Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No posting for a while

I been so tired that I haven't felt like posting.. the condo is finally finish the client left two days ago. But the drapes are not done yet.. so I am waiting till its completely done to post photos.
I am not doing much right now, just resting.. this morning was horrible. I woke up at 4:00 am to crazy house music blasting shaking the house.. Mind you I don't mind house in fact I like allot of it. BUT AT FOUR AM when I am trying to sleep is not a good thing. I walked nicely to the neighbors door tapped easy then again. She opened had people of course said oh yes Marianna and then cranked it up. This went on till 12:30 today talk about MAD!! I had a bad headache couldn't sleep couldn't listen to the tele, not even sit on the balcony and drink my coffee as I usually do. HORRIBLE so I packed my things walked to the beach after about five phone calls to the drapery guy, paint, and man that makes incredible furniture out of roots and old trees here. Its really artisitic I bought a root for a table base yesterday its cool.. I stained my chairs I had here from my office that were really ugly and removed the upholstery, order some microfiber sude, in a ginger color and am waiting on all that to come. I chatted on line then left for the beach in search of rest. Its one thing to have a party and have it last till two or three but to begin one at three and last till 1:00 the next day??? MY GOD!!! horrible!!! I wont fight with her she is my neighbor, and besides that will only cause more. So I just left.. so did everyone else. very passive here. I laid on the beach sunning thinking.. Came up with some more ideas as usual. I have a plan for the next few weeks.
Sunday is my birthday I want to go to San jose and purchase a dress and shoes, my clothes are not very good. I have few not like most women, and most are pretty darn old some are over 5 years. I have shirts and cool tops but nothing really nice. Althoug my client bought me really beautiful shirt and shoes.. that is all that is new.
So I think on Friday I find a way.. WISH I HAD THAT CHAUFER!! makes it easy to get around. the Bus is hard. you have to walk allot and catch buses here and there.
But I have done it I am familiar .
Sunday I think Rossy and I Orhpa whos birthday is the same as mine are going to go to dinner at this incredible Italian place in Los Suenos.. its fancy and well cost but its my BIRTHDAY!!!
Tonight I am going to Rossy's taking some fish I have and having her cook cook it for me. I don't have any pans to do it in.. We can talk I haven't visited with her in a month about.
Other than this, its nice cool right now its been hot the past couple of days so hot you can't walk!
I hope my table comes in the next couple of days its so different. The guy that builds these ask if I would try to help him sell his creations on the internet. But I know right now the economy is so flat its expensive to ship.. But I can put some on Ebay maybe who knows? Help him helps me..
It really is one of kind items for those descerning buyers.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Found the place that I had a dream about five years ago

I have found the place I dreamed about, before coming here.. Bella.. I looked at this property yesterday with a friend of mine. Its not listed but they are wanting of course to sell. Its alot of money but when I was looking at it I knew this was the place. I walked in with my mouth open.. Somethings happen like this, and we don't know how they will transpire but if you can believe hard enough in something the way opens up. I have someone interested in Investing, I have for a long time.. and many offers too.. but not one have come through. I contacted two of the people who are interested and hope that one will say yes. I would love to have this place, and renovate and get it rolling.
ITs beach front here in Jaco, with the perfect property. You can go on Picasa, type in Marianna Costa Rica/ Spain and look at some of my albums. I am learning how to create them now on this program.
I am believeing something good is coming, maybe this is it? If not I am continueing in believeing.. till it comes.
I talked with my current client about it, he wants to see it too.. Today him and I are going once again to buy more for the condos. Its going to a hectic day.. San Jose is difficult to drive in and to get around. Places are hard to find and there far apart.

Right now I am waiting on the balcony for him and the Chaufer, its about 7:30 am. Cloudy, and cool this morning, last night breezy and cool. I cooked for them again last night. I made Fresh Mahi Mahi that they caught yesterday. It was over fifty pounds, Put it in the oven with fresh garlic, butter, and olive oil. Salt and pepper.
Fresh corn, avocado salad with aruga, and left over lasagne, and egg plant.
We had 7 people last night for dinner, drank champagne and enjoyed company.

