Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I saw some portions of the Inaguration! WOW

THE people of Costa rica are please that USA has a black president.. I am too! I watched some of the Inaguration Wow was it awe inspiring. I cried in some moments. I am a humanitarian, hunbled by the man who is now in office.
I wish the world was a better place,I want everyone to be happy and have the life they desire. Listening to him was great, his speach writter is a master. But I have the feeling he edited every word.. because you could feel the sincerity in his words. It is good.. I sure hope that things magically turn around FAST!! The whole world is affect by USA.. I do believe like I said a week or so ago when there is no hope I still believe. It is my way.. Read some of these facts and information about Aquarians, that was on the internet this morning on MSN.
Aquarians present themselves in one of two ways. One on hand, you'll see someone who is shy and quiet. On the other, an Aquarius can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. Both are deep thinkers with a love of helping others. Highly intellectual, this is a fiercely independent sign that prizes intuition tempered with logic. Both personality types have an uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice, making them excellent problem solvers. While very much attuned to the energies around them, Aquarians have a deep need to take time out alone and away to rejuvenate themselves. The keyword for this sign is imagination.

The Aquarian can see a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.

Friends and FamilyEven though Aquarians are great with groups of people, it takes a bit when it comes to making close friends. Deeply sensitive and cautious, closeness means vulnerability to an Aquarius, and this is not something to be taken lightly. Aquarians' direct, no-nonsense approach in combination with their strong values can make it challenging to get to know the inner person. Yet those who are able to do so will discover a friendship that lasts through the years. An Aquarius will go the distance for a loved one to the point of self-sacrifice if necessary. They look for creativity, intellect, and honesty in their friends. When it comes to family, the expectations are no less. Although dedicated to a sense of duty to relatives, the Aquarius isn't one for developing close bonds unless the same qualities they expect in their friendships are there.

Career and MoneyAquarians bring enthusiasm to the work they do, especially when it involves expression. They have an exceptionally high ability to put their imaginative qualities to the task and to think outside the box. Careers that allow for concept development or demonstration can suit this sign well.

I know is the key phrase for the Aquarius. High intellect combined with an Aquarius' willingness to share their talents inspires many who work in the same environment. Being visionary types, Aquarians love to engage in careers that aim to benefit humankind in the long-run.

When it comes to money, this sign really has a knack for keeping a healthy balance between having the things that they need and putting money away. When they are out shopping, the shiny, glittery, and extravagant will catch their attention even though their homes are generally decorated with great taste.
It's not uncommon to find the Aquarius turning heads dressed in daring, brightly colored outfits. Most are well-attuned to their individual sense of style and aren't afraid to show it. Careers that suit the Aquarius are acting, writing, teaching, photography, or piloting. The best environment is one that gives the freedom to tackle the task without a lot of strict guidelines. The Aquarius is unconventional, and given the opportunity to show their true talents, they can perform amazing feats.

Love and Sex Intellectual stimulation is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for the Aquarian. There's nothing like a lively chat rich in culture and future possibilities to get this sign going. When it comes to love, people best suited are those that are not thrown off by Aquarian frankness. Open, communicative, imaginative, and willing to risk are all qualities that blend well with this sign's perspective on life. Honesty and sincerity are essential for anyone seeking a long-term connection to this dynamic personality.

AQUARIUS TIDBITS HealthEach sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Aquarius are the ankles.

Ruling PlanetThe ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus. This planet is considered the breaker of rules and tradition. Uranus rules psychology, inventions, originality, creative will, rebellion, and autonomy. This planet is futuristic, intellectual, and even eccentric.

Best ColorThe color of choice for Aquarius is turquoise.

GemstoneAquarius' star stone is the Turquoise.

Lucky NumbersAquarius' lucky numbers are 2, 3, and 7.

Compatible SignsAquarians are most compatible with Gemini, Libra, and other Aquarians.

Opposite SignThe opposite sign for Aquarius is Leo.

Perfect GiftUnusual machines, music, books on favorite subjects, a gift to their favorite cause

LikesA good cause, being part of a club, scientific ideas, fun with friends, a good listener

DislikesDull or boring situations, people who disagree with them

HouseNatural sign of the Eleventh House. This house focuses on friends, goals, hopes, wishes, circumstances beyond control, and love received.

Famous AquariansJohn Travolta, Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Jennifer Aniston, Michael C. Hall Best

Travel DestinationsSweden, Israel, Moscow, Salzburg

StrengthsProgressive, original, humanitarian, independent

WeaknessesRuns from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof Charismatic

MarksGood looks, beautiful eyes, angular faces, thin build

Best EnvironmentAny gathering of people to exchange ideas

Ok so that pretty much sums me up most of it is exact as far as I know.. So what I say is real I do want for people to be happy and I live to serve.

I have been still ever busy in the condo. We worked for two days more.
It is becoming spectacular! Last night The Owner told me FOR REAL you are a creative genius.. I was flatter, actually I shed a tear because I have worked extremely hard in my years. I really don't feel the need for recognition any more.. but it was so nice to have someone who really appreciates the talent I have been given and use.

Yesterday was wild at the condo, I was calling guys to install the plasma in the corner, a bit difficult, I had guys putting furniture together in an intirely different condo for him.. I was running to book fishing tours for them. Making massive arrangements in Silk flowers for all the rooms that look absolutely real.. in vases that are like art peices. I was cleaning sweeping washing dishes, Running the market to buy all the things for a dinner he wanted me to cook in the same night. That was chore, because no one carry's normal things.I had to go three places!!! Walking to two it was HOT!! I was so stressed...
Then back the house the place was a disaster, I cleaned again and began making sauce for Lasagne, fresh pesto with pinoles, and garlic. Salad, fruit tray, baby carrots with thyme and sugar and butter. I put on a spread.. a friend of mine has the photos and I will post them on the blog in a day. IT WAS NICE we had about 6 people over they ate like pigs.. It was fun.
I was so exhausted that I came home put my purse on the balcony chair open the door went in on the sofa fell asleep and went to my bed with the door open. In the morning I thought where is my purse? I looked outside there it was open with cash hanging out! OH MY GOD i was so lucky no one came up!! door wide open! that is how tired I was.
So today a little rest, I paid the guys, had breakfast.. now resting soon to go get a sewing machine to make drapes for a freind on Sat. They guys are Fishing for Marlin, Tuna, and Mahi Mahi.. so if they catch one or two I will be cooking again tonight.
Tomorrow we go again with the chaufer to San Jose, for yet again to purchase more for the the condos.
They leave on Tuesday, I will miss them. It has been allot of work but fun too.. I am lucky to have met this man, his x wife, now his son and newphew. They really are great people, and permitt me to be the creative genius that GOD MADE ME!!!( I actually have made a good profit for once in many years)
I hope it continues, it doesn't matter what it looks like look beyong the problems.. hope can change anything.

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