Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Well, I landed a nice little landscape job this morning at 7:30 am. It is for a developer, around his pool.Were going to build a shower and toilet outside, a play area for the children with sand box and grass. It will have a waterfall into the pool, with plantings all around the waterfall.
Lots of tropical large plants almost fully grown and lighting so at night it looks super cool.
It will be a challenge but I know I can do it.
We both are very happy that this happened today.
Also I may have a buyer for one of my computers..
Everyday is new, something changes daily.

Last night Spent four hours writing, the history of my career I want to try to finish this book in a month. It will be interesting I hope, lots of details about inside secrets and stories that no one knows about.

I went of course to my buddies Rosie's I don't have Internet at my house only the office, and the office is far to drive.
So off to the coffee shop I go sit for hours and talk to Americans, Europeans, and more... plus write and drink great coffee.Rosie was busy working, it rained really hard,amazing how it is here. Rain and no one around the moment it stops the place is full, and late at night too???
People just stay up late and get up early here..
I went home ate some cheese and crackers, BAD before bed oh boy! not good but I was so hungry I only ate a little during the day not much money.
So today when I woke up I felt so guilty for that.BAD GIRL BAD.... made some coffee in the morning put on the makeup and got ready said my prayers and left for the job at 7:30.YES I LANDED IT!!!
Hard here but some how a way opened up... now I just want the flood gates to open. I just feel like I need a break in life.
Those that only read, have no clue who or what I am do not know my history in work.
My life has been filled with hard intense laborious work. Now its not as much labor but still hard. Just a few good projects could set me up for a few years.Making my life a little bit easier.
Although I live simple, it would be nice to have a few more conveniences.
I am a happy girl t0day because of new work!

Thank GOD for the opportunity of new work.

1 comment:

Laurre said...

I wonder if you know how many people are reading this and enjoying hearing about your life. I think you are very courageous and also a lot of fun! Keep us in the loop, Linda A.