Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How good it feels to sleep when it is raining

I took the bus home yesterday and went to the little soda where I ate alone and very little. I knew I had to eat but just had no desire to eat.From there I walked home and changed my clothes. Laid on the sofa and the rain began. I heard the phone but I ignored it. Soon I was sleeping sound but could hear the thunder in the background. It is very loud here, the rain comes and cools down things a little but it is still warm out. I actually had the air conditioning on so I could rest comfortably.
Maybe two to three hours past when I heard the phone, It was Cristhian calling from his mothers in the mountain. He said he rained too hard and he prefer to come back today on the bus when it wasn't so bad. He said it took three hours and a half to San Jose. Normally it is two hours. So what could I say no come back now.. I kinda knew he was going to his Moms, because the day before he said the roads were bad this weekend when he went to visit and he didn't see his mother. So that was fine, he actually talk to me for while and was concerned about what I was doing and how I was feeling.
That really made me feel wanted and good. His mother invited me to her house to stay for a couple of days so maybe in a few weeks I will venture up there when the car is repaired.
She insisted that I stay with her. She really likes me allot I can tell. Cristhian sure was concerned? he ask everything I did which I thought was strange but happy that maybe he cared.

When I hung up Kevin called me Clint's friend... he was sad and we talked for like a half an hour.
I remembered then that Victor a friend of mine was celebrating his birthday and had invited me to the party.So now it was like 10:00 I changed my clothes and caught a pirate cab that is very cheap for five hundred colones which is less than a dollar. Went to Rosie's and waited for her to go to Victors. We all went lots of people were there dancing and happy with horns and party decorations. Of course everyone drinking.. but not me. I just don't feel good but I danced twice and and talked to everyone. It was a very nice party.
Came home super hungry, but I only had some Ritz in the house so I ate like four and went to bed. I woke so late today.
No desire to get up.. But I forced myself to shower and go.

I heard about the interest rates cuts on the news and how the stocks were up so maybe that will have an effect on my business here now! I sure hope something changes.
There are so many people doing design work here now that Its really hard. But I know my landscapes are beautiful, I hope this is the key to support me for a while.
Cristhian is still not back with the parts yet its now 12:20.

I walked to town, ate an egg some rice and two slices of tomato then walked to the bus stop. Rode the bus to Herradura and walked to the office about a block of so. When I came in Manolo my artist Friend who lives here from Spain came in to visit me he tried to cheer me up and said not to worry it will be OK your super good Marianna he bragged to his brother about me.The thing is when people do that, and I know i have accomplished much really in my life, an yet I struggle with hardships... I feel so dumb and so not worthy when people brag about what I can do. In other words I feel foolish to be in the position I am in if I am so dang good? and there telling someone I am so good ya know?
I can't explain it but it seems redundant.
Anyhow I am here for a few hours, Rodrigo asked me to place mirrors in the clothing boutique for him today and help with the placement of the plants.
I have no plans for the evening, simply straighten up my place and cleaning a little. Nothing more.

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