Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New baby Nancy Jordan and Julian

I spent the last two days in Woodland with Nancy, Jordan and Julian my new Grandbaby. It was nice to see the baby and spend some time with my grandson, he is very cute... still very tiny and not quite filled in but in time I am sure he will change and be just adorable!

Jordan made dinner one night it was great Chicken in this orange sauce that I taught him to do, and potatos with sourcream and chedar, Ceasar salad with White Russians. In the morning I had to go the market and pick up fresh Flowers for this dinner deal at the Lodge. So I got there very early and bought some beautiful sun Flowers and berries, and rose hips, China berries,and more.. It turned out very autumy and pretty tonight, Clint and I were in action again. We went and cut wild birch trees and built a canopy of birch trees, with autum leaves intermixed and mingled..., I stuffed The sun flowers and china berries in clusters throught the arbor way. It was so pretty.I was asked to do a nice display for the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, so I came up with this Canopy Idea with birch and wild berries. this is where this part of the story began, We ended up building this cool canopy inside the lodge with the Chamber of Commerce tonight. It was very cool compared to the others.

We were able to stay for the festivities, so good wine, champagne, and food was a plus for the evening. I didn't feel I was dressed right but I had a good time regardless, I talked with many people huggled laughed and kissed many, And was told by someone, that I was a dearly loved and wanted person. That my talent was renowned and I was a one of a kind... That when I finnally surfaced and called the Lodge about doing there holiday decor the whole hotel was a buzz, that I would be there!.. when I Arrived tonight everyone kissed me and hugged me and told me how much they needed me.. so that was nice in fact it was Wonderful!!!

We had a good time, and I enjoyed talking to people I hadn't seen in a while. We ate we Drank and we laughed and oggled the people. Oggled??? LOoked at them hard....

I think I am going to Brans to sleep or maybe stay with clint

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