The kids are happy they kinda have a woman there to do everything.. I don't mind, I enjoy entertaining myself! The Fish was devine, I didn't cook it too long and its so fresh that it just taste unbelieveable. It melts in your mouth, and has a clean light taste.
I so enjoy the seafood here, because it so fresh.
I enjoy cooking, for others.. Well I got to run the chaufer is here.. I look forward to posting photos of the places redone again!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I saw some portions of the Inaguration! WOW

THE people of Costa rica are please that USA has a black president.. I am too! I watched some of the Inaguration Wow was it awe inspiring. I cried in some moments. I am a humanitarian, hunbled by the man who is now in office.
I wish the world was a better place,I want everyone to be happy and have the life they desire. Listening to him was great, his speach writter is a master. But I have the feeling he edited every word.. because you could feel the sincerity in his words. It is good.. I sure hope that things magically turn around FAST!! The whole world is affect by USA.. I do believe like I said a week or so ago when there is no hope I still believe. It is my way.. Read some of these facts and information about Aquarians, that was on the internet this morning on MSN.
Aquarians present themselves in one of two ways. One on hand, you'll see someone who is shy and quiet. On the other, an Aquarius can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. Both are deep thinkers with a love of helping others. Highly intellectual, this is a fiercely independent sign that prizes intuition tempered with logic. Both personality types have an uncanny ability to see both sides of an argument without prejudice, making them excellent problem solvers. While very much attuned to the energies around them, Aquarians have a deep need to take time out alone and away to rejuvenate themselves. The keyword for this sign is imagination.

The Aquarian can see a world of possibilities even when there appears to be none.

Friends and FamilyEven though Aquarians are great with groups of people, it takes a bit when it comes to making close friends. Deeply sensitive and cautious, closeness means vulnerability to an Aquarius, and this is not something to be taken lightly. Aquarians' direct, no-nonsense approach in combination with their strong values can make it challenging to get to know the inner person. Yet those who are able to do so will discover a friendship that lasts through the years. An Aquarius will go the distance for a loved one to the point of self-sacrifice if necessary. They look for creativity, intellect, and honesty in their friends. When it comes to family, the expectations are no less. Although dedicated to a sense of duty to relatives, the Aquarius isn't one for developing close bonds unless the same qualities they expect in their friendships are there.

Career and MoneyAquarians bring enthusiasm to the work they do, especially when it involves expression. They have an exceptionally high ability to put their imaginative qualities to the task and to think outside the box. Careers that allow for concept development or demonstration can suit this sign well.

I know is the key phrase for the Aquarius. High intellect combined with an Aquarius' willingness to share their talents inspires many who work in the same environment. Being visionary types, Aquarians love to engage in careers that aim to benefit humankind in the long-run.

When it comes to money, this sign really has a knack for keeping a healthy balance between having the things that they need and putting money away. When they are out shopping, the shiny, glittery, and extravagant will catch their attention even though their homes are generally decorated with great taste.
It's not uncommon to find the Aquarius turning heads dressed in daring, brightly colored outfits. Most are well-attuned to their individual sense of style and aren't afraid to show it. Careers that suit the Aquarius are acting, writing, teaching, photography, or piloting. The best environment is one that gives the freedom to tackle the task without a lot of strict guidelines. The Aquarius is unconventional, and given the opportunity to show their true talents, they can perform amazing feats.

Love and Sex Intellectual stimulation is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for the Aquarian. There's nothing like a lively chat rich in culture and future possibilities to get this sign going. When it comes to love, people best suited are those that are not thrown off by Aquarian frankness. Open, communicative, imaginative, and willing to risk are all qualities that blend well with this sign's perspective on life. Honesty and sincerity are essential for anyone seeking a long-term connection to this dynamic personality.

AQUARIUS TIDBITS HealthEach sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Aquarius are the ankles.

