they put huge sticks and pryed it open to insert another body one by one. The markings were very primative crude almost. I thought it was a tomb. They tapped on it and in some places you could hear it was hollow. They said that robbers have tried to open it, yet the rock will not move and nor can you crack it to get it open. on the sides of this very large rock were other rocks similar but smaller as if to mark territory of the area. Wow this was cool, I understood at that point why I was feeling the way I was. It became stronger as we hiked higher up the mountain to where they said Indians lived in this one area. An old house in the middle of very remote part of the jungle no paths no roads no ways to get to it but they built it in the knowl of a mountain side next to the river. Only parts of it was left but you could tell that the basic struture. They said that tigers or leopards now live in that area.

Maybe panthers... at that point I was getting exhausted it was a very long steep grade barely a foot path to walk, I was wanting to stop but they lead us up another hill, then We didn't see Eric , Arya was doing fine having some trouble climbing but not bad. Eric rolled down the hill and I hope he didn't hurt himself much? he was covered in mud and his video camera got muddy too. He finnally caught up with us.

We once again crossed barbwire, into a grassy hillside field, only to over look the incredible mountian sides in the distants, now it was about 3:45 the evening was coming on and the shawdows were growing dark and in the distance you could see it was deep.
We All stood and stared and photographed and talked. It was incredible.
Then we hiked all the way up to the top of the hill and got to a dirt road, a big dirt road where the land was completely clear of any vegetation. Wow! Looking now over the whole area was astounding!! Wow what view of the whole place. We sat the guys smoked, I watched and Arya stared. It was beautiful we sat and rested then walked slowing but carefully down the road. At some points it was dangerous the mud was slick and deep, the road was steep. So in the grass I walked so I would not fall and slip and hurt my foot or any other part of me. Arya almost fell once.
Tony and I walked together alone for a few moments and talked. It was nice. Then We joined the rest. They were eating some fruit from a tree there that was like a pod.
A green curled up pod that you split open and chew on these furry seeds. Sweet slippery and almost sensual.

Arya loved them Arya loves fruit and she wanted more, I love Arya, I am going to miss them when they leave this coming week. I know I will meet other people from this blog as I did with them, but they are extremely special people, TONY AND I BOTH HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THEM.. Tony is going to be very sad when they leave Eric is like a father to him and Arya is a great care taker. She makes me laugh.

We walked for more than and hour down the road, then came to a huge Tree I mean a huge tree in the middle of the road. It was a giant guancaste, a silk tree majestic and staturesque. It made me think of this adventure as a movie, with the tree as a focus, since the area is called Guanacaste. I stood and just stared and thought peacefully alone while the others were way behind me. Arya aproached me and asked what I was thinking? I shared and told her how incredible this was to me.
Rain was begining to pour, a soft rain, I was wearing shorts Arya a light jacket me too, but neither one of us was complaining about the rain and she said it. Look she said, were walking enjoying seeing all this and not one minute complaining about the rain. If we were in Portland we would be complaining.

Tony and Eric were smoking cigars and walking way behind us we came to a fork in the road and didn't see the uncles anywhere when one just popped out of no where and there he was! we went to the left and down the hill again now the jungle was next to us? I was confused I did not understand the direction but followed it. Then I saw them carring big bundles of bejuco. Its the roots the feeder roots and vines from the trees. You know like the ones that Tarzan swung from??? I asked for this for decorations for one of the houses I am doing.

You see long time ago, I used this product, In California I found it in a wholesale house, I bought it and made myself a wreath with it. I did not know what it was, all I knew is that I liked it and other people in the industry didn't know what to do with it or what it was. This was years ago, then In Portland one day in the Flower market I saw it again it was very expensive. Thirty dollars for five stems of it. I bought it and used it at the HEATHMAN LODGE. I used it in many ways... Now I saw it first hand I felt it and tried to cut it, Its very strong and interesting, and I had them cut me enough to resemble a dead body when it was all wrapped in plastic ready to carry on the top of my car back to Jaco.

