Saturday, November 12, 2005


Oh Boy the rain surely is coming down now. The rainy season here has begun, but then again I think it never ends here? The past few days has really gotten me down with the cold and all the rain. The days are so dark and cold and dreary that it makes you not want to do anything let alone work or be happy... This time last year was the onset of my wondering about Costa Rica and how I would make my adventure come true. I was morning my singleness, and worring about finances, and how I would survive the rain and doom and gloom here in Vancouver.

The thought of having to deal with one more winter here alone with out a mate or partner, and living pretty much alone with little or no company. Then dealing with a dwindling business was a huge battle of depression for me. That is when I started researching about Costa Rica and really dreaming and thinking on how I would make this adventure come true.

I knew it was going to be drastic and my thoughts were to sell everything live comfortably and invest what little I had to leave my boys something very cool when I die.

Now a year later here I am back here in Vancouver dealing with the weather and work again. This time is much better knowing I will be leaving and going to the sun and a warm climate... beaches and a beautiful land. Although its nothing like the USA, its a good feeling to be able to look forward to being warm.

I had a decent day today, It began at Jazz of course, but only after being up for hours I woke up at four am, I couldn't sleep on the couch any more... I was tossing and turning and worring about every little thing that I have to deal with while I am here. The house still not selling, the van not selling, the computer I wanted to sell that is missing the cords, and more. So I got up and got on the computer here and emailed people.

After jazzercise, I sold some more purses and watches, which I find is funny I never dreamed I would do something such as this but its fun and the women love these purses, and the watches. So its worth the effort to sell them.

At noon I had a lunch date with Barabara, my friend of a few years through work I had done for a company she previously worked for. We met at Papa Hayden on 23rd. Great place good food and wonderfull desserts.

We Sat and talked and talked and actually enjoyed our conversation and food. I really love Barb she is a very understanding, genuine and kind person. She actually has compassion for people, and tender heart which is rare these days. I referred her to Intel with Milo, so God I hope they call her and interview her for the Human resources postion in Costa Rica.

We talked for two hours seemed like such a short time but it wasn't the waitress was trying to get us to leave but I ignored her. Then when we did we went into this dress shop next door and just looked at the clothes that were priced to hog heaven.

After I drove back from Portland the traffic was pretty bad, I DONT MISS THAT AT ALL
Took more than one hour to get to Vancouver. I wasn't mad or upset... I had a pura vida additude today. Whatever happens happens and just try to go with it. Came back to Brans and Saras, and checked mail to find a letter from lucy, you know Ricky and lucy? telling me about the restuarant In Jaco.

I called Costco, and then went and picked up Tons of Christmas product to use on a new account.
The van was too full so tomorrow I will have to unload the whole thing and then go and pick up the rest. I have a full day tomorrow, with dealing with my mail that got sent back to senders because of a computer error now at the post office. Then bank dealings with my mortgage and more.

Watched the Wizard of Oz With Kelsey on my thigh, and head on the pillow and we both stared as if I had never seen it ever, it was her first time and my ummmmm probably like more than a hundred. It is absolutely one of my favorite movies. I remember being a little older than her when I saw it about four times, and sang the song all the way to bus stop, Follow the yellow brick road Follow the yellow brick road. This movie does stand for many things to me... Following after what you want and not being defeated by any foe or adversity that comes your way.

It was cute, I talked to Milo during some of it and we discussed his girls all being in Alburqurque to see his mother who is not doing well, I can hear it in his voice that he is tired and worried too.

I feel bad about this, as I know how it feels to loose your mother, when that day comes to those of us who are very attached or close to their mom, it is an extremly sorrowful time. Some of us still after many years morn the loss of our moms. I am one... who many times have cried alone wishing I had her her to hear her laugh, to taste her food, laugh at her quick wit and to enjoy her wisdom. Mothers to some are not so dear, the relationships are strained, but mine was a very good one. I had a wonderfull mother, who had her mean disposition at times, but for the most part was a wonderfull lady and the older I get the more I realize how very smart she was and how I wished I had listened more to her.

I know that Milo is feeling already the sadness of the possiblity of losing his mom. I pray that god gives him courage to smile and make her laugh the best he can while she is still here.

What a wonderfull family he has that they all came to see her and be there with her for a while.

I am glad I met him.

Tonight I made Chicken tacos, for the kids it was delicious, May be a good receipe for the future! Then when I talked to Milo he told me he ate Chicken Tacos tonight too? wierd ok..

I was thinking about Becky tonight when I was making those.. I hope she is ok thats my sister. I haven't heard from her in a while.

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