Thursday, January 22, 2009

Found the place that I had a dream about five years ago

I have found the place I dreamed about, before coming here.. Bella.. I looked at this property yesterday with a friend of mine. Its not listed but they are wanting of course to sell. Its alot of money but when I was looking at it I knew this was the place. I walked in with my mouth open.. Somethings happen like this, and we don't know how they will transpire but if you can believe hard enough in something the way opens up. I have someone interested in Investing, I have for a long time.. and many offers too.. but not one have come through. I contacted two of the people who are interested and hope that one will say yes. I would love to have this place, and renovate and get it rolling.
ITs beach front here in Jaco, with the perfect property. You can go on Picasa, type in Marianna Costa Rica/ Spain and look at some of my albums. I am learning how to create them now on this program.
I am believeing something good is coming, maybe this is it? If not I am continueing in believeing.. till it comes.
I talked with my current client about it, he wants to see it too.. Today him and I are going once again to buy more for the condos. Its going to a hectic day.. San Jose is difficult to drive in and to get around. Places are hard to find and there far apart.

Right now I am waiting on the balcony for him and the Chaufer, its about 7:30 am. Cloudy, and cool this morning, last night breezy and cool. I cooked for them again last night. I made Fresh Mahi Mahi that they caught yesterday. It was over fifty pounds, Put it in the oven with fresh garlic, butter, and olive oil. Salt and pepper.
Fresh corn, avocado salad with aruga, and left over lasagne, and egg plant.
We had 7 people last night for dinner, drank champagne and enjoyed company.

The kids are happy they kinda have a woman there to do everything.. I don't mind, I enjoy entertaining myself! The Fish was devine, I didn't cook it too long and its so fresh that it just taste unbelieveable. It melts in your mouth, and has a clean light taste.
I so enjoy the seafood here, because it so fresh.
I enjoy cooking, for others.. Well I got to run the chaufer is here.. I look forward to posting photos of the places redone again!

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