They held it over there heads as we all walked back to Grandmas house in the rain. We stoped for a moment as an old international tried to make it up the mountain and got stuck in the mud. All the guys stopped and help push this thing up the hill, but it would not go. Then they pushed and pushed and finally in the rain and mud they managed to get it up an going. I watched in laughter, thinking this is something! in the middle of no where we were at the right point at the right time, who would have thought that we would be there to help them?
Then to house, Mama had made this simple soup with some bones that had little meat on it. She used celantro,a nd some sort of herb that tastes like lemon. Maybe lemon mint. She made rice, yucca, chayote sqaush and homade torrtillas. It was simple but the cool weather and rain combined made it the perfect food for the long hike we took. I was chilled being all wet, So that soup was the perfect gesture. She did not eat with us, she said she had eaten earlier. I asked Tony to bless the food, we all held hands Tony prayed as he prayed he got choked and cried asking god to bless his mother/ grand mother. IT touched me too, as well as Arya and Eric. Eric finished the prayer. Simple food simple settings but precious moments n memories.

After the men wrapped all the bejuco up in a blue tarp. Grandma said what i was thinking that is looked like a dead body and we all laughed. Then Eric spotted the small child coloring on the sofas and noticed that he had only nubs to draw with. The child draws very well, then Eric said he needed new ones, Told Arya, I asked if there was a store close? And suggested they take him to get the ones Eric wanted to buy for him. So Tony and Eric and the boy went to the little store in the town and bought him the gifts. Thrilled with gifts of new pencils! He began coloring and organizing all his supplies.

We packed up and left for Jaco, it was bout 8 at that time and took us two hours to get home. Most of the way we were quiet I was thinking about the whole day what a great memory for me, as the next day I take a flight to Portland to see my son for his birthday! It was a surprise...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ending the week short

The work has been done for the week, ,my client Ron showed up and loved his new home. I was so excited that he thought we did an excellent Job!! Tony was thrilled that we have completed our first job together and it was so beautiful!
We celebrated with Ron, Luis and his wife Slivia. The house is complete with everything you would need to move in. Ron was very happy and high fived me a couple of times.
Then Yesterday, we were suppose to go to Guanacaste to pick up some more furniture that I have custom made for another client. I wanted badly to go to Tony’s Grandma /Mama’s house in Guanacaste and see the jungle he talks so much about and the Indian rocks and all the beautiful surroundings that are in This primitive but beautiful area.

Then Tony said yes, So we asked Arya and Eric if they would love to join us in this one day adventure to a new place that neither one of us have seen. Tony was proud to take us to his terra, his land his home, his territory that he was raised in and on.

We left about 8 in the morning, now the car has new signs on it in gold that says Absolutely Beautiful In Costa Rica! Its so pretty! We stuck all our changes of clothes so that if we got wet or cold we would be prepared to change. Tony was helpful in loading everything. He was so happy and I was excited to get to change the scenery, and see something new and experience something fresh. So that when I leave I can remember the adventure and savor it in my mind.

We put that favorite CD that him and I are now both singing all the time on, put Arya and Eric in the back and took off, realizing that there were some things with the business that were left undone, and had to be dealt with before we actually got into the area. We had to stop at La Flor for a moment to pick up somethings, and drop off somethings. We talked to Ron an luis for just a moment and then hopped in the car and took off!

Tony was jamming, happy and excited to see his family I am sure, and proud to show us all his land.

We sang and laughed the whole way, then stopped in Cana to check on a deposit that was suppose to be wired to me it did not show up. We had to send signatures, and passport, so that they could verify that the money was actually mine.
We did all that and took off only to remember that I had not signed the paper then we drove back fast to sign and carry on with the trip.

For miles we drove, past planes and pastures of lush green grass and intermitant palm trees once and awhile. Large Lava Rocks here and there for as far as you could see was beautiful pastoral scenery. Sitting at the base of three volcanos was a small town with maybe twenty houses. It was so scenic seeing the mountain sides filled with jungle foliage and trees amongst flat land. As we drove Tony was telling us about his history with this land and how he was raised in this peacefull, and picturesque country. The roads became rough as we got closer, pot holes got bigger and the color of road changes to red and black. The clay In the soil is the reason for the change in the road.
We approach the small but quaint town the side roads are only roads and dirt. We turn and make a quick left and go about half a block and then stop in front of this tiny little cement house with a tin roof. Out front there is lots of plants and flowers and a small walkway to the entrance. I hear chickens and cows, and I see there is chayote, and squash and other garden vegetables growing there in the front of the house. Lots Of flowers and plants, taken directly from the jungle since there are no nurseries about, most of the life are taken from there.
I can tell they are pretty much self sufficient, Tony’s Grandmother and two uncles and a young child live all together in this little house so humbly constructed by Tony for her and them.
He is so proud of his work and his family. I was so blessed to meet them and felt happy that he was having such a nice reunion with them.
We entered and she asked immediately if we wanted something to eat, offering what ever she had in the house. Then we unloaded the car, it had all sorts of Groceries that we stopped and bought o the way. Basic needs but lots of it.
I threw in some candy not knowing there was a little one in the house too!