Ruling PlanetThe ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus. This planet is considered the breaker of rules and tradition. Uranus rules psychology, inventions, originality, creative will, rebellion, and autonomy. This planet is futuristic, intellectual, and even eccentric.

Best ColorThe color of choice for Aquarius is turquoise.

GemstoneAquarius' star stone is the Turquoise.

Lucky NumbersAquarius' lucky numbers are 2, 3, and 7.

Compatible SignsAquarians are most compatible with Gemini, Libra, and other Aquarians.

Opposite SignThe opposite sign for Aquarius is Leo.

Perfect GiftUnusual machines, music, books on favorite subjects, a gift to their favorite cause

LikesA good cause, being part of a club, scientific ideas, fun with friends, a good listener

DislikesDull or boring situations, people who disagree with them

HouseNatural sign of the Eleventh House. This house focuses on friends, goals, hopes, wishes, circumstances beyond control, and love received.

Famous AquariansJohn Travolta, Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Jennifer Aniston, Michael C. Hall Best

Travel DestinationsSweden, Israel, Moscow, Salzburg

StrengthsProgressive, original, humanitarian, independent

WeaknessesRuns from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof Charismatic

MarksGood looks, beautiful eyes, angular faces, thin build

Best EnvironmentAny gathering of people to exchange ideas

Ok so that pretty much sums me up most of it is exact as far as I know.. So what I say is real I do want for people to be happy and I live to serve.

I have been still ever busy in the condo. We worked for two days more.
It is becoming spectacular! Last night The Owner told me FOR REAL you are a creative genius.. I was flatter, actually I shed a tear because I have worked extremely hard in my years. I really don't feel the need for recognition any more.. but it was so nice to have someone who really appreciates the talent I have been given and use.

Yesterday was wild at the condo, I was calling guys to install the plasma in the corner, a bit difficult, I had guys putting furniture together in an intirely different condo for him.. I was running to book fishing tours for them. Making massive arrangements in Silk flowers for all the rooms that look absolutely real.. in vases that are like art peices. I was cleaning sweeping washing dishes, Running the market to buy all the things for a dinner he wanted me to cook in the same night. That was chore, because no one carry's normal things.I had to go three places!!! Walking to two it was HOT!! I was so stressed...
Then back the house the place was a disaster, I cleaned again and began making sauce for Lasagne, fresh pesto with pinoles, and garlic. Salad, fruit tray, baby carrots with thyme and sugar and butter. I put on a spread.. a friend of mine has the photos and I will post them on the blog in a day. IT WAS NICE we had about 6 people over they ate like pigs.. It was fun.
I was so exhausted that I came home put my purse on the balcony chair open the door went in on the sofa fell asleep and went to my bed with the door open. In the morning I thought where is my purse? I looked outside there it was open with cash hanging out! OH MY GOD i was so lucky no one came up!! door wide open! that is how tired I was.
So today a little rest, I paid the guys, had breakfast.. now resting soon to go get a sewing machine to make drapes for a freind on Sat. They guys are Fishing for Marlin, Tuna, and Mahi Mahi.. so if they catch one or two I will be cooking again tonight.
Tomorrow we go again with the chaufer to San Jose, for yet again to purchase more for the the condos.
They leave on Tuesday, I will miss them. It has been allot of work but fun too.. I am lucky to have met this man, his x wife, now his son and newphew. They really are great people, and permitt me to be the creative genius that GOD MADE ME!!!( I actually have made a good profit for once in many years)
I hope it continues, it doesn't matter what it looks like look beyong the problems.. hope can change anything.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ok so I went to San Jose again, but the night before the two young men of my client, wanted to go to all the places in town. We began at Congas, a new place open by an a Cuban Conga player, married to a Puerto rican woman. The food was Tapas like in Spain, really good. We drank Sangria it made me think of the time I experienced the life in Spain. We laughed talked and soon they wanted to go, we ended up going to about four places, they went home around 4:30 am me too...dancing was fun. BUT I PAID THE NEXT DAY.. the client showed up with his chaufer around 7:00 am. I was still asleep since I got to bed about 5:30.. Wow I threw on some clothes and flew out the door. We did 13 hours of shopping in San Jose, art accessories, furniture. Its not easy like you think.. there are not that many locations that have good things. So we where struggling with finding what he felt he needed and wanted.

