Monday, August 13, 2007

Back home in Costa Rica

I am very happy to be back, the weather was too much for me.. and people too. I enjoy a simpler life here, although just for the record.

A Blog is a Blog... its about the person, self absorbed or not.. its the person them self and the people surrounding them, there daily habits, goings on or off.
Swill if it will and inspiration sometimes to others I do not claim to be perfect.
Take it or leave it its my Blog. I feel if your offended by the thoughts I have and I write honestly about it... then please don't read on and do not continue to read. You all have a right to your own opinion.

About the fat comment, I know your reading it must be a family member or someone who thinks there family. Yes I was fat almost my whole life... I battled with the fat regardless of how little I ate and how hard I worked out. I had three surgeries which left horrible scars and bad bad sagging enormous amounts of skin. I wanted this surgery for years.

Do not put me down for my ability to finally do it and or my happiness about it. It has inspired me to be more in control of how much I eat. I have lost more weight than ever. I am feeling very good about my body and my mind. I will not allow someone who does not have the balls to tell me who they are when they slam me to take me to a downer over my conquest of weight!
When I was a heavy set girl, woman... I was depressed seeing other people who were extremely over weight. I had been teased, made fun of, and cruelty was put upon me for MANY MANY YEARS about it I hated me especially me and... now I am sad for them and it makes me understand why some people have the problem. You can do something about it... no matter what it is there is a solution.

This is true of all things there are solutions! Troubles do not follow you they exist in our imperfect world. If you have no troubles you are a liar... everyone has some sort of problem. I am just not afraid to talk about mine or share them. Maybe it helps someone... maybe it makes me see clearly on how to solve them? or maybe its a cathartic way to to air them and be free of them? Who is to judge, lest you be god? I have troubles but honestly, I came to Costa Rica for a freshening and It has happened! I feel better than ever... I look better than ever.. and I really feel sorry for those of you who get pleasure in saying things that are basically mean.

Yes I do not like screaming kids, I suppose everyone is ok with sitting next to this except me? if so oh well its my flaw. I do not like hyped up screaming kids. Not even my own when they screamed. I was very upset and tried to make them be quiet.

As far as being mean to my son and his girlfriend? Who are you that you think you know so much about me? Identify yourself..

This is all really a part of my life here, the Blog was intended for those who actually know me little and my family to keep up with what i am doing.

But the family rarely writes, or tries to keep in touch. Now only a few of the people I know in the USA keep in touch.

I have made a choice to be here health wise, and mentally and I am doing just fine. I feel sad at moments missing my children, but When I left this last time. I knew that things really do not change unless you make them change. I made a change...if they come and visit GREAT! I worked hard my whole life supporting them with no help. I did the best I could for them... running a business and raising two boys. That tough situation made me who I am. I can change my thoughts, I can change my form of conversation and I can change how I speak to people nice or mean... I can change my body and my mind, but the person that came from having to struggle her whole life basically on her own will not change the strong self based person she is.

My world is small, I have no family here, I have Two sons, who we barely communicate. I have two sisters who I rarely talk to not of my doing. Their choice.. to busy and maybe jealous too? I have a brother who doesn't communicate with hardly any of us. That is it... I do not have a lover or a male friend, or a boyfriend or husband/ mate so my writing is about my feelings and my thoughts.

I have a complicated personality I know this.. my inner self is frustrated at times with the outer. NORMAL!
Aside from all this rot...

I love Costa Rica with its pitfalls, robbery, poverty and ICE controlling everything. But there is so much more than these few bad situations. I feel alive here, the people are friendly. the men are help full, the women are beautiful, the food is clean. The jungle the mountains the birds, the trees the flowers, the scenery is incredible. The beaches are amazing. And for me that is all that it takes. YES it would be nice to have my family here... but obviously its not a priority to visit. Maybe some day they will?

Until then I continue to write my blog, If your offended DON'T READ.!

Tomorrow I have great photos of things from here and my grandson who is the most adorable ever... sweet personality gentle spirit, and pretty eyes.I pray god takes care of him.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Hello Marianna,

I have been following your blog for quite sometime and must say I was shocked and appalled by your last entry. How could anyone attack you like that?

You have been an honest, open, caring, beautiful person and do not deserve such comments. You are obviously handling it the best way you can, but I want you to know there are people out here who find you an inspiration.