Then the Two uncles all dressed in worn jeans, red shirts a costa Rican hat tall rubber wader boots and a machete in hand, took us on our way to the jungle that was basically there back yard.

We began walking slowly up a grade and near a river I could hear is rushing as we hiked.
The grounds were covered with impatients and other flowers, along with philodendrons and many sorts of tropical plants.
Soon we saw a the river beautiful and quiet, the water clean as ever nothing touches it, this area is pretty primitive and you could feel something extremely spiritual about it.

As we hiked the brothers chopped the way with the machetes, and helped us climb through barbed wire area until we got in to the jungle it self. We crossed the river a couple of times on our way up the mountain. The surroundings were thick and very pretty. All could you see was green, rocks and thick mud because of the afternoon rains. We continued to a pasture and up steep grades noticing all the different plant life that was available there in the natural surroundings that in the States you would pay big money for to plant in your garden or in your home.

Sliding on the mud, slipping over rocks I climbed with my mountain boots up the steep grade. The feeling I had inside was that of pleasure and peace and also a strange emotional feeling I could not describe. Soon the brothers stopped, they heard congos in the mountain side, and as we looked down you could see the waterfall of the river below us.
When we stopped I was in awe of the whole picture. I couldn’t see the monkeys but you could hear them.
The bugs in the area became loud and soon the sound was so loud you could only yell to alert the others ahead…… More to come!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It has been very busy with work, I completed Two houses this week, with shopping for them, painting the rooms different, and handling all the vendors who come to install the furniture, drapes air conditioning, and just stuff.

The work here is going perfect, I never dreamed in a million years that I would be doing as good as I am now. I actually need to hire a fourth person. I interviewed someone to custom sew my own drapes, one person who works just for us. We have someone now but he is very difficult to deal with, he doesn't follow through when he says he does. Its kinda a typical Costa Rican thing. Manana does not mean tomorrow here, it could mean days. Or weeks.

We met these people next door to one of the houses I have done. They live in Canada, but bought a place here and are building another huge house in guancaste. Its really beautiful there but the roads to get there is horrible. I don't understand why the road system here is so bad. When everything else is becoming so good?

We had a great time with them in the pool the other night until four in the morning. It was a blast swimming and we drank these drinks called ceasars? We didn't, Meaning Tony and I didn't realize that it was four a.m? I got out of the pool and insisted we go home. Then at Six camacho called and woke both of us up. I was so mad... Realizing that I had much work yesterday, I slept for another hour and half and got up and got going. We had a big day, terminalizing the one house and tweeking another. Cutting bamboo, meeting the tv guys, the drapery guys and more.
Tony did well but by the end of the day he was dragging.

Yesterday was Mother's day here. I had one person wish me happy Mothers day, and then in the evening Tony bought me a bottle of champagne with dinner. I haven't heard from my sons in a long while, Jordan at least keeps in touch. Not everyday or every week but about every other week. Brandon I have not heard from in ages. I heard he went White water rafting, and they had a good time from Sara. This week is his birthday, I am sure they will have some sort of party for him and maybe Sara too Her birthday is before his.

Its been so hectic, I never knew I would be working this much here. But its so fun, Searching for things is a pain in the you know what, but I manage to find things and pull it all together. What We do is create this package, for the clients on the houses. We buy all the things needed to move in and live. In other words I create the house completely. From the top to the bottom, sometimes every one toilet paper!

Yesterday I met this guy at this warehouse, he wanted us to Rent it for a showroom, Its the perfect location, perfect size, but it has no air and its open in spaces a lot, Meaning that the heat, the bugs the animals would be coming in and ruining the products. His name is Scott, he is a a builder here too, ended up him coming to LA flor looking a the work, being impressed and then asked if we could work a deal with him on some spec homes? I said yes of course. I need a house and hes building in the mountains in Hermosa. Near Esterillos.

