Friday, January 16, 2009

Havent been posting much, because still working on the condo, I had to go to San Jose with a Chaufer, of the owners.

He called about 9:00 the night before and said the driver will be picking me up at 7:00 am to go to San Jose to meet him from the plane. He flew in from Michigan. He wanted me to assist him at the drapery store to pay for the drapes. All the fabrics I chose and used are from Italy, and Spain. They are so beautiful and utlitmately modern. The patterns are really different, the fabrics are premium quality. So I rode with the driver, and pick up my client. We had a couple of things to do, then returned to the airport to recieve his son and newphew that were flying in from California.

After we did the drapery deal. Everything was fine I took him an accessory store to look at more for his Condo. It's just a little flat in areas. Needs some perking and he was fine with it. But the sale is not utill tomorrow so he and I will have his chaufer drive us back early in the morning to hit the sale.
I have been putting one of his beds together that we exchanged, and basically helping him with everything. I took them to a very nice restuarant the first night and yesterday we ate Chinese. After He and I had gone to the farmacia. He has a horrible cough, chest problems. I have sick for more than a month. So I took him where I knew was best.
The doctor is with in the Farmacia, there is no charge for the service they examine than prescribe medications or administer shots.
He needed allot his pressure was too high, thank god I took him there. She asked me many questions and I translated for him and her.
It was a good idea to go there and have him checked out. He had been so irritable and uncomfortable. So that was good. She checked me but wants me back. Doesnt think what I have is an infection. Although she gave me a shot and some super strong Antibiotic that you drink and its for one day. I feel much better already.
After we ate than I took him to buy supplies for his condo and the boys.
Spent a ton of money there... god first time I have seen a grocery bill like that!!!
I made my fresh Salsa and cheese and pineapple platter for them. Right now the Watermelon, Pineapple, Mango and more is all so sweet and in high season. Its always available here all year round but now is the best!
We bought, guanbana, Mango, Pineapple, Avocados double or tripple the normal size those kids were happy! They are in there mid twentys and never have seen such fruits. We got Madrin oranges, the size of a normal orange. Lemon , limes and much more.
I introduced them to some foods they have never eaten and fell in love with , so far its fun. They like my little hors. de orves,after the Client asked me if I would like to cook a couple of times. I felt so good doing this. It remided me of when my family would come over and I would make all sorts of great food. So I am going to really enjoy doing this for them.

This condo is incredible, the veiws are un- matchable. He is a lucky man, and I am too because I am enjoying it and its not mine to worry about!!!

You know who would ever think some of the things that I have done and been through, would have every happen. Who would know that a girl like me has ended up this way? When I was in the limelight, doing all that design work.. running my cooloo off for brides, weddings on the high end.. Hotel work. News papers.. beign so depressed and hateing my life alone, where no one called, never go out and very little friends, and here I am a simple woman doing adventrues with little or no money now. Doing what I have to, to survive!!! and I am happier than ever...?? Having Friends about the whole world now.
Life has its turns, and ups and downs all the time. I know now its how you ride that wave, how you deal with everything. This is what life is.. not about how much or who you are.. its about what you feel makes you happy. How you affect other people too.
I can say as I was reflecting for the owner last night some of the things that have has happen to me.. he was shocked and amazed that I have still have a smile and I am moving forward. I have dreams not of granduer as some people have written and said. BUT I DO HAVE DREAMS every one should this is what makes life.

But to be buidling on the dreams you have and try enjoying every minute of good it or bad.

I have news about a friend of mine, soon he may be coming here for a long time. I am working on getting him here.. I love vistors! Can't wait to see him!
Have a great weekend

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