Thursday, November 10, 2005


Saturday I filet Salmon that Pete and Molly gave to Brandon . He caught a bunch I guess and gave them two huge ones, I had photos of them but for some reason I can not find them in the folders here to put on the blog.But anyhow I fileted these two huge salmons and soaked some in Milos sauce for the evening on Saturday, then we bbqed the best tasting Salmon you ever ate!

That Sunday we went up to Seattle to a trade show were I bought tons of beautiful watches and cute beaded purses that I am selling to friends... I will show those later incase your interested in some! We spent the whole day in Seattle, we went to the Pikes market where jarus was caught kissing a salmon at the fish market, and I do have photos but as I said I cant get them to open.

We then went down I 5 to South center were we ate at this Restuarant called Baham breeze, I had coconut curry chicken, the kids had a chicken salad and a hamburger, kelsey grilled cheese and a milkshake! we had a good time there the decor was beautiful and They got ideas for the remodle of there bathroon in the house.. I got Ideas for the new Restuarant that hopefully I will open In Jaco.

Coming home Kelsey sang country Western music most of the way since Brandon forced us to listen to it! I HATE COUNTRY>>>> but they had fun singing it Sara too!

The following day was spent at Jazz in the morning selling some purses, meeting with a distrubutor and taking care of some business with the house and the Holiday decor. That night I went up to Jordans and spent the last two days with them.

Today is Thursday and I think that Clint and I are going to go to the house if its nice today and do some clean up in the garden. Since it is fall all the leaves and plants have pretty much died back and now the garden looks like bare bones. I feel bad cause I love this garden and I do not understand why the house has not sold? Maybe the garden scares people? thinking its too much work? But I took care of it for 11 years all alone and it was beautiful! it gave me peace and much enjoyment... but now it makes me sad because no one enjoys it, and its a great place for an avide Gardner... I know there has to be someone Out there that loves Gardening... this place is a Gardners paradise! Too bad I can't take some of the plants with me to Costa Rica, but hey there are so many beautiful plants and flowers there! I guess I will learn a new way of living and gardening there..

On my way to Jazzercise now... drinking coffee but I can tell you this, the coffee here is not that good now that I have been expose to the best coffee in the world, no wonder starbucks is the biggest importer there???

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