We drove back to meet up with the boys again around 7:30 we had a dinner date of 9:00 again at Congas for pieia. My god that was good, then we listen to live latin music with a large group of guest that showed up at this new location. FUN NIGHT... going to bed again a 1:00 am. Yesterday needless to say I was like a wet noodle, I had no energery when I woke up to the sound of Stones being thrown into a wheel barrow and dumped right below my bedroom window.
WHY ON SUNDAY DO THESE GUYS TO WORK HERE IN MY PLACE THINK THAT IS WHEN YOU SHOULD DO THE MOST WORK? Now today when I woke up not a creature was stirring and to this moment there is not a noise and it is almost 8;00??? I was so mad!! Got up tried to clean the place but had not an inch of energy.. I talked on the computer live to a friend, made coffee hung out, then got dressed to go the condo again. I made a plan to take them to the bulls, in Herradura. but eneded up looking out the balcony drinking coffee and enjoying the day. We all had lunch, then took a nap, ,me walking back home to rest.
At 6:00 we took a taxi and went to the bull events, lots of people there! wow... We saw two guys get gored, one was thrown about 25 to 30 feet.. that was shocking to see in real life. The clients son took a video of it, I bet he puts it on Utube this week. We ate churros, drank a beer, and he had pinchos.. like shish ka bobs but smaller.
Went to Jaco taco at 11:00 at night and he fell in love with Jaco Taco.. great food there oh my god. I came home watch some tele and then off to bed.
Today I finish I hope the condo, more work he wants done. Things are moving along and i am staying busy. Life is good.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Havent been posting much, because still working on the condo, I had to go to San Jose with a Chaufer, of the owners.

He called about 9:00 the night before and said the driver will be picking me up at 7:00 am to go to San Jose to meet him from the plane. He flew in from Michigan. He wanted me to assist him at the drapery store to pay for the drapes. All the fabrics I chose and used are from Italy, and Spain. They are so beautiful and utlitmately modern. The patterns are really different, the fabrics are premium quality. So I rode with the driver, and pick up my client. We had a couple of things to do, then returned to the airport to recieve his son and newphew that were flying in from California.

After we did the drapery deal. Everything was fine I took him an accessory store to look at more for his Condo. It's just a little flat in areas. Needs some perking and he was fine with it. But the sale is not utill tomorrow so he and I will have his chaufer drive us back early in the morning to hit the sale.
I have been putting one of his beds together that we exchanged, and basically helping him with everything. I took them to a very nice restuarant the first night and yesterday we ate Chinese. After He and I had gone to the farmacia. He has a horrible cough, chest problems. I have sick for more than a month. So I took him where I knew was best.
The doctor is with in the Farmacia, there is no charge for the service they examine than prescribe medications or administer shots.
He needed allot his pressure was too high, thank god I took him there. She asked me many questions and I translated for him and her.
It was a good idea to go there and have him checked out. He had been so irritable and uncomfortable. So that was good. She checked me but wants me back. Doesnt think what I have is an infection. Although she gave me a shot and some super strong Antibiotic that you drink and its for one day. I feel much better already.
After we ate than I took him to buy supplies for his condo and the boys.
Spent a ton of money there... god first time I have seen a grocery bill like that!!!
I made my fresh Salsa and cheese and pineapple platter for them. Right now the Watermelon, Pineapple, Mango and more is all so sweet and in high season. Its always available here all year round but now is the best!
We bought, guanbana, Mango, Pineapple, Avocados double or tripple the normal size those kids were happy! They are in there mid twentys and never have seen such fruits. We got Madrin oranges, the size of a normal orange. Lemon , limes and much more.
I introduced them to some foods they have never eaten and fell in love with , so far its fun. They like my little hors. de orves,after the Client asked me if I would like to cook a couple of times. I felt so good doing this. It remided me of when my family would come over and I would make all sorts of great food. So I am going to really enjoy doing this for them.