Scott has an appointment with us the following week to discuss more work. I am amazed at how things are just happening. It is great, since my family members would like to see me back in the states, thinking I won't do well here. Well its much better than I can remember in the USA.

Mind you I do not have the fancy car and the fancy house and all the conveniences I had, but I like the level of life I have now. Its all just material things, they come and go.

In life chapters happen, some chapters are fun and filled with love and good events, some have drama, and drastic events, some are boring and have no real difference to the everyday living, then there are some that are difficult, some that we struggle with to cope, to live or to move on. Sometimes in life people get stuck, they think this is all there is for them. Or they hang on to to a string of hope that is so thin, that when it snaps they still have no clue it is time to go on to another chapter. They remain in the situation until they are forced to do something about it. Some of us never do anything about our situations, we continue in the struggle, and the misery in which we live day to day. Others realize that there is more to life than what we are living now.

That is where I was a few years ago, My life was in a situation where I was hanging on to the very thin hope, not wanting to deal with the reality of it changing, and having to do something drastic to change my life. It is just like when you have a love, and the love goes sour, yet you can not let go. You continue to hang on knowing in the back of your mind that ,really is this what I really want out of life? Is this all there is? Not that I have any answers to life, but I am fortunate enough to know that when things are not right for me, I move on. I have hope, I try new things, I am strong. Beginning a new chapter for most people is sometimes scary, For others its exciting knowing that something new or challenging is happening and you take it on with courage.

This Esperanza in Costa Rica has been great for me, although I am sure my family thinks different. If only they would come and see how I am doing, and visit this place. Perhaps they would see something new in life for them too. I don't mean here, I just mean inspire them to be strong and to take the challenge of new adventures, and begin new chapters.

parallels in life: funny how things run in parallels.

Milo has been contacting me again, But its simple little messages with only questions about my life and weather or not I am seeing anyone, I am not but I don't think its any of his business.

My life at the moment is very good, I love where I am what I am doing. Yesterday the owner of Diasa, Hime, came and saw my work at La Flor. We had a nice talk and he really is interested in my work for his new home in Alluejuela. This is such a good feeling to have gained the confidence of this person. I know that it will only lead to many opportunities for Me and Tony and whom ever else works with me.

This man is always with a smile on his face, he has a pleasant attitude. When you are with him you feel at peace. I want to be like that. I want to have that way about me. I have changed somehings about my self since I have been here. Dealing with everyday life here is much different that in the States. Things just happen slow here. As a person with little patients, it could be a rough go. So I am learning now how to be more patient. You can feel his when you are with him
He calls me Marianeeta. I find that many people call me this. It means little Marianna. Kinda Cute.. I like it!

Well today is the big day with My best Client, I hope to god he loves his home. I am so sad that My camera is on the fritz again... DAMN I NEED A NEW CAMERA NOW.
And a Cell phone!
I am going to see If Edwardo at La Flor will Take photos and post them on here so that others can see.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The love Of Costa Rica

I sometimes feel As if Maybe I would return to the USA and try again , but after I heard the news about the bomb threats the whole news of the USA and how thing's are in such a sad state of affairs, I do not have a doubt in my mind that what I did here is right.

For Example the Other day, Tony and I left Early to San Jose to a Meeting I had with the owners of Diasa . A very large show room supply with all the needs for the home. They own la Flor and wanted to discuss with me the possibility of working for them some times during the week, with there higher end clients. All the way there I thought, Tony now drives me everywhere, I do not drive much at all any more. He knows the roads and use to be a chaufer so its nice, I never worry about tiime and where I am going. I thought to myself how beautiful this is, How I dreamed about it for more than a year and fought with my mind about how and why should I leave USA find a new life in a land that is different and warm and beautiful. When we drive, everytime I fall more and more in love with the country.

I watch the road side and see many different things each and every time. THe mountains so green with palms intermixed, with other trees, coffee plants filling the hillsides, steep hillsides.
The purple flowers blooming on the trees, the bright red blossoms on the other trees. The dark shades of green, and bright leaves of the bananas intermixed with other wild foiliage. It all becomes so beautiful as you ride through the country. The rivers every so often, many of them and all sorts of wild life. The roads are horrible going to San Jose but the scenery is so incredible that is makes up for the horrible roads and the bumps you have to endure.

I guess Im just fasinated with the Idea that I came so far, not knowing anyone to some place I have never been and how I knew in my mind that I was going to love it here and Now I have to say that I really do love it here... I had remorse the other day when Tony and I got into a slight arguement, because of the spanish/ english breakdown, but after Tony did exactly what I wanted, and I was thinking that he didn't understand... I told him MAYBE the next time I go to the states I don't come back, ( only in madness) that lasted about two seconds.. He said sadly No more Costa Rica? I said NO I LOVE IT HERE ... But I know that in time, More and more people will be moving here as I see it everyday... and Maybe I wont like it as much. The country will change and then become a little America... but untill then I enjoy the life the culture the beauty of land, and now I am in need here so that is more of a reason for me to love Costa Rica!


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Running bizy girl

its been busy, I like it though. Working at La Flor has been a good experience. Learning how to deal with the problems of a jobsite is a real interesting job. I have made some nice bonds now with the workers there and with the bosses. I really am happy that I was asked to to this work.

Tony has been doing very well, he seems to like the work and fits right in like I have said here for the past month and half. I do not think it will long before I hire another person and and assistant for Tony. We have had some offers to help us with a store by some clients, and one for an office but if it actually happens, that is another thing.

Last weekend, I went Dancing at Mata Platano, it was a blast. I had a very nice time. Got home kinda late and slept in on Sunday,

Orlando and Tony were up early when I got up, and had made the coffee and some sweet rolls for breakfast. We all sat and enjoyed the view out my windows of the mountains the green space and the beach. Orlando was awed by the nature and the look of the land here. Even he was inspired, I guess this is a good spot this little place. Later we did our business thing, then went swimming at this clients pool. It was so nice to spend the day in the water. Just resting and relaxing and talking to both of them. I felt very lucky to have such a nice relationship with Both of these guy.
Then Orlando left, and Tony and I went to get food, but He was displaced that day too, and we ended up getting food but not cooking. He made rice and tuna and I wanted bbq, so I just watched TV and rested while he cooked.

This week has been interesting as far as the progress with the houses. Yesterday they finished one of my clients houses, so On Thursday we are filling it, Today they should Finish the other I hope its more important. The client is showing up to reside in a just a few days. I have had fun working at La flor.
Today I have to go to San Jose for a meeting at Diasa with one of the guys there. I think its about his house. Plus I know they want to talk to me about working for them on a different level. So we'll see!
Then I have to purchase more items for both houses, like chairs, some small tables,a nd a couple of little this and that.

I heard from Milo, didn't understand what he was trying to say, BUT I still haven't heard a sorry or a plan of change or how he loves me. Amazing how people conceive love? Its not love or he would have been here already knocking at my door with flowers or something to get my love back. ... Just weird how I can be without a good man in my life. But Now Tony is filling in some of the gaps. Not in a personal way, but he is very kind and very good to me. Just wish that I did have that someone in my life that really loved me..

Enough of that crap! I think we are going to Cartago next week to meet a new supplier, and then possibly to Tony's grandmothers place. Its a real Indian area, where there are carved huge I think sacificial rocks. I saw photos and wow there huge. WIth faces on them. I asked him to take me there so Maybe next week when were done with these houses, we will take a day and go.

Tony has been great, I thank god for him. He is really a good man... Loves women, looks at everything and has such a wandering eye, but I laugh and just enjoy his thrill he gets looking.

Not much more to say, just been busy. The leg is better but still pain all the time.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Des y sase

Don't know if I spelled it right but Its house number 16, ok Yesterday was horrible, The day before someone named Ron, came to the LA Flor and demanded with police that he enter the property. I had strick orders that he cannot enter. He wanted to check some property that he had a power of an attorney to be in charge of.

I knew ahead of time that he was not allow in the La Flor, the wierdest thing is that I work for his new boss, on house number 16. Also Will be doing the office of the same person, and now he is an associate of his. ITs all mixed up. He came. while I was having a meeting with the finance director, of both projects. He made his demand and the security guards came to alert me of the problem. Tony was upset since he went to talk to them while we talked, he came in and shared very rapidly in Spanish as to what was going on, I tried to understand but I didn't. Later I went out to see what the problem was. He ws there with police demanding the entrance.
I called the big bosses and talk to them about the situation, in no way was he allowed on the property regardless of the legal papers he had and the police.

