Friday, November 18, 2005


Ok lets say that last couple of days have been very colorful and filled with unusual things happening.

The fact that people are oblivious to most others is still a topic of subject here, but aside from that reality of people being dead to the world... things here have been very strange the past couple of days.

I had to leave Brandon and Saras, for Work, and upon the arrival of the storage unit, for this place, we smelled something very awefull and very strong. like dead carcus?? I dunno. But we proceeded to ramble through all the boxes, and move all the Holiday junk from one side to another in order to see what was there to use in this one building that we were doing today. The smell got stronger and stronger, and I was wanting to gag bad, I had to cover my nose so I wouldn't puke...

Clint and I loaded the Van with stuff and made the first trip, I hauled and loaded and unloaded like a little burro, this is all part of Decorating, incase some of you have this wise idea to go out and begin to do Holiday work, FORGET IT UNLESS YOUR A WORK HORSE!! Capable of working long hours with out eating or tiring, able to lift very heavy objects, have design skills purchasing skills, creative inventiveness, and conceptualizations skills, then after your all done hauling and loading and lifting that barge and toteing that bale... be creative enough to execute the ideas you have. ok enough of that soap box!
As we began the process of this site, we just kept complaining to each other about the smell??? Curious to me as in all these years of doing holiday decor I do not think I have come across this.

Got into the great gobs of Garlands to hang on the staircases with lights, well lights did not work, this is a common occurance in this work. Got it sort of figured out.

Clint has little techinal or mechanical skills so generally thats my job too to trouble shoot, to find the problem and solve it. So I began the ever hated process of finding the missing bulb. When I smelled something again bad.
I saw it it was cat pee or poop or something cat on it and in fact all over it, as we got into more things we found it was on most of it! YUK! I WAS SO GROSSED OUT... but continued as a professional, and sprayed the heck out of it with areosol.
Well as time went on and we dug further into the unit, We saw lots of Carpet piled on the two beautiful 12 foot expensive trees with lights. AND THE SMELL GOT WORSE. IT WAS DEAD ALRIGHT as we pulled out the trees there it was........ Ten dead kittens, decomposed into the trees.
A cat obviously got into the unit magically how I do not know... no openings anywhere. Then peed and pooped then had babies, cried allot and someone let her out not knowing that she had kittens in there. Someone told us during the day that a few weeks ago they heard a cat back there and they called security to see. So that is what I surmized.

Well My friend Barbara, who is but not working right now A humun resources director, decided to come to my aide for the very first time to help out and see what I really do. She has seen the finish process many times and she knows what I am capable of but never really was on the job and helped. So this was shock to me and her and all of us to see THIS TERRIBLE DISASTER!

GOD WHO WOULD KNOW? that she would come and this would happend guess what? she is allergic to cats! GEzZZZZZZZZZZ o pete.

Well needless to say this put a whole big kink in our work all day. We did manage to complete somethings and get the place looking like Christmas aside from the kittydrama.

Later in the evening Jordan and Nancy and Julian showed up to lend a hand and then followed me out to Sharons where I was to House sit with the two dogs and Four teenage bound boys.
I was a bit late and grandma had cooked dinner for the kiddos, so I was releaved after all that work. I got here and began cleaning up the place washing dishes and Nathan the baby who is 11, pulled out immediately the chocolate chips and all the fixins for cookies.

I made the cookies with Jordan and Nancy, and Aaron the middle son helped.
It was a late night here cleaning up, then to get up around 6:00 in order to get the troups to School. The shifts were 6:50 and 8:00, but it didn't go that way NO IT DIDN't like I said unusual things happen here.

I was sound alseep, when I heard the door bell ring, Mind you its a two story house, and I was on my old mattress that was new to them but old to me but also new to me since Paul bought this for me last Christmas, and I hadn't used it much when I gave it them... sleeping like a baby for the first time since I got here, I jumped up out of bed after I heard the bell like ten times. I ran down stairs and yelled WHOS THERE???
WHOS THERE??? no answer I looked out the window still very dark outside, I peered out and it looked like a kid with a back pack on. So in my half sleepy head thoughts I thought perhaps it was one of the kids friends who walked down to spend the morning and go to school with one of them??? WRONG... It was a hispanice younger man, who was kinda cut up, and was speaking in spanish to me but very fast and I couldn't understand him.

He said he got in a tussel with four guys and needed to call the farmer he was going to work for, now this is what I thought he said??? I said no, he repeated, and I repeated no. I wasn't about to open that door and let him use the phone.

I went upstairs, got Aaron, and called him down to be with me. Then Aaron came down, but opened up the door!!!! well the story was differnent to Aaron he needed to call the police, as it was he misunderstood someone who he was suppose to be working for, only after two sherrifs came and I was beside myself being woke up at five... they took the soul off in the car, later the sherrifs called and said it was a farse. I was really worried to be honest, because after the three shifts of kids to school thing, driving two to the bus, one to school, and one to the bus again, I found a machete on the porch, and a flare. hmmmmmmm the screen was off the shop window but I found out later it was one of the kids that did that.

Wild days ok then, I rushed to pick up Clint, got to the place to finish yesterdays decor, have clint load again and then start todays. But with a new tree, I had to go and get it, then to the bank, the old house to pick up materials, then drop it all off, then begin the work on a sissor lift most of the day. We ate lunch that I bought at Costco, and continued to work non stop because i knew I had to be back to Sharons for the boys early. Clint was flying to Scottsdale for a get away.

So I rushed again got here and worked on the computer and then took them to Rockys pizza, I had abeer the kids at all you can eat, I ate two slices with them. After we went in to get beano for Mackinzee so he wouldn't fart so much.

We all came home I made them do chores, and they played and bathed and went to bed... Whewwwwwwww what a day or last two days... lets see what tommorrow will bring.

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