Thursday, September 27, 2007

Began the new job but guess what happened?

This is Cristhian in case those of you were wondering what he looks like


Ok Last night I went to Rosie's of course... I have not wanted to sit alone at home and I go and get on the net and write while people come eat and drink cappuccinos, or whatever libation they desire right? It rained so hard no one came. Rosie returned from Her salsa dance class on fire! she was angry at everyone working there. No business exactly like me, only she has more over head and more employees to deal with. Its not there fault but I tell you she went on on for at least a couple of hours in Spanish ranting and raving about issues. I stayed out of the way typed and drank water.

Then I made some popