House sitting was not on my resume when I came back to Vancouver to work but it is what I have been doing the past couple of days here along with Decorating for Christmas. It's not Thanksgiving yet and I probably done ten trees, numerous displays, one show, and many silk arrangements for display in a design store. Never did I think I would be house sitting too?
Sharon asked me last week if I would watch her Four teenage minus one is 11, boys for a few days and I have, its over now. They were kinda fun actually.
My dog Mackinzee now lives there with the boys and another dog Bailey, a girl so Mac and Bale are buddys and the boys are all a part of the gang.
Today Clint was in Scottsdale on a mini vacation so he asked me to sit at his house too! Now im watching Wolfe, and hanging out with him. He is a cute doggie, but not real smart.
I finished up the kitty delima, and got that all done, went to market, and jazz this morning which was fun I was really into, but Connie put a squelch on it at the very end.
Her additude towards me really sucks, I do not understand how someone who are professional, a shrink to be exact, can be so blately rude and mean? Backing up my oppinons about peoples additudes here in the states. I was a happy girl dancing and laughing and whopping and a hollering and really enjoying the music and the work out, she was in front of me... I guess maybe I irritated her? who knows it could be anything with her! but I didn't notice it bothering her at all, untill the end when I was getting coffee and everyone was talking to me, and other people .
I saw her and smiled real big and said Hi CONNIE!! and she literally mocked me sqwinched her face up and made a fake smile purposely. Made me sad after that... I was being sincere, some people have a way of making others feel really Crapy and this one can be as sharp as knife, cutting you to the bone with one fell swoop.
She doesn't need my friendship now that I have moved on to a different less glamorous life, and from that one little incident I realized that what I was before was as symbol possibly to her and now I am an anoyance.
Move on Myrn is what I told myself, I then went to market after that, and found myself again in another hatefull situation, someone said something , or some kind of misunderstanding about something I have no idea what really happened although I tried to ask the lady at the Portland Market, why she would say to me your not welcome here??? I was puzzeled? but continued to say may I pick up my order?? Then she said leave now!!! I said please tell me what I did? she said Im calling security!!! I wasn't scared I actually thought she was kidding then I saw the look on the helpers face and I knew she was serious... so I just walked off in shock and almost cried.
Thought about it for awhile, then told myself no your not going to let this get you down and your not going to fall into this. I can say this and people will agree if they are in the industry, that this a dog eat dog business, and the people who work it are mostly angry and very hatefull.
I have had in my almost 28 years of this work a few jealousy situations, and mean things done to me because of talent and looks. Wierd but it happens, I thought no its not me some people are just never happy and they tend to find anything they can to make others miserable, like Connie,
This woman was the same...I really did want to cry but I thought hell with it... I will glady take my business elsewhere! ON TO BETTER SUBJECTS!!
House sitting and Decoratin does sound like a country song and Wouldn't it be funny. Sara should sing it maybe Brandon and I could write it! As long as they don't sing it all the way to California this week.
We are going to California, Fresno actually to see some family for the holiday. I do believe I may see an old friend of my Lisa, might be the last time for a long time. So the next few days I will be working hard to install the hotels and get some more holiday work done before we leave.
Brandon and Sara love to sing and I do too, so does Kelsey but They got into this country mode which anoys me, as I really hate country but there are some songs that are ok... I just know there going to have me hanging my head out of the car half way there just to stop hearing it.
In the next few days I have to write a story for the Columbian news paper on Christmas, so I have get some ideas together soon, and send it. It will be published in December, but due a few days. Then when I return to Costa Rica I will be doing some work for AM COSTA RICA, a publication there too! should be interesting.. don't Know what I will say but then again I never know! it just flys out sometimes.
I think tomorrow I will go with Jordan and Nancy to Costco, to buy diapers then to The new Harry potter movie. Jordan really needs a computer so he can keep in touch with me, but no way can I buy it and they can't aford it on there budget... Can't wait to see Julian.
In the Evening Sara and Brandon are having this spice party, its like lingere, and other personal stuff so I may just go over there to see what its all about?
Saturday, November 19, 2005
House sittin n decoratin that sounds like a country song
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Ok lets say that last couple of days have been very colorful and filled with unusual things happening.
The fact that people are oblivious to most others is still a topic of subject here, but aside from that reality of people being dead to the world... things here have been very strange the past couple of days.
I had to leave Brandon and Saras, for Work, and upon the arrival of the storage unit, for this place, we smelled something very awefull and very strong. like dead carcus?? I dunno. But we proceeded to ramble through all the boxes, and move all the Holiday junk from one side to another in order to see what was there to use in this one building that we were doing today. The smell got stronger and stronger, and I was wanting to gag bad, I had to cover my nose so I wouldn't puke...
Clint and I loaded the Van with stuff and made the first trip, I hauled and loaded and unloaded like a little burro, this is all part of Decorating, incase some of you have this wise idea to go out and begin to do Holiday work, FORGET IT UNLESS YOUR A WORK HORSE!! Capable of working long hours with out eating or tiring, able to lift very heavy objects, have design skills purchasing skills, creative inventiveness, and conceptualizations skills, then after your all done hauling and loading and lifting that barge and toteing that bale... be creative enough to execute the ideas you have. ok enough of that soap box!
As we began the process of this site, we just kept complaining to each other about the smell??? Curious to me as in all these years of doing holiday decor I do not think I have come across this.
Got into the great gobs of Garlands to hang on the staircases with lights, well lights did not work, this is a common occurance in this work. Got it sort of figured out.
Clint has little techinal or mechanical skills so generally thats my job too to trouble shoot, to find the problem and solve it. So I began the ever hated process of finding the missing bulb. When I smelled something again bad.
I saw it it was cat pee or poop or something cat on it and in fact all over it, as we got into more things we found it was on most of it! YUK! I WAS SO GROSSED OUT... but continued as a professional, and sprayed the heck out of it with areosol.
Well as time went on and we dug further into the unit, We saw lots of Carpet piled on the two beautiful 12 foot expensive trees with lights. AND THE SMELL GOT WORSE. IT WAS DEAD ALRIGHT as we pulled out the trees there it was........ Ten dead kittens, decomposed into the trees.
A cat obviously got into the unit magically how I do not know... no openings anywhere. Then peed and pooped then had babies, cried allot and someone let her out not knowing that she had kittens in there. Someone told us during the day that a few weeks ago they heard a cat back there and they called security to see. So that is what I surmized.
Well My friend Barbara, who is but not working right now A humun resources director, decided to come to my aide for the very first time to help out and see what I really do. She has seen the finish process many times and she knows what I am capable of but never really was on the job and helped. So this was shock to me and her and all of us to see THIS TERRIBLE DISASTER!
GOD WHO WOULD KNOW? that she would come and this would happend guess what? she is allergic to cats! GEzZZZZZZZZZZ o pete.
Well needless to say this put a whole big kink in our work all day. We did manage to complete somethings and get the place looking like Christmas aside from the kittydrama.
Later in the evening Jordan and Nancy and Julian showed up to lend a hand and then followed me out to Sharons where I was to House sit with the two dogs and Four teenage bound boys.
I was a bit late and grandma had cooked dinner for the kiddos, so I was releaved after all that work. I got here and began cleaning up the place washing dishes and Nathan the baby who is 11, pulled out immediately the chocolate chips and all the fixins for cookies.
I made the cookies with Jordan and Nancy, and Aaron the middle son helped.
It was a late night here cleaning up, then to get up around 6:00 in order to get the troups to School. The shifts were 6:50 and 8:00, but it didn't go that way NO IT DIDN't like I said unusual things happen here.
I was sound alseep, when I heard the door bell ring, Mind you its a two story house, and I was on my old mattress that was new to them but old to me but also new to me since Paul bought this for me last Christmas, and I hadn't used it much when I gave it them... sleeping like a baby for the first time since I got here, I jumped up out of bed after I heard the bell like ten times. I ran down stairs and yelled WHOS THERE???
WHOS THERE??? no answer I looked out the window still very dark outside, I peered out and it looked like a kid with a back pack on. So in my half sleepy head thoughts I thought perhaps it was one of the kids friends who walked down to spend the morning and go to school with one of them??? WRONG... It was a hispanice younger man, who was kinda cut up, and was speaking in spanish to me but very fast and I couldn't understand him.
He said he got in a tussel with four guys and needed to call the farmer he was going to work for, now this is what I thought he said??? I said no, he repeated, and I repeated no. I wasn't about to open that door and let him use the phone.
I went upstairs, got Aaron, and called him down to be with me. Then Aaron came down, but opened up the door!!!! well the story was differnent to Aaron he needed to call the police, as it was he misunderstood someone who he was suppose to be working for, only after two sherrifs came and I was beside myself being woke up at five... they took the soul off in the car, later the sherrifs called and said it was a farse. I was really worried to be honest, because after the three shifts of kids to school thing, driving two to the bus, one to school, and one to the bus again, I found a machete on the porch, and a flare. hmmmmmmm the screen was off the shop window but I found out later it was one of the kids that did that.
Wild days ok then, I rushed to pick up Clint, got to the place to finish yesterdays decor, have clint load again and then start todays. But with a new tree, I had to go and get it, then to the bank, the old house to pick up materials, then drop it all off, then begin the work on a sissor lift most of the day. We ate lunch that I bought at Costco, and continued to work non stop because i knew I had to be back to Sharons for the boys early. Clint was flying to Scottsdale for a get away.
So I rushed again got here and worked on the computer and then took them to Rockys pizza, I had abeer the kids at all you can eat, I ate two slices with them. After we went in to get beano for Mackinzee so he wouldn't fart so much.
We all came home I made them do chores, and they played and bathed and went to bed... Whewwwwwwww what a day or last two days... lets see what tommorrow will bring.
The fact that people are oblivious to most others is still a topic of subject here, but aside from that reality of people being dead to the world... things here have been very strange the past couple of days.
I had to leave Brandon and Saras, for Work, and upon the arrival of the storage unit, for this place, we smelled something very awefull and very strong. like dead carcus?? I dunno. But we proceeded to ramble through all the boxes, and move all the Holiday junk from one side to another in order to see what was there to use in this one building that we were doing today. The smell got stronger and stronger, and I was wanting to gag bad, I had to cover my nose so I wouldn't puke...
Clint and I loaded the Van with stuff and made the first trip, I hauled and loaded and unloaded like a little burro, this is all part of Decorating, incase some of you have this wise idea to go out and begin to do Holiday work, FORGET IT UNLESS YOUR A WORK HORSE!! Capable of working long hours with out eating or tiring, able to lift very heavy objects, have design skills purchasing skills, creative inventiveness, and conceptualizations skills, then after your all done hauling and loading and lifting that barge and toteing that bale... be creative enough to execute the ideas you have. ok enough of that soap box!
As we began the process of this site, we just kept complaining to each other about the smell??? Curious to me as in all these years of doing holiday decor I do not think I have come across this.
Got into the great gobs of Garlands to hang on the staircases with lights, well lights did not work, this is a common occurance in this work. Got it sort of figured out.
Clint has little techinal or mechanical skills so generally thats my job too to trouble shoot, to find the problem and solve it. So I began the ever hated process of finding the missing bulb. When I smelled something again bad.
I saw it it was cat pee or poop or something cat on it and in fact all over it, as we got into more things we found it was on most of it! YUK! I WAS SO GROSSED OUT... but continued as a professional, and sprayed the heck out of it with areosol.
Well as time went on and we dug further into the unit, We saw lots of Carpet piled on the two beautiful 12 foot expensive trees with lights. AND THE SMELL GOT WORSE. IT WAS DEAD ALRIGHT as we pulled out the trees there it was........ Ten dead kittens, decomposed into the trees.
A cat obviously got into the unit magically how I do not know... no openings anywhere. Then peed and pooped then had babies, cried allot and someone let her out not knowing that she had kittens in there. Someone told us during the day that a few weeks ago they heard a cat back there and they called security to see. So that is what I surmized.
Well My friend Barbara, who is but not working right now A humun resources director, decided to come to my aide for the very first time to help out and see what I really do. She has seen the finish process many times and she knows what I am capable of but never really was on the job and helped. So this was shock to me and her and all of us to see THIS TERRIBLE DISASTER!
GOD WHO WOULD KNOW? that she would come and this would happend guess what? she is allergic to cats! GEzZZZZZZZZZZ o pete.
Well needless to say this put a whole big kink in our work all day. We did manage to complete somethings and get the place looking like Christmas aside from the kittydrama.
Later in the evening Jordan and Nancy and Julian showed up to lend a hand and then followed me out to Sharons where I was to House sit with the two dogs and Four teenage bound boys.
I was a bit late and grandma had cooked dinner for the kiddos, so I was releaved after all that work. I got here and began cleaning up the place washing dishes and Nathan the baby who is 11, pulled out immediately the chocolate chips and all the fixins for cookies.
I made the cookies with Jordan and Nancy, and Aaron the middle son helped.
It was a late night here cleaning up, then to get up around 6:00 in order to get the troups to School. The shifts were 6:50 and 8:00, but it didn't go that way NO IT DIDN't like I said unusual things happen here.
I was sound alseep, when I heard the door bell ring, Mind you its a two story house, and I was on my old mattress that was new to them but old to me but also new to me since Paul bought this for me last Christmas, and I hadn't used it much when I gave it them... sleeping like a baby for the first time since I got here, I jumped up out of bed after I heard the bell like ten times. I ran down stairs and yelled WHOS THERE???
WHOS THERE??? no answer I looked out the window still very dark outside, I peered out and it looked like a kid with a back pack on. So in my half sleepy head thoughts I thought perhaps it was one of the kids friends who walked down to spend the morning and go to school with one of them??? WRONG... It was a hispanice younger man, who was kinda cut up, and was speaking in spanish to me but very fast and I couldn't understand him.
He said he got in a tussel with four guys and needed to call the farmer he was going to work for, now this is what I thought he said??? I said no, he repeated, and I repeated no. I wasn't about to open that door and let him use the phone.
I went upstairs, got Aaron, and called him down to be with me. Then Aaron came down, but opened up the door!!!! well the story was differnent to Aaron he needed to call the police, as it was he misunderstood someone who he was suppose to be working for, only after two sherrifs came and I was beside myself being woke up at five... they took the soul off in the car, later the sherrifs called and said it was a farse. I was really worried to be honest, because after the three shifts of kids to school thing, driving two to the bus, one to school, and one to the bus again, I found a machete on the porch, and a flare. hmmmmmmm the screen was off the shop window but I found out later it was one of the kids that did that.
Wild days ok then, I rushed to pick up Clint, got to the place to finish yesterdays decor, have clint load again and then start todays. But with a new tree, I had to go and get it, then to the bank, the old house to pick up materials, then drop it all off, then begin the work on a sissor lift most of the day. We ate lunch that I bought at Costco, and continued to work non stop because i knew I had to be back to Sharons for the boys early. Clint was flying to Scottsdale for a get away.
So I rushed again got here and worked on the computer and then took them to Rockys pizza, I had abeer the kids at all you can eat, I ate two slices with them. After we went in to get beano for Mackinzee so he wouldn't fart so much.
We all came home I made them do chores, and they played and bathed and went to bed... Whewwwwwwww what a day or last two days... lets see what tommorrow will bring.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The begining of the Season
Every year about this time, I generally begin the process of preparing for all the different place's I have decorated in the past. People start calling and booking us to come and make there places perfect for the Holidays. This year has been different of course since I didn't have a phone for months and now the line is connect and back in service. People could not get a hold of us, But as soon as it got connected it began to ring.
The next few weeks will be fast and furious with preparing for the holidays and making the season work for us. We are busy... and I find that the additude of people here in the northwest is busy in general. Just those few months away from this area, or from the USA in general has allowed me to see things in a different light. The hustle and bustle of this area is really insane... my own oppinion allowed here.. I really see how people are not willing to take a moment to enjoy their surroundings and or the people who surround them. I am sure that by the time I leave again in three weeks that noone will notice that I was here and am gone again, or maybe a few. Some of my friends are so busy that there lives are actually spinning like a top and with out a break in the spin.
I remember being like that and how stressfull it was and hard it was on my health. Right now I am greatfull for the awakinging of knowing that life does not have to be so fast... just an observation, that if you slow down for a minute you might think, and see that some of the things we do here for self satisfaction is really not nessesary in the essecence of just living life.
Sunday was suppose to be a relaxed day but I spent most of the day, at this place called Noche. It is in Down town Portland Oregon and is going to be a new Latin Fusion bar. They called me to do some decor for the new look of the place. It use to be Opus one, a jazz bar for alot of years.
It seemed to go great, the meeting of the general manager the owners mom who I am friends with, who happens to work at the post office and is the assistant to the post master, whom is tryiing to repair my mail issues that has caused me more concern than I need at this point.
We were all talking and having a great time, until the other partner of the place came barrelling in and disrupted our laughter. He was upset over something, god only knows... he looked like to me a BIG DAVE HURT if any of you know who that is you know exactly what is meant by that.
A cantankerous young man, only in his 30's was so rude he didn't even say hello to any of us.
I did blurt out a hello as he was walking to the office, he responded but you could tell it was forced and not really sincere. Then the girls explained what he is about, I knew before they explained simply by looking at the man. Chalk it up to control.
The whole meeting went to hell in a matter of minutes, after he made a phone call to tattle to the other owner that we were in there dreaming up some things for the holidays, and drinking coffee, he accused us of doing something illegal, so the other owner the son of my friend called his mom and literally asked us to leave.
I was already to go before he called, because we were finished and I caught the vibes immediately.
Upon leaving an argument busted out between him and the general manager, it wasn't pretty so I do not know yet if I am doing anything for them?? I hope it smooths over. But anyway three hours of talk and imagination , to be lost! because of someone's owns unhappiness and it wasn't mine!
Monday was filled with things to do to prepare for the week, then yesterday was spent doing a couple of christmas trees. The begining of the season, of holiday decor... I probably won't even have a tree when I return to Costa Rica. Frankly I am bah humbug... I don't want one.
Today is an early one, with plenty to do... I realize I only have three weeks to get things accomplished here, and next week is spent in California, I believe. It may not be if Brandon and Sara don't get well.
Last night Bran came home with a fever, and didn't feel well at all... Now Sara when she woke is feeling the same way oh boy! I HOPE TO GOD I DON'T GET IT! but if he continues we may not leave next week.. I still have to concentrate on the sale of the house, and more... So worried about this house.
I hope I can see people before I go, but as I said in the begining, people are so busy they have no time to smell the air and see those things around them or the people around them. I tested this yesterday.
As people left the building for the night, and we were finishing up... I said good bye or hello to people and not very many people responded, they saw us but didn't react??? Curious to me that people are in this zone where its not on there agenda to repsond to people they haven't met.
That is one thing about the Costa Ricans I find very comforting. They seem to repsond to humans... if you say hello they say hello, or they say hello before you say hello, they say how are you and good day or good night or how cute you are or something... If you smile they smile.. smiling here is a effort.
I can say, that it has effected my additude, just the short time I spent. I hope I can effect others in a good way before I leave.
The next few weeks will be fast and furious with preparing for the holidays and making the season work for us. We are busy... and I find that the additude of people here in the northwest is busy in general. Just those few months away from this area, or from the USA in general has allowed me to see things in a different light. The hustle and bustle of this area is really insane... my own oppinion allowed here.. I really see how people are not willing to take a moment to enjoy their surroundings and or the people who surround them. I am sure that by the time I leave again in three weeks that noone will notice that I was here and am gone again, or maybe a few. Some of my friends are so busy that there lives are actually spinning like a top and with out a break in the spin.
I remember being like that and how stressfull it was and hard it was on my health. Right now I am greatfull for the awakinging of knowing that life does not have to be so fast... just an observation, that if you slow down for a minute you might think, and see that some of the things we do here for self satisfaction is really not nessesary in the essecence of just living life.
Sunday was suppose to be a relaxed day but I spent most of the day, at this place called Noche. It is in Down town Portland Oregon and is going to be a new Latin Fusion bar. They called me to do some decor for the new look of the place. It use to be Opus one, a jazz bar for alot of years.
It seemed to go great, the meeting of the general manager the owners mom who I am friends with, who happens to work at the post office and is the assistant to the post master, whom is tryiing to repair my mail issues that has caused me more concern than I need at this point.
We were all talking and having a great time, until the other partner of the place came barrelling in and disrupted our laughter. He was upset over something, god only knows... he looked like to me a BIG DAVE HURT if any of you know who that is you know exactly what is meant by that.
A cantankerous young man, only in his 30's was so rude he didn't even say hello to any of us.
I did blurt out a hello as he was walking to the office, he responded but you could tell it was forced and not really sincere. Then the girls explained what he is about, I knew before they explained simply by looking at the man. Chalk it up to control.
The whole meeting went to hell in a matter of minutes, after he made a phone call to tattle to the other owner that we were in there dreaming up some things for the holidays, and drinking coffee, he accused us of doing something illegal, so the other owner the son of my friend called his mom and literally asked us to leave.
I was already to go before he called, because we were finished and I caught the vibes immediately.
Upon leaving an argument busted out between him and the general manager, it wasn't pretty so I do not know yet if I am doing anything for them?? I hope it smooths over. But anyway three hours of talk and imagination , to be lost! because of someone's owns unhappiness and it wasn't mine!
Monday was filled with things to do to prepare for the week, then yesterday was spent doing a couple of christmas trees. The begining of the season, of holiday decor... I probably won't even have a tree when I return to Costa Rica. Frankly I am bah humbug... I don't want one.
Today is an early one, with plenty to do... I realize I only have three weeks to get things accomplished here, and next week is spent in California, I believe. It may not be if Brandon and Sara don't get well.
Last night Bran came home with a fever, and didn't feel well at all... Now Sara when she woke is feeling the same way oh boy! I HOPE TO GOD I DON'T GET IT! but if he continues we may not leave next week.. I still have to concentrate on the sale of the house, and more... So worried about this house.
I hope I can see people before I go, but as I said in the begining, people are so busy they have no time to smell the air and see those things around them or the people around them. I tested this yesterday.
As people left the building for the night, and we were finishing up... I said good bye or hello to people and not very many people responded, they saw us but didn't react??? Curious to me that people are in this zone where its not on there agenda to repsond to people they haven't met.
That is one thing about the Costa Ricans I find very comforting. They seem to repsond to humans... if you say hello they say hello, or they say hello before you say hello, they say how are you and good day or good night or how cute you are or something... If you smile they smile.. smiling here is a effort.
I can say, that it has effected my additude, just the short time I spent. I hope I can effect others in a good way before I leave.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Oh Boy the rain surely is coming down now. The rainy season here has begun, but then again I think it never ends here? The past few days has really gotten me down with the cold and all the rain. The days are so dark and cold and dreary that it makes you not want to do anything let alone work or be happy... This time last year was the onset of my wondering about Costa Rica and how I would make my adventure come true. I was morning my singleness, and worring about finances, and how I would survive the rain and doom and gloom here in Vancouver.
The thought of having to deal with one more winter here alone with out a mate or partner, and living pretty much alone with little or no company. Then dealing with a dwindling business was a huge battle of depression for me. That is when I started researching about Costa Rica and really dreaming and thinking on how I would make this adventure come true.
I knew it was going to be drastic and my thoughts were to sell everything live comfortably and invest what little I had to leave my boys something very cool when I die.
Now a year later here I am back here in Vancouver dealing with the weather and work again. This time is much better knowing I will be leaving and going to the sun and a warm climate... beaches and a beautiful land. Although its nothing like the USA, its a good feeling to be able to look forward to being warm.
I had a decent day today, It began at Jazz of course, but only after being up for hours I woke up at four am, I couldn't sleep on the couch any more... I was tossing and turning and worring about every little thing that I have to deal with while I am here. The house still not selling, the van not selling, the computer I wanted to sell that is missing the cords, and more. So I got up and got on the computer here and emailed people.
After jazzercise, I sold some more purses and watches, which I find is funny I never dreamed I would do something such as this but its fun and the women love these purses, and the watches. So its worth the effort to sell them.
At noon I had a lunch date with Barabara, my friend of a few years through work I had done for a company she previously worked for. We met at Papa Hayden on 23rd. Great place good food and wonderfull desserts.
We Sat and talked and talked and actually enjoyed our conversation and food. I really love Barb she is a very understanding, genuine and kind person. She actually has compassion for people, and tender heart which is rare these days. I referred her to Intel with Milo, so God I hope they call her and interview her for the Human resources postion in Costa Rica.
We talked for two hours seemed like such a short time but it wasn't the waitress was trying to get us to leave but I ignored her. Then when we did we went into this dress shop next door and just looked at the clothes that were priced to hog heaven.
After I drove back from Portland the traffic was pretty bad, I DONT MISS THAT AT ALL
Took more than one hour to get to Vancouver. I wasn't mad or upset... I had a pura vida additude today. Whatever happens happens and just try to go with it. Came back to Brans and Saras, and checked mail to find a letter from lucy, you know Ricky and lucy? telling me about the restuarant In Jaco.
I called Costco, and then went and picked up Tons of Christmas product to use on a new account.
The van was too full so tomorrow I will have to unload the whole thing and then go and pick up the rest. I have a full day tomorrow, with dealing with my mail that got sent back to senders because of a computer error now at the post office. Then bank dealings with my mortgage and more.
Watched the Wizard of Oz With Kelsey on my thigh, and head on the pillow and we both stared as if I had never seen it ever, it was her first time and my ummmmm probably like more than a hundred. It is absolutely one of my favorite movies. I remember being a little older than her when I saw it about four times, and sang the song all the way to bus stop, Follow the yellow brick road Follow the yellow brick road. This movie does stand for many things to me... Following after what you want and not being defeated by any foe or adversity that comes your way.
It was cute, I talked to Milo during some of it and we discussed his girls all being in Alburqurque to see his mother who is not doing well, I can hear it in his voice that he is tired and worried too.
I feel bad about this, as I know how it feels to loose your mother, when that day comes to those of us who are very attached or close to their mom, it is an extremly sorrowful time. Some of us still after many years morn the loss of our moms. I am one... who many times have cried alone wishing I had her her to hear her laugh, to taste her food, laugh at her quick wit and to enjoy her wisdom. Mothers to some are not so dear, the relationships are strained, but mine was a very good one. I had a wonderfull mother, who had her mean disposition at times, but for the most part was a wonderfull lady and the older I get the more I realize how very smart she was and how I wished I had listened more to her.
I know that Milo is feeling already the sadness of the possiblity of losing his mom. I pray that god gives him courage to smile and make her laugh the best he can while she is still here.
What a wonderfull family he has that they all came to see her and be there with her for a while.
I am glad I met him.
Tonight I made Chicken tacos, for the kids it was delicious, May be a good receipe for the future! Then when I talked to Milo he told me he ate Chicken Tacos tonight too? wierd ok..
I was thinking about Becky tonight when I was making those.. I hope she is ok thats my sister. I haven't heard from her in a while.
The thought of having to deal with one more winter here alone with out a mate or partner, and living pretty much alone with little or no company. Then dealing with a dwindling business was a huge battle of depression for me. That is when I started researching about Costa Rica and really dreaming and thinking on how I would make this adventure come true.
I knew it was going to be drastic and my thoughts were to sell everything live comfortably and invest what little I had to leave my boys something very cool when I die.
Now a year later here I am back here in Vancouver dealing with the weather and work again. This time is much better knowing I will be leaving and going to the sun and a warm climate... beaches and a beautiful land. Although its nothing like the USA, its a good feeling to be able to look forward to being warm.
I had a decent day today, It began at Jazz of course, but only after being up for hours I woke up at four am, I couldn't sleep on the couch any more... I was tossing and turning and worring about every little thing that I have to deal with while I am here. The house still not selling, the van not selling, the computer I wanted to sell that is missing the cords, and more. So I got up and got on the computer here and emailed people.
After jazzercise, I sold some more purses and watches, which I find is funny I never dreamed I would do something such as this but its fun and the women love these purses, and the watches. So its worth the effort to sell them.
At noon I had a lunch date with Barabara, my friend of a few years through work I had done for a company she previously worked for. We met at Papa Hayden on 23rd. Great place good food and wonderfull desserts.
We Sat and talked and talked and actually enjoyed our conversation and food. I really love Barb she is a very understanding, genuine and kind person. She actually has compassion for people, and tender heart which is rare these days. I referred her to Intel with Milo, so God I hope they call her and interview her for the Human resources postion in Costa Rica.
We talked for two hours seemed like such a short time but it wasn't the waitress was trying to get us to leave but I ignored her. Then when we did we went into this dress shop next door and just looked at the clothes that were priced to hog heaven.
After I drove back from Portland the traffic was pretty bad, I DONT MISS THAT AT ALL
Took more than one hour to get to Vancouver. I wasn't mad or upset... I had a pura vida additude today. Whatever happens happens and just try to go with it. Came back to Brans and Saras, and checked mail to find a letter from lucy, you know Ricky and lucy? telling me about the restuarant In Jaco.
I called Costco, and then went and picked up Tons of Christmas product to use on a new account.
The van was too full so tomorrow I will have to unload the whole thing and then go and pick up the rest. I have a full day tomorrow, with dealing with my mail that got sent back to senders because of a computer error now at the post office. Then bank dealings with my mortgage and more.
Watched the Wizard of Oz With Kelsey on my thigh, and head on the pillow and we both stared as if I had never seen it ever, it was her first time and my ummmmm probably like more than a hundred. It is absolutely one of my favorite movies. I remember being a little older than her when I saw it about four times, and sang the song all the way to bus stop, Follow the yellow brick road Follow the yellow brick road. This movie does stand for many things to me... Following after what you want and not being defeated by any foe or adversity that comes your way.
It was cute, I talked to Milo during some of it and we discussed his girls all being in Alburqurque to see his mother who is not doing well, I can hear it in his voice that he is tired and worried too.
I feel bad about this, as I know how it feels to loose your mother, when that day comes to those of us who are very attached or close to their mom, it is an extremly sorrowful time. Some of us still after many years morn the loss of our moms. I am one... who many times have cried alone wishing I had her her to hear her laugh, to taste her food, laugh at her quick wit and to enjoy her wisdom. Mothers to some are not so dear, the relationships are strained, but mine was a very good one. I had a wonderfull mother, who had her mean disposition at times, but for the most part was a wonderfull lady and the older I get the more I realize how very smart she was and how I wished I had listened more to her.
I know that Milo is feeling already the sadness of the possiblity of losing his mom. I pray that god gives him courage to smile and make her laugh the best he can while she is still here.
What a wonderfull family he has that they all came to see her and be there with her for a while.
I am glad I met him.
Tonight I made Chicken tacos, for the kids it was delicious, May be a good receipe for the future! Then when I talked to Milo he told me he ate Chicken Tacos tonight too? wierd ok..
I was thinking about Becky tonight when I was making those.. I hope she is ok thats my sister. I haven't heard from her in a while.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Saturday I filet Salmon that Pete and Molly gave to Brandon . He caught a bunch I guess and gave them two huge ones, I had photos of them but for some reason I can not find them in the folders here to put on the blog.But anyhow I fileted these two huge salmons and soaked some in Milos sauce for the evening on Saturday, then we bbqed the best tasting Salmon you ever ate!
That Sunday we went up to Seattle to a trade show were I bought tons of beautiful watches and cute beaded purses that I am selling to friends... I will show those later incase your interested in some! We spent the whole day in Seattle, we went to the Pikes market where jarus was caught kissing a salmon at the fish market, and I do have photos but as I said I cant get them to open.
We then went down I 5 to South center were we ate at this Restuarant called Baham breeze, I had coconut curry chicken, the kids had a chicken salad and a hamburger, kelsey grilled cheese and a milkshake! we had a good time there the decor was beautiful and They got ideas for the remodle of there bathroon in the house.. I got Ideas for the new Restuarant that hopefully I will open In Jaco.
Coming home Kelsey sang country Western music most of the way since Brandon forced us to listen to it! I HATE COUNTRY>>>> but they had fun singing it Sara too!
The following day was spent at Jazz in the morning selling some purses, meeting with a distrubutor and taking care of some business with the house and the Holiday decor. That night I went up to Jordans and spent the last two days with them.
Today is Thursday and I think that Clint and I are going to go to the house if its nice today and do some clean up in the garden. Since it is fall all the leaves and plants have pretty much died back and now the garden looks like bare bones. I feel bad cause I love this garden and I do not understand why the house has not sold? Maybe the garden scares people? thinking its too much work? But I took care of it for 11 years all alone and it was beautiful! it gave me peace and much enjoyment... but now it makes me sad because no one enjoys it, and its a great place for an avide Gardner... I know there has to be someone Out there that loves Gardening... this place is a Gardners paradise! Too bad I can't take some of the plants with me to Costa Rica, but hey there are so many beautiful plants and flowers there! I guess I will learn a new way of living and gardening there..
On my way to Jazzercise now... drinking coffee but I can tell you this, the coffee here is not that good now that I have been expose to the best coffee in the world, no wonder starbucks is the biggest importer there???
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
New baby Nancy Jordan and Julian
I spent the last two days in Woodland with Nancy, Jordan and Julian my new Grandbaby. It was nice to see the baby and spend some time with my grandson, he is very cute... still very tiny and not quite filled in but in time I am sure he will change and be just adorable!
Jordan made dinner one night it was great Chicken in this orange sauce that I taught him to do, and potatos with sourcream and chedar, Ceasar salad with White Russians. In the morning I had to go the market and pick up fresh Flowers for this dinner deal at the Lodge. So I got there very early and bought some beautiful sun Flowers and berries, and rose hips, China berries,and more.. It turned out very autumy and pretty tonight, Clint and I were in action again. We went and cut wild birch trees and built a canopy of birch trees, with autum leaves intermixed and mingled..., I stuffed The sun flowers and china berries in clusters throught the arbor way. It was so pretty.I was asked to do a nice display for the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, so I came up with this Canopy Idea with birch and wild berries. this is where this part of the story began, We ended up building this cool canopy inside the lodge with the Chamber of Commerce tonight. It was very cool compared to the others.
We were able to stay for the festivities, so good wine, champagne, and food was a plus for the evening. I didn't feel I was dressed right but I had a good time regardless, I talked with many people huggled laughed and kissed many, And was told by someone, that I was a dearly loved and wanted person. That my talent was renowned and I was a one of a kind... That when I finnally surfaced and called the Lodge about doing there holiday decor the whole hotel was a buzz, that I would be there!.. when I Arrived tonight everyone kissed me and hugged me and told me how much they needed me.. so that was nice in fact it was Wonderful!!!
We had a good time, and I enjoyed talking to people I hadn't seen in a while. We ate we Drank and we laughed and oggled the people. Oggled??? LOoked at them hard....
I think I am going to Brans to sleep or maybe stay with clint
Jordan made dinner one night it was great Chicken in this orange sauce that I taught him to do, and potatos with sourcream and chedar, Ceasar salad with White Russians. In the morning I had to go the market and pick up fresh Flowers for this dinner deal at the Lodge. So I got there very early and bought some beautiful sun Flowers and berries, and rose hips, China berries,and more.. It turned out very autumy and pretty tonight, Clint and I were in action again. We went and cut wild birch trees and built a canopy of birch trees, with autum leaves intermixed and mingled..., I stuffed The sun flowers and china berries in clusters throught the arbor way. It was so pretty.I was asked to do a nice display for the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, so I came up with this Canopy Idea with birch and wild berries. this is where this part of the story began, We ended up building this cool canopy inside the lodge with the Chamber of Commerce tonight. It was very cool compared to the others.
We were able to stay for the festivities, so good wine, champagne, and food was a plus for the evening. I didn't feel I was dressed right but I had a good time regardless, I talked with many people huggled laughed and kissed many, And was told by someone, that I was a dearly loved and wanted person. That my talent was renowned and I was a one of a kind... That when I finnally surfaced and called the Lodge about doing there holiday decor the whole hotel was a buzz, that I would be there!.. when I Arrived tonight everyone kissed me and hugged me and told me how much they needed me.. so that was nice in fact it was Wonderful!!!
We had a good time, and I enjoyed talking to people I hadn't seen in a while. We ate we Drank and we laughed and oggled the people. Oggled??? LOoked at them hard....
I think I am going to Brans to sleep or maybe stay with clint
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Christmas after Holloweem
This whole past week and the weeks before were spent designing holiday decor For Creative Interiors in Vancouver Washington. I worked in a wearhouse over by Charlies dive bar, and next to an Auto mechanic shop, who I found that one of Brandons Friends Kerry, works. I was working there and Noticed it was him I tried to talk to him, and he didn't recognize me. We talked a few times during the time I was designing for the store, so that was nice to see him again.
The show was on Thursday, an it went very well, except some of the people I had asked to come didn't show. In fact only three people I knew personally showed up.Even though my children have seen what I do many times it would have been nice to have them there just for a while. I don't think the Jordan even remember that or cared that I was doing anything.
All the people who did come where very repsonsive and really liked all the things I showed. It was nice to be doing this once again. I can say that I was most relaxed more than ever, The confidence that came to me was stronger than I have ever felt.
Knowing that nothing really was going to result from this where as before in doing shows I was nervous about the presentation and what would come would be perspective clients. This time I knew nothing was coming and that I didn't really have to impress anyone, as soon I would be leaving to go back to Costa Rica and this was simply a nice way to make some easy money.
I had people laughing, and clapping and it was a great way to inspire people to get in the mood for Christmas right after Holloween.
After, I was going to go back to Brandon and Sara's, which I called first but they were discussing, and so I chose to stay away from the house for a few hours. So at 10:30 after the show I went to this little Martini bar downtown Vancouver and talked on the phone to Milo and had three Martinis untill Brandon called and told me to come home. We talked about allot of things, one which was the delay of the project in Costa Rica, So needless to say I was sad being there alone first of all and a wee bit disapointed that only a couple of people came to see me, then to find out that now the plan that we would spend The holiday together is delayed. Well for the most part the evening was good it was just a solom ending.
Yesterday was spent trying to collect money from Sharp and from Creative interiors but nothing was gained, except a lunch with an old friend and a great conversation with another Gerri Espinoza. Gerri has been a long time friend of over 30 years, we both have sons the same age only her's is Famous. He is a singer song writter musician and plays for the band Earlimart, If you Type in Aaron Espinoza you will find all sorts of things about him. Regardless, Gerri and I had allot to talk about.
It was nice to consult with her, and get oppinons on some subjects that have been perplexing me.
I came home to get on the computer and talk to milo for three hours online GOD WHERE SUCH FREAKS!! after that the kids and I went to Bostons and they had ribs, I had a chipotle Chicken salad. It was fun watching Kelsey eat her pizza and chair dance the whole time! She is so funny I laughed so hard at her when she got out of her chair and danced in the middle of the restuarant, hmmmmm I wonder who would do that same thing? Her Nonnie!! as we left Her and I did the boodie shake at the front door.
Came home to hang her princess netting over her bed, and retire to watching star wars and fell asleep on the couch.
This morning I woke to the noise of Jarvus crying because he wanted out, but I didnt get up in time... poor puppy he made a huge mistake and I had to clean it up.
Then Brandon got up and spent time teaching him to roll over, lay down and sit. This dog is pretty smart so he should be either driving or fixing dinner by the time I return next year!
The show was on Thursday, an it went very well, except some of the people I had asked to come didn't show. In fact only three people I knew personally showed up.Even though my children have seen what I do many times it would have been nice to have them there just for a while. I don't think the Jordan even remember that or cared that I was doing anything.
All the people who did come where very repsonsive and really liked all the things I showed. It was nice to be doing this once again. I can say that I was most relaxed more than ever, The confidence that came to me was stronger than I have ever felt.
Knowing that nothing really was going to result from this where as before in doing shows I was nervous about the presentation and what would come would be perspective clients. This time I knew nothing was coming and that I didn't really have to impress anyone, as soon I would be leaving to go back to Costa Rica and this was simply a nice way to make some easy money.
I had people laughing, and clapping and it was a great way to inspire people to get in the mood for Christmas right after Holloween.
After, I was going to go back to Brandon and Sara's, which I called first but they were discussing, and so I chose to stay away from the house for a few hours. So at 10:30 after the show I went to this little Martini bar downtown Vancouver and talked on the phone to Milo and had three Martinis untill Brandon called and told me to come home. We talked about allot of things, one which was the delay of the project in Costa Rica, So needless to say I was sad being there alone first of all and a wee bit disapointed that only a couple of people came to see me, then to find out that now the plan that we would spend The holiday together is delayed. Well for the most part the evening was good it was just a solom ending.
Yesterday was spent trying to collect money from Sharp and from Creative interiors but nothing was gained, except a lunch with an old friend and a great conversation with another Gerri Espinoza. Gerri has been a long time friend of over 30 years, we both have sons the same age only her's is Famous. He is a singer song writter musician and plays for the band Earlimart, If you Type in Aaron Espinoza you will find all sorts of things about him. Regardless, Gerri and I had allot to talk about.
It was nice to consult with her, and get oppinons on some subjects that have been perplexing me.
I came home to get on the computer and talk to milo for three hours online GOD WHERE SUCH FREAKS!! after that the kids and I went to Bostons and they had ribs, I had a chipotle Chicken salad. It was fun watching Kelsey eat her pizza and chair dance the whole time! She is so funny I laughed so hard at her when she got out of her chair and danced in the middle of the restuarant, hmmmmm I wonder who would do that same thing? Her Nonnie!! as we left Her and I did the boodie shake at the front door.
Came home to hang her princess netting over her bed, and retire to watching star wars and fell asleep on the couch.
This morning I woke to the noise of Jarvus crying because he wanted out, but I didnt get up in time... poor puppy he made a huge mistake and I had to clean it up.
Then Brandon got up and spent time teaching him to roll over, lay down and sit. This dog is pretty smart so he should be either driving or fixing dinner by the time I return next year!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, November 03, 2005

The morning began with Jarvis stealing my slippers and running into the living room to chew them. Brandon and Sara Stirring around the kitchen and making lunch and coffee.
Today is the show at Creative interiors on 112th a half mile past Applebees, on the east side of the street here in Vancouver Washington.
I have been working on Trees, and decor for this holiday extravaganza and I am the featured designer for the show. I decided to do unusual Tree toppers, Center pieces with objects of non holiday theme, inother words something you may have in your home already. Also A really unusual wreath with a white petal pig!! It should be fun... the whole area where I will be presenting is black and white and I will be wearing black and white too. Here is a little taste of what I have created... and there will be more to follow. But for now I have to be short, because I need to go to the Flower market to buy product to produce the stuff for tonight.
I will be working in a wearhouse near the interior design studio, and then when I finish I will change and get ready for the show. It last untill nine tonight so I hope its a great turn out!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The Holiday Show On Thursday
Since I returned to the Vancouver area, I been trying to find my cords for the big computer, trying to get someone to buy the house that is now reduced to 260 Thousand, and sell the van, its a 2002 low miles and I do not want much to have someone take over payments with a small amount of a $1000 dollars for me. Its a huge loss but I can not make these payments any longer knowing I will be staying in Costa Rica for the rest of the year.
For Some reason the cords to the computer and the flat screen have somehow got lost when people were packing things up!! I am so frustrated because this would be a good sellable item and could bring me some quick cash.
I spent the day today first off by meeting with Sharp Electronics, and manage to book them for the holidays to do there corporate offices here in the area. They seem to really like me and my work. They said they have heard nothing but good things about my work. So that was a plus today aside from the negative feelings I get and have about this area.
Then I spent the rest of the day, the day after Holloween, decorating Christmas trees for a show I will be doing at a design center here in Vancouver. Its Called Creative interiors and its located in Vancouver Washington. They have advertised me on TV and In News paper. So they are hoping a huge crowd shows up to see me perform my magic for the holidays!!! The only problem is its now Weds 12:-00 midnight and I have no cluem what I will be demonstrating for the show LOL!! I really am laughing inside cause honestly I do not know!!! I hope to go it comes to me in the morning!
This open house show was a big hit last year, lots of people came to see me and to the open house, which in turn made good sales for the company. Its on Thursday at 4:00 and I am on at 5:00 and at 8:00 it should be fun.
Tomorrow will be filled with the same, only after I go to Jazzercise, and get ready to go and be creative all day long into the night untill we finish the showroom for the following day.
ITs cold here and I am having a hard time adjusting after I finnally got adjusted to the heat in Costa Rica. I will soon be back to warm weather, sunshine and blue skies In Decemeber YEAH!!
Being back in Vancouver is making me sad, the pressures of selling this house the car and the rest of the mess that is at Sharons is really weighing on me now. So if anyone is interested in buying a house or a van please email me ok? Its
I hope I get to see a few friends before I Leave again, as this time I am not sure I will return for quite a long time
For Some reason the cords to the computer and the flat screen have somehow got lost when people were packing things up!! I am so frustrated because this would be a good sellable item and could bring me some quick cash.
I spent the day today first off by meeting with Sharp Electronics, and manage to book them for the holidays to do there corporate offices here in the area. They seem to really like me and my work. They said they have heard nothing but good things about my work. So that was a plus today aside from the negative feelings I get and have about this area.
Then I spent the rest of the day, the day after Holloween, decorating Christmas trees for a show I will be doing at a design center here in Vancouver. Its Called Creative interiors and its located in Vancouver Washington. They have advertised me on TV and In News paper. So they are hoping a huge crowd shows up to see me perform my magic for the holidays!!! The only problem is its now Weds 12:-00 midnight and I have no cluem what I will be demonstrating for the show LOL!! I really am laughing inside cause honestly I do not know!!! I hope to go it comes to me in the morning!
This open house show was a big hit last year, lots of people came to see me and to the open house, which in turn made good sales for the company. Its on Thursday at 4:00 and I am on at 5:00 and at 8:00 it should be fun.
Tomorrow will be filled with the same, only after I go to Jazzercise, and get ready to go and be creative all day long into the night untill we finish the showroom for the following day.
ITs cold here and I am having a hard time adjusting after I finnally got adjusted to the heat in Costa Rica. I will soon be back to warm weather, sunshine and blue skies In Decemeber YEAH!!
Being back in Vancouver is making me sad, the pressures of selling this house the car and the rest of the mess that is at Sharons is really weighing on me now. So if anyone is interested in buying a house or a van please email me ok? Its
I hope I get to see a few friends before I Leave again, as this time I am not sure I will return for quite a long time
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
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