Saturday, August 25, 2007

Still sick

Thought I was better yesterday, but last night was horrible.. bad tummy issues. I felt really sick this morning when I got up. I had to go to Esterillos again for the house we have been working on. The people want some more things taken care of, so I needed to be out there before nine. But I sure felt crappy in every sense of the word!

I did have a nice evening last night, at least for a while. I Can not say who I was with he asked me not too, but it was nice for the most part.
We had a glass of wine first at my place, then went to the Copa Cabana where the food was terrific, it sits on the beach and has a really nice garden. It didn't end out well. I started feeling sick, but that was not the issue. The dinner went perfect the conversation was good. Then it went sideways at Rosie's. I suppose he was bored, as he said and well the whole conversation with he, I and Rosie was not that coherent.
So to sum it up he left.

Things not to do on a first Date:

Actually this was the second!
First date:he had asked me for dinner, then When I showed up there was a couple with him, which turned out fine because I just went along and didn't show that I felt that was not right on the first date? My opinion don't invite friends.Si o No?

Try not to talk about your ex's or your girlfriend you have now, or did have recently. This really is a turn off for me and many other people I have asked how they felt about that sort of conversation in the beginning

Although I can relate to any age and age is sometimes irrelevant to things, I personally do not like to be asked how old I am four or five times during dinner.

Retro is nice, when its retro.. but I live in 2007 at least live in the era( I am not that hip but I do like to be in tune and up with the era)

I know it sounds mean but these are things men do that are really a bad thing when your first dating. I hate dating, But what to do?

Sooooo it was a not so good night. My stomach after was a wreck, I did not sleep well at all last night.
I ate a little this morning some pinto, two eggs and one toast. I came home mid day to rest, feeling peunie... I laid on the sofa and listen to the hard rain, and its been raining all day extremely hard. I can not believe I have a sweater on today. Not once have ever worn a sweater here. I got a call from my Colombino Client who is opening the clothin boutique. He wanted me to select the colors for the store right now. So I got up got myself half way together and rain down the hardware store.

After I decided to come here, its so dreary here similar to Vancouver and now its chilly oh god did I bring this back with me some how?
I have no plans for tonight I think just rest watch a movie eat some popcorn and sleep.
Tomorrow I have work too and its Sunday, My furnishings I ordered were not finished because of the rain, and the Colombiano wants me to sample walls to see which color to put where?
Cristhian left for Puriscal, His usual trip every weekend. I have been calling it Bootie call sounds similar and its significant to how he returns. Pronouced Pooodiscal.

It is Because he comes back, with hickies on his neck every dang weekend. Clint said when I was in the USA he did not return with them but before I went and after I have gotten back he has them. He goes, plays soccer, visits family ,friends, drinks at the local watering hole, and I am sure picks up on the American Tourists gals that work in some of the eco farms that are located near his house.

I talk to Clint yesterday, hes sad and is missing us already and the weather.. but its ugly here to, I wont dare tell him.

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