Sunday, September 23, 2007


The weekend came and still no new jobs, Cristhian is depressed I can not blame him.I feel like I have let him and myself down. I have emailed and called but no one is responding. It is just slow here very very bad. I spent Friday just trying to get the car in shape, and working some for Nelson at this new place. At least after this We both felt better about things. He treated us to food, and drinks it made the day less of a worry. Later that evening I fell off to sleep, I had a date with Gerson one of Nelsons friends as a dance partner. Not a date date but a dance date only... He is gay! so that should explain why. He is Colombian and is a terrific dancer and loves the way I dance as well.

But I feel off to sleep, I woke up around 9:45 and ran to the shower and got all ready. By the time I got all already it was about 10:45 almost 11:00. here that is still early believe it or not. I went to Rosie's she was busy then i walked to the Jungle to meet Gerson, but they were doing Karaoke, so I walked back down to another placed watched a video for 30 minutes and then walked back. The place was packed now and no more singing... But Gerson was not there. I ended up just dancing no drinking only dancing, made my spirit feel so much better. It is my only outlet right now, and it sure is a great form of exercise. I had many takers one individual whom I danced with a couple of months ago was very jealous of any one else wanting to dance with me, but i carried on and ignored the fact that he was becoming very possessive of me. I saw victor a friend of mine and a few other people. I saw Cristhian as well but he was reclusive in the corner and was not dancing or talking. Only drinking his beer. He did talk to me a little but generally he acts like he doesn't know me for fear another woman might think were together! WHATEVER!!!
I left with Jessica my Colombian gal friend and Juan Carlos my Tico friend and walked to Nachos, but I was tired and went right home, it was last like 2:30.
I saw Cristhian sitting outside. HE heard me say we were going there I think he is having issues with his mind at the moment.
He just sat and looked When I walked by I said good by, he watched me go in the taxi and never even waved.
Then Sat we both went and took a few things out of the office, it may be i closing it. I can not afford it any longer. He was argumentative, and did not want to do a thing... maybe hung over???
I dropped him off early, like around noon, then dropped off the car to the wash. I wanted him to pick it up and park it and put a for sale sign on it so i can get rid of it buy something else more useful.
But he said you do it.. of course most of our conversations are in Spanish.
I left the car, took a taxi to the house then got a text message saying he would take care of it?? ok I just got my things and walked to town ands talk to someone about selling one of my computers. I need help right now and selling a resource is maybe an answer temporarily. I have a couple of computers so that should be a little help.
I walked later to Eidas and visited with her, she encouraged me to write a book, another friend of mine said the same thing.
I already started it little did she know???
But we talked and tried to come up with fast money making ideas.
Later Cristhian called with the car came to Edias and asked me to fix dinner again... lately likes my food, plus I know its free for him.. I am such a soft heart.
I fixed dinner he came ate, but was grouchy, and a little rude.
He left shortly after, I slept and woke up this morning at five. Why I have no clue but forced myself to stay in bed till 7:00, made coffee. Then ate some komplete, watched American news, then started writting.

Now i am at Rosie's internetting and going to go the beach for a couple of hours, then belly dancing.
Rosie is never here on Sunday's its just the girls that know me and now lots of Americans eating and talking. Its hot but over cast, great day for the beach!

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