Friday, August 24, 2007

Feeling better

I am feeling a little better still coughing and my chest is horrible but I suppose the sleep I got last night helped.
Kevin and I had planned on being together missing Clint of course! our plan was to go out dancing. Kevin is an excellent dancer so It may be he is my dance partner. Although I dance with many people... but that was the plan.
I came home after being at Rosie's for a while. I talked to Dave my Friend from USA, and then John from the USA Rosie said what is this your mating Ground? I cracked up no it was just coincidence... but it was nice to have visitors! they both are nice guys..
I came home took a shower, put a facial on, laid on the sofa which is this beautiful rich leather soft and cuddly.. watched a little TV and waited for Kevin, Clint's friend to come by at Ten.

Well I woke up at 1:45 and was shocked I slept all that time!!! In the morning I messaged Kevin in Spanish where the heck where you and what happened... he said he laid down for five minutes to rest and slept like till one, also his room mate they both woke up and was mad and he thought I was mad at him. But I thought I miss him and didn't hear the gate buzzer because I was asleep.. so no dancing no exercise this week GOD I need to go the gym bad... I love to dance its the best form for me of exercise.. so maybe tonight after dinner with John I can sneak away and go!

Today was early rising, 6:30 made coffee, cut the pina that Cristhian brought me last week.. I watch Regis and Kelly and relaxed then the buzzer rang it was Kevin in the morning. So we visited and had coffee it was nice.

I hate being alone I just hate it... its so hard for me.
I guess cause I am such a social person. I do not really need people but I need the people if you what I mean? I am strong I can be alone have for a long time but honestly I do not like Eating alone, being alone watching TV alone working alone.. none of that.. I guess I do need people? but I handle it ok if you know what I mean?

We have work again at the house in Esterillos the people loved what I did and asked for more so today we go and install some shelves, and prepare for the patio furniture I ordered yesterday to be delivered tomorrow.

Its very hot again today, my air condition in the car is now broke I will not work, I checked the fuses its not that it must be a line or something because I had it all repaired some months back.. DAMN TORTUGA!!! I want a new truck bad.. Just wish some of these golden carrots would materialize.

I had the hair so dang cute the way I use to wear it in the states all flipped up and in Ten minutes with no air it is wild like a lion now... god the whole day looking like a lion should be interesting.
With the humidity here and the heat its impossible to be beautiful. Ever since I was very young I always took care of my hair, my makeup and my clothes. It was bred in me. My mother liked nice things, and always when were little dressed all us girls alike, hair beautiful my mine was the worst of all us. STRAIGHT and does not liked to be curled. She would rag roll it and make it stay in for a day,take it down and twenty minutes later STRAIGHT AS A BOARD... some people die for this, but I like a little body in mine. It is funny all women the same really we never like what god has given us, those of us with straight hair hate it those of us with Curly hate it never happy huh?

I know dumb girl talk, but it is something I have to deal with constant. and Men notice when a woman takes care.
Well it is the end of the week again, I think time flies lately I wish it would slow down honestly. Although its nice on the weekend here. I only do a little work on Sat and always always always take Sunday to just play or do nothing. Rest, cook or find something interesting to do. But this weekend no plans, I do not think I want to go the beach after last weeks baking in the oven on Sunday.. maybe a week of not laying out would be called for so the skin can rest.
I may go up with John this weekend and see the sunset from the plane. He asked me again last night. Said the fuel line was plugged last week and that was the cause of the engine stalling. We will see!

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