Sunday, August 05, 2007

Here in the Cold DrearyVancouver Washington

Left on Weds, to stay in a hotel there in San Jose so I could Fly out on Thursday early am.
I made it just in time I had five minutes to board at 7:00. The flight was full and I had to sit next to two small children and mom who was feeding them skittles at that early morning hour.. what was she thinking? these kids were so hyped up and screaming allot on this flight. After about 15 minutes the mom could see I was annoyed with their behaviour she called the attendant over, ( I had already asked if I could be moved) and asked if there was another place where they could be alone? he told me there was a seat in the back and it was open. So I moved and had some peace for a while. I didn't sleep I just thought and looked out the window as these two heavy set girls from Texas jabbered and laughed the whole flight.

In Houston, it was a four hour layover. I had a hard time getting my huge trunk off the carousel, it almost knocked me over and not one man offered help. Different from Costa Rica, some one would have jumped in and helped. I was a little offended honestly .. It was evident I was struggling and I am serious it almost knocked me over but not one person offered a hand.

I stayed for four hours, drank a couple of Caparinia's and talked to a couple of people.

The flight to Portland was fun, I sat in the wrong seat purposely, because this cute woman was sitting in the corner of the very back of the plane. I sat on the aisle, then this nice man came and said I had his seat... I moved over next to her then told them we were a team. Then another guy came and said we were in his seat but I didn't move they placed in in another.. I said to these guys really what does it matter where you sit were all going to the same place, and besides all the seats are the same!!! we had the best time. We all talked and laughed and Henry the man next to me had a Ball with the two of us.

Nice time on the plane, Brandon And Sara picked me up outside the airport after I got all my luggage which was only a carry on and a trunk.

Friday we landscaped the back yard for the party.. Brandon and I, gravel, plants bark dust, laid a stone bench all around a patio area and got a fire pit. I screwed lattice to the bottom of the deck while Sara later shoveled rock around the edges.

Sat I went to Jazzercise it was fun I miss it so much I WISH WE HAD IT IN COSTA RICA.. then I went to shop, but I was getting really sick. I didn't feel good when I left and the plane air only made me more ill. I have been coughing and hacking and weasing. It is so Cold here it feels like fall.. Not summer at all.
So Yeah I got sick and spent the afternoon yesterday in Kelsey's bed for about two hours sleeping.I got up and went to the store to buy somethings to complete my recipes for the dessert I wanted to make and side dish.

Everyone showed up early, it was kinda cool out we had the fire pit going it was a nice party. But mostly all the people left early.
Some spent the night, and lots of kids were here about 8. It was a bit wild in the morning.
I am tired, I think today we were suppose to go out on the boat, but I may go and see my other son and grandson.
There is no real communication between the two, its a strained situation because of the women. Its a long story.... So I have to be careful about what I say to one and the other. I love my sons both, and its hard for me to be divided.

BUT..other than this boring story I am ok, and know for sure I will never live here again. I like my hot climate, the dark skinned people.. the clean food. (I have had a stomach ache since arrive in the states.) The beach... I miss my children, but this is so much better for my mind and heart. At least this time Brandon and I have talked some.. more than the last. I think he is getting use to the idea that I live so far. He has been sweet.

I want them to come and visit maybe at Christmas? that would be fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.