Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The begining of the Season

Every year about this time, I generally begin the process of preparing for all the different place's I have decorated in the past. People start calling and booking us to come and make there places perfect for the Holidays. This year has been different of course since I didn't have a phone for months and now the line is connect and back in service. People could not get a hold of us, But as soon as it got connected it began to ring.

The next few weeks will be fast and furious with preparing for the holidays and making the season work for us. We are busy... and I find that the additude of people here in the northwest is busy in general. Just those few months away from this area, or from the USA in general has allowed me to see things in a different light. The hustle and bustle of this area is really insane... my own oppinion allowed here.. I really see how people are not willing to take a moment to enjoy their surroundings and or the people who surround them. I am sure that by the time I leave again in three weeks that noone will notice that I was here and am gone again, or maybe a few. Some of my friends are so busy that there lives are actually spinning like a top and with out a break in the spin.

I remember being like that and how stressfull it was and hard it was on my health. Right now I am greatfull for the awakinging of knowing that life does not have to be so fast... just an observation, that if you slow down for a minute you might think, and see that some of the things we do here for self satisfaction is really not nessesary in the essecence of just living life.

Sunday was suppose to be a relaxed day but I spent most of the day, at this place called Noche. It is in Down town Portland Oregon and is going to be a new Latin Fusion bar. They called me to do some decor for the new look of the place. It use to be Opus one, a jazz bar for alot of years.
It seemed to go great, the meeting of the general manager the owners mom who I am friends with, who happens to work at the post office and is the assistant to the post master, whom is tryiing to repair my mail issues that has caused me more concern than I need at this point.

We were all talking and having a great time, until the other partner of the place came barrelling in and disrupted our laughter. He was upset over something, god only knows... he looked like to me a BIG DAVE HURT if any of you know who that is you know exactly what is meant by that.
A cantankerous young man, only in his 30's was so rude he didn't even say hello to any of us.

I did blurt out a hello as he was walking to the office, he responded but you could tell it was forced and not really sincere. Then the girls explained what he is about, I knew before they explained simply by looking at the man. Chalk it up to control.

The whole meeting went to hell in a matter of minutes, after he made a phone call to tattle to the other owner that we were in there dreaming up some things for the holidays, and drinking coffee, he accused us of doing something illegal, so the other owner the son of my friend called his mom and literally asked us to leave.
I was already to go before he called, because we were finished and I caught the vibes immediately.

Upon leaving an argument busted out between him and the general manager, it wasn't pretty so I do not know yet if I am doing anything for them?? I hope it smooths over. But anyway three hours of talk and imagination , to be lost! because of someone's owns unhappiness and it wasn't mine!

Monday was filled with things to do to prepare for the week, then yesterday was spent doing a couple of christmas trees. The begining of the season, of holiday decor... I probably won't even have a tree when I return to Costa Rica. Frankly I am bah humbug... I don't want one.

Today is an early one, with plenty to do... I realize I only have three weeks to get things accomplished here, and next week is spent in California, I believe. It may not be if Brandon and Sara don't get well.
Last night Bran came home with a fever, and didn't feel well at all... Now Sara when she woke is feeling the same way oh boy! I HOPE TO GOD I DON'T GET IT! but if he continues we may not leave next week.. I still have to concentrate on the sale of the house, and more... So worried about this house.

I hope I can see people before I go, but as I said in the begining, people are so busy they have no time to smell the air and see those things around them or the people around them. I tested this yesterday.
As people left the building for the night, and we were finishing up... I said good bye or hello to people and not very many people responded, they saw us but didn't react??? Curious to me that people are in this zone where its not on there agenda to repsond to people they haven't met.

That is one thing about the Costa Ricans I find very comforting. They seem to repsond to humans... if you say hello they say hello, or they say hello before you say hello, they say how are you and good day or good night or how cute you are or something... If you smile they smile.. smiling here is a effort.

I can say, that it has effected my additude, just the short time I spent. I hope I can effect others in a good way before I leave.

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