Saturday, September 01, 2007

Beautiful Day!

Esterillos house
This is just a couple of views of the house, the stools and most to the things were made for the house its not like the USA

After the roof with palms were put on its pretty now!

This is the house in Esterillios it has four bedrooms and it is for rent for vacations. This is before the landscape and the roof I had done

The past two days have been simply beautiful, We worked on the house in Esterillos it sits right on the beach and I swear its the most peacefull, beautiful place ever. I would give my left arm to live in Esterillos.. But the past Thursday night was the worst. I was suppose to have dinner with a friend who was cooking for me at 7:00, I got a call from him asking If I was coming for sure. I said yes and he continued to tell me he was preping for the dinner.

Well this storm blew in like ten minutes or less after he called. It blew and rained and well the lights went out in the whole town. NOT A BIT OF LIGHT anywhere. Well that lasted for some Two hours. I thought to myself well he has to have gas, everyone here cooks with Gas they rarely use electric stoves. So I decided to go in the rain storm to his place which is on the beach and down the narrow alley.

So I put my makeup on and got ready in the candle light. Got in the car, well my aircondition in the car is broke and that means there is not defroster or de humidifier for the windows so I put the windows down some and try to get the windows so you could see. Its warm so all the windows are fogged up. I had a towel so I kept driving and wipeing and well it was miserable rain was coming in. But I tried to find his place, Well I got there and the gates were shut, I know there electric so Those were not going to open. I honked and yelled and then tried my best to see with all the windows fogged, to back down this alley that is just wide enough for the car.

Kevin lives down the road from Dave,so I drove to his house in the total dark. We sat in the dark for another hour.

Later I got dressed when the lights came on and went to my friends birthday party. I had no way to call my date and tell him, he does not have a phone. I had told him earlier in the day about after dinner going with me to this birthday party so he knew where I was going to be.

It was a nice party live music in a place called the Cantina across from the Aqua project on the beach. Very fresh and cool that night. But the power went out again later.

I went dancing later with friends and got home very later

But the next day Yesterday was soooooooooooooo beautiful! and today too. I have never felt it so cool here and so pretty today was beautiful as well.
Cristhian and I had our breakfast and coffee on a log on the beach in front of the house. It was so nice the breeze was actually cool today and it was so clear the ocean bright blue.
We then worked with the guys on the garden just instructing them on where to move things and cleaning it up getting ready for the remodle.
At noon we stopped that is my schedule on Sat. The guys rode with me and I paid them, Cristhian when to Bootie Call or Puriscal again.. Normal weekend for him.
I am not going to Manuel alone I decided not too, so I have nothing to do this weekend at all. Maybe something will come up!

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