Wow what a position to be in for me... it was very hard. Luis the finance manager suggested I defuse this since I was in charge and just allow him in the property. I suggested he come back after working hours and then he could visit the house with the documents that he carried. I said you will have 20 minutes, he didn't like that idea demanded more. Then he went on an on about how much they owe him from lack of payment on commissions. Then there was more I sat and listened and tried to calm him down but it just got worst. Finnally Luis left shaking his head, then Ron left . I went back to the office with a horrible fear he would return and try again while I was on the job.
I don't know the whole disbute but I wish that La Flor had warned me about this situation.
THe following day I arrived at La flor with a terrible feeling that things today were going to go south. I was right.

It began with furniture from the jungle, I had to go to the bank to get the cash and leave the office for fifteen minutes. I waited in line for a half hour. When I got back I paid rhe man and went over the invoice, it was higher than he qouted, I didn't argue I just gave the money.Then Camacho, was to show up about the drapes for Irwin, well come to find out the fabric I chose , none were available and now were a week out from the client showing up. It was a diaster, I stuttered, couldn't speak the right words in SPanish and the communication between me and Tony all of suddent stopped he went to comacho side??? Ok this whole thing was about to melt down. Hours later still no reslove we had to go through all the products that I chose around these fabrics to see If I could find something that would work with The new fabrics, finally They understood that I wanted to go back to SAn Jose and look at another place to find the right look. It was hours of discussion and it could have been resolved if only I had perfect spanish. WHat a mess...

Then while this was going on the granite man showed up to tell me that the granite I chose for the counters is no longer available When Asked what was left he didn't understand me, over and over I repeated it still no comphrende!!! OH NOW IM REALLY FRUSTRATED!! then Tony came and I said please ask him what is what? THey only had two colors from this huge color board. BLACKOR UGLY WIERD YELLOWISH WHITE....
God ok? what a mess, I Went in side and the electrical for the hanging lamps were all crooked so I had to correct that. This house has had so much trouble. the paint for example was wrong three times.

Tony was not happy with me all day, he left to go get signs on the car and order beds, and call the appliance place to place the order, when he left he was very distant.
come to find out he ordered the wrong items and we got into a disagreement because he swore I said To order flat screen tv's. Then David showed up and the furniture he made was wrong, In stead of king he made queen. WHAT ELSE???? Then Ron calls saying he has a law suit against the people , and was very upset yelling on the phone at me.
My head was hurting so bad all I wanted to was go home. But Tony was gone so I had to wait paitently till he returned.
We left at 6 after seeing Davids stuff, and went to the store, Then to Davids to talk. We spent an hour or more there and ate pizza, Tony spent most of his time on the phone out on the street. He is actin different today, very upset and really strained.

I came home to die the hair and just go straight to bed. Not and exciting weekend...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Learning La Flor

La Flor is a condominium complex in Jaco Beach where I have been doing most of the work That has transpired in the past few months. We now have a several houses totally complete with everything you would need to move in and live, Even the sheets and dishes, sometimes Forks and food! its a nice job, difficult but fun and nice. I had said before that I was going to be handling the office here at La Flor For Edwardo who is off in Chicago doing a sells presentation on the new la flor Towers.

Mari is in the office answering phones showing condos, and discussing business with the clients, many of them from the USA. While Tony handles all the transactions from Absolutely Beautiful here in Costa Rica. He takes care of the orders, the trucks that show up at 6 am and of course takes me with him to see.. like I love that.. NOT! and makes all the exchanges and phone calls to the vendors.

He is also working on the construction of a new office that I designed for another one of good clients herer In Jaco, Tony is really doing a great job! THANK GOD FOR HIM!! and he loves the work. Its nice to have that commoradery.ç, with the vendors. Getting a good association with all the different people who work with in the realm of our business.

That has left me to learn how to deal with LA FLOR.. Many people coming and looking and walking the grounds in the hot hot sun and humidity. After a while all my makeup is dripping off and ends up somewhere around my hips by the end of the day! The calls are few, the emails few but the people just looking is quite alot. I have to know when things are done with certain houses, I have to pick paint colors and talk to vendors about appliances since I am working double here as the office sales person, and designer.

