Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clint is gone now

The past weekend was hot here wow! I stayed home Saturday night and slept hard I have not being feeling well for several days now. Sunday Morning Clint wanted to go on the beach early. We had a surf tournament triple crown here in Jaco, the first was in Esterillos, the second was in Hermosa and final was on the beach here in Jaco. So.. I told Clint lets go and watch and see what is happening!

We left about 10:00 am and parked the car near Rosie's on the main strip here in the central Jaco. We walked down this little alley that is lined with Bananas and palms that leads right to the beach front. At ten it was already blazing. We stopped and got water, some yogurt and just snacks to have while we all sunbathed. Kevin , Clint's friend, Clint and I, all laid out and watched the action.
There were lots of people the skies for the first time in a week were absolutely Clear and blue. It was hot, there was a radio station parked near us and played very good music so it was fun to listen and watch all the people on the beach. We played in the surf and danced and laid out watched and watched what fun it was.... BUT

Well We all didn't know now hot it was??? I got total scorched.. my face has bumps all over it and it feels like a crock! My lips are horrible, and my chest looks like a crock UGLY!! oh god I hope it heals and doesn't damage the skin bad. Also I felt sun stroke, I was sick to my stomach, and feverish.
For four days now all of us have been sick, Clint the worst. Me I can hardly talk my voice is shot , don't know why? my body hurts, my head and my stomach. After Clint and I went to Jaco Taco, a new Mexican restaurant that has a great view of this beautiful field next to the beach. I had a margarita, and carne asada tacos.. wow the salsa taste so good! it is because here they do not put much flavor in the food and I love hot things!!
So I ate a bunch of salsa... Clint too. I got a call from a new American friend who is a pilot here for tours. He asked me to go up alone with him and see the sunset. At first I thought good idea! but after the day in the sun and not feeling so well, I thought hmmm I better not. Also I just didn't feel right about going up that day..

Well it turns out that was a good decision, he went up alone and the plane lost a motor. Should I had been in this small plane it was very possible that it would have crashed in the trees. He called me to tell me I had good intuitions and he wanted to get me know me better.. that he felt it was surely a good decision on my part.
I GUESS SO!!! anyway we all didn't know how burnt or how hot that sun was.

I had to drive Clint yesterday to the airport, he returned to the USA for God Only knows how long?

He has no idea how hes getting back but did say he could not live in the USA any more after his experiences here. I didn't think he would say this since in the beginning he was so unsure of this country and how the people are and well the system is so different.

But now he is sure, he said there is no comparison, that he is so depressed in Vancouver Washington, and he has no reason to stay there except his house that needs to be sold. His car that he wants to sell and his furniture.
So I guess he is going to do the same thing as me. Pick up stakes and move here.
Its all good, for now anyhow?

The drive coming back from San Jose was horrible, the rain was hard and you could hardly see the road during the evening hours. Trees were falling, rocks coming down on the road and waterfalls on all sides to say the least I was a little scared and nervous. But I made it back safe and sound.
I was sick last night I laid around trying to feel better but woke this morning to feeling the same.
The face is better but not much.
I have no excitement this week to talk about yet.. Still trying to get jobs nothing yet?? I hope something comes soon.

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