This condo is incredible, the veiws are un- matchable. He is a lucky man, and I am too because I am enjoying it and its not mine to worry about!!!

You know who would ever think some of the things that I have done and been through, would have every happen. Who would know that a girl like me has ended up this way? When I was in the limelight, doing all that design work.. running my cooloo off for brides, weddings on the high end.. Hotel work. News papers.. beign so depressed and hateing my life alone, where no one called, never go out and very little friends, and here I am a simple woman doing adventrues with little or no money now. Doing what I have to, to survive!!! and I am happier than ever...?? Having Friends about the whole world now.
Life has its turns, and ups and downs all the time. I know now its how you ride that wave, how you deal with everything. This is what life is.. not about how much or who you are.. its about what you feel makes you happy. How you affect other people too.
I can say as I was reflecting for the owner last night some of the things that have has happen to me.. he was shocked and amazed that I have still have a smile and I am moving forward. I have dreams not of granduer as some people have written and said. BUT I DO HAVE DREAMS every one should this is what makes life.

But to be buidling on the dreams you have and try enjoying every minute of good it or bad.

I have news about a friend of mine, soon he may be coming here for a long time. I am working on getting him here.. I love vistors! Can't wait to see him!
Have a great weekend

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The trip back

Beautiful sunsets
Howler monkey statue in Costa Rica.. but this is what they look like
This was as I was exiting Nicaragua, enterin Costa Rica. The old ox carts are used everywhere, even horse drawn buggies are use to haul trash to the dump.

This is the new plant in Nicaragua

It was an interesting trip to the border, I took a taxi as I said to get to the border in hopes of catching a bus from there. I saw some people walking down the road on the way that were carring baskets huge ones over there heads and in there arms. I had seen these in The corns and really wanted one for what I have no idea but I was bound to find one.. here we are driving in the middle of no where when I see the people with fresh ones they had just made out of bamboo. I Had to stop, I paid about $1.00 for it. So this was a bulky thing for me to bring on the bus but I did it. I had two Large Conch shells that I found, some strange coral two huge pieces, plants from the sea and bag of Shells. Plussssssssss all my things and two purses. When they dropped me off, I had to walk through a corridor of small eateries, shaks with people cooking all tyical Nicarauan food. It was about three to four blocks of that until you come to the final gate which is was just a small gate of the border.

I paid to pass, carring all my stuff, like a burro. I walked to the immigration of Nicaragua where lots of people milling about and busses stacked up cars in line to go through. I talked to someone to get information on how to pass and get stamped and get to the Costa Rica side. Well I got foul information, Walking through mud with flip flops carring the basket on my head like the locals filled with my things I struggled to get the immigration on the Costa rica side. Went through one small gate, then they said you can't pass you have to havd this stamped in the other side first. OH BOY.. ok I had to walk back now with all this aproximately Three large blocks not city blocks country blocks, to the first gate.. ok I was hot and getting frustrated but I did it. I got the stamped when this guy approached me and said you can pay me under the table to pass you through the Costa Side fast because the line is big. I felt that was a bad idea. So I denied his offer.. STUPID I SHOULD HAVE DONE IT!! I walked back again the three large blocks, now its blazing sun and everything was getting super heavy.

I got the line wow maybe more than a couple hundred people in line. STACKED UP but I did it took about a hour but it happend. No busses though, so I paid yet another taxi to take me to Liberia, from there a bus. I made it home about 7:00 at night tired and exhausted but what a great expereience this was. I was begining to feel sick again when I got home, and from that day I have had horrible chest pains, and bronchitus.

The following day I worked on the condos and have been ever since. I finished the condos during the Earth quake which shook the whole building , swaying back and forth things rattleing and shaking. I was on the ninth floor of the building in front of the beach so it was very strong. It was located about two hours from here. No real effect here but it has devistated many areas around the quake. So Far as I know there are 20 people dead from it. I was scared inside that buidling hearing it crack and roll back and forth.. but thank god nothing bad happened.

New years:

I went with some friends, and Rossie to the Ramada. It is three new towers here in Jaco. Great Fireworks, in fact more fireworks this year all over than I have ever seen. But the Ramada was not good. No food entrance fee but nothing included, you had to pay extra for drinks and they were double what they are other places. So we didn't stay long. We ended up at Le Loft and danced some, then directly home for me. I haven't felt good the night was done for me.
The photos of the condos are on a google site called picasa,

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Finding my way back

This is one of the really nice restuarants and Bars in San Jaun del Sur The lamps are made of bamboo pieces, Bamboo was the product used all over the location.

The slats there are Bamboo, with some sort of plastic to cover the lights, really nice effect. The chairs are teak which is grown in both Costa Rica and Nica, it is not expensive there.

This is a dipping pool at the beach club of the really cool resturant Above in San Jaun del Sur

The beach front look at all the rustic Rancho style restuarants. They were really nice I mean super modern inside. The food was good and cheap

A small Marina is on the left but the boats were every where.

More of the beach front click on the photos and see the huge mansions on the hillside.

I stayed two nights the weekend was crazy I found out there were no buses or anything available to return. With the holiday everything was full every where. So I stayed in a cheap place and had a nice time looking around. I found a really interesting location that was an Italian restuarant, had a courtyard garden for the dinning area. Secluded so no one really could see it from the street. Someone told me about it. The man was from Italy did not speak a word of English or Spanish it was difinately authentic. Really delcious, took hours to eat. Everyone there took hours just like in Europe. I enjoyed my self emensley.

The following morning I took another taxi to the border. I saw so many beautiful country side homes and I noticed they were building new wind generation plant. I was impressed that they were becoming so advance there. So Nicaragua is not such a bad place. I didn't see anything I was told about it, in fact it was more friendly that Costa Rica. Tomorrow the end of my trip. And how New years was spent.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Leaving Corn after Christmas on To Managua

I tried to leave the corns and its a good thing I went to the office the day before I wanted to leave. Every Flight to Managua was sold out.
They put me on the list again, and I showed up early about 7:00, flight left at 8:00. I manage to make it to Managua. The plane this time was a bit larger and actually had a walkway. Believe it or not we also got a drink and snack. The flight took about a hour, no bad storms or wind. Landed in Managua and had a really nice taxi this time take me to the bus station to find out when the bus for Jaco left. Come to find out sold out even though I had prepaid tickets. No way was I getting on. The Space was double booked. I would have to wait till the seventh of January. Ok now what??? Managua is a very busy high traffic city. I was not about to stay there over night. Ok so we talked, I went to another bus station were I asked if there were any seats available back to Jaco. Maybe but I would have to return at two and wait for a hour to see if I was able to board. Meaning lugging all my things back and forth for a couple of hours. NO, I wasn't about to do it. So in thinking we came up with and agreeable price, and he drove me to the boarder. We went past a really lovely area called San Jaun Del Sur. I decided to go ahead and spend the night there and try in the morning to Cross and find a way back to Jaco.

San Jaun Del Sur Nicaragua* take a peek at the buildings in the background click and enlarge the photo

Nicaraguan Tarde asend

I was staying up the street from the beach. This was from the front of the two story new building I spent two days there.

Nicaraence's Repairing shoes in the open market. It covered a city block at least. It was where they sold typical products of the country. Large really good market. I found pewter, rare woods,typical masks, hammocks, loads of dried coconut, mango, papaya, baskets and reed products. Furniture, making shoes, to all sorts of artisans products. These two were doing walk up repair and they set up right on the side walk.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Corn Islands

My Face was covered with salt, I was returning from little Corn, I left about ten in the morning in a small ponga.The ride over was so bumpy, jamed packed with people, luggage, supplies for the small primative Island that sits in the Caribean sea just east of Bluefields Nicaragua. The swells were very big, many people were sick. I just held my head down, as water covered my head and face. I kept my eyes shut so I wouldn't get sick. But the ride back was easy, no swells an we were riding with the wind so it made it go very fast.
Natural purple coral and conch on the little corn. Little Corn is very primative, no roads only walk ways leading in the dense jungle areas right off the beach. The sea is light blue you can not see here but it was very clear, its a smilar look to big corn, but is extremely rustic. Poverty is mainly the

Jamed into the Ponga even with rollers on!
IT is similar to big corn, but has no streets what so ever. Only walking paths that lead you from one end to the other.

Conch shells found along the beach edge. So many of them More Chonch, I ate ceviche from this it was really tasty

Beautiful designs, from bottles great way to recycle old rum bottles.

concrete, and glass, the starfish were cute out of tiles.

In a clothing store the background for the clothes.

Windows made from Rum bottles
More patterns in the Rum bottle windows Arriving in the ponga to little Corn

When I got off the boat, the Island was filled with foriengers, from so many countries. All with back packs and gear for walking. I found cute small places to eat just as you enter the walkway, a path or trail the leads all over the island. Some went back into dense jungle where very poor people live with tin walls and carboard. No floors, no heat, no electricity, no water running. I was only there a few hours, but from what I saw it was pretty simple to figure out that they depend strickly on the tourists for income. A few small Hotels and restuarants, and some cute shops. I had a big beach purse that had two straps on it. Inside this purse I had my binoculars, money brush, baithing suit and surroungs, extra shoes. The purse was heavy and one of the straps broke. Carring this around was a pain so I began to ask if anyone had a machine to sew it or fix it. I was lead to a path in the jungle with houses on either side, like little alley ways in the jungle.I keep asking and walking deeper and deeper into the island. Finally came upon a little tiny crude structure with a crawling plant growing all over it. I saw a small hand written sign on the tree infront of it saying shoe repair or whatever you want me to fix. So I asked if was the one that could fix my purse. He said yes, they looked very indian, small in stature dark skin. There were two small girls ages 4 and 3, one about 12 and one young man maybe 19. I chatted with them while he hand sewed the purse handles. I looked around and saw they had no bathroom no beds, only hammocks, dirt floors and no water. A gas burner with butane for cooking and big camp like fire area in the back. The little girls were stareing very hard at me, I thought what do I have in this purse I can give to them. I emptied the purse, I had a new hair tie so I gave that to the big girl, I found some change and candy and gave this to the small girls, the boy I gave some gum. The man I ended up giving him 200 cordovas, equals about ten american dollars. I knew it was alot more than he imagined. But my heart was breaking for them simply because I asked what they were doing for Christmas which was the next day? They had no food I could see of.. they said nothing just sitting and being. Although I know this was not much, I figured they buy something to eat, a chicken, some bread.. something. He was so happy he kissed me gently on the cheek. Said Merry Christmas to me.. I turned quickly because I was crying, I felt so humble, wishing I could give him more. But I didn't have much in my purse to give.. didn't matter they were so happy with that. He was going to charge me 30 cordobas which is about a little more than a dollar. I walked away from there feeling very humble. Yet happy that the purse broke, and maybe that was the whole purpose of me going to corn. Because I did nothing after that, I didn't eat I just walked and looked and enjoyed and returned back in two hours. I know that those little girls will always remember the blonde ladie who showed up the day before Christmas and gave them a surprise. I hope it blessed them? because it blessed me. I returned to Big Corn, ate dinner at Marthas and reflected on Christmas itself and thanked God for where I am and what I have done. That I am a blessed person..

Storm blowing in over the snorkle areas, this is the rocky reef side.

Relax in a hammock or lounge chair at Marthas