Acutally I can not believe I am going to say this but it is so fun to be doing this at this level, in addition to living in a beautiful enviroment.

Yesterday I was asked so many questions regarding the towers, and I had none to draw from. So Quickly at that moment I called Gerrardo at Diasa and Got the information so I could see the condos. I had a serious interest in the Penthouse of one tower that is priced at 950 thousand dollars. This penthouse is two stories and overlooks all of Jaco. The mountains the Sea WOW I can not wait to see it built!

It was a little rough day yesterday, walking the grounds showing the casa´s talking to the people while all the workers whistle and yell and say things in Spanish as I walk by. THen In the evening I did the inspection of the progress on the clients casa´s to see who will be closing soon.

I stood in the balcony of one casa, that has all iron around it, like a lady in distress... I heard some guys down below yelling it sounded just like a woman... So yelled back ES ES MOHAIR O MARICONE ? they all laughed loud and then one yelled GUAPA WHOOOOOOOOO LEANDA... meaning pretty cute.... I asked is it a woman or a gay man? They loved it, then today at 6:30 when we arrived here for a truck to be uloaded, I was out of the car the workers had begun around five I am presuming. Tony was driving the car, and I grabbed on the top and hung on the side and road through the project, all the guys cheered.. and laughed. Then later after I did two hours of Kick boxing this morning I came back dressed in a beautiful leopard skirt and brown tank and heels and walked through and they all waved... as if to say HEY MARI!

Really good that they feel comfortable with me being the only woman here and taking care of business. MUCH RESPECT!!

Then to my suprise all the hefes showed up to see how I was doing and the project. They were here for hours, in the offce just chatting with me and laughing. We have a good repore. we discussed many opportunities for my company. One is Working at Diasa a couple a days a week with good pay for there special clients, meaning WAY MORE WORK!!! and I will be on the way to the goal of possibly buying that mountain soon and builiding my own home!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! then the mayor hefe, the big boss... who honestly loves me sings to me and everything why???? LOL asked me to come to his new house and take a look and help with the design. Then the other hefe said he needed me to come and do the garden. So I think something is going to transpire with these men. I WILL NOT LET THIS GO I AM GONNA GET A CONTRACT .

We have a meeting on Aug 9th in Alluejuela. So I will know more then.

But as today I am happy with the exception that some how coffee got into my expènsive cell phone and now I have no phone. We just had all the cards made. signs made, and now the car is getting signs put on it too.

Oh yeah and the fact that Tony was carring my New Purfume in the office last night for me, and dropped it and broke my new bottle of Happy, I love that purfume dang it!! It wasn´t cheap either, he was very apologetic, but I was disgusted anyhow with a certain situation, and the phone issue now the purfume so after that I tore all my acrylic nails off I was so depressed!
I have the phone in a repair shop, but if its anything like my camera, it will never get fixed here... THEY JUST DON¨T KNOW HOW!!

Today is no people because it is another holiday. So the Office is very quiet, maybe tomorrow more people.

We did go to a community action counsel meeting. I belong to the board here, and I have not gone for months because of my accident with my leg. Now im back working, Exercising and its time to get in and help. I offered to help the district attorney for the Muni to put an office for the victums of crimes .

They have nothing to offer people, they needed help with an area for kids so I said I would help and be involved. Helping the people is good, and I look forward to doing well for the community.

Tony´s first experience with this sort of meeting and he actually got involved with the Owehota, and the attorney. This is good he is making a presences here in Jaco, I want `people to know us. He was excited and impressed with the discussion of the meeting. Later that evening Tony and I had a very good talk about life again, and about what happened in the day. He had a totally different respect for me after he saw how the people treated me and him at this community meeting.

Although he was upset prior to some circumstance that happened to him, he seemed to pop right back and laughed and enjoyed the evening. Eric came by and we all sat on the balcony they smoked and I drank a beer, we ate some chips and dips and just hung out and enjoyed the evening. Arya was in bed I think?

Tonight for the first time in ages I am gonna cook something really good, And maybe die the hair. NEED A CHANGE something to brighten my face up!

in a few days I will photos of two different style houses that we are doing so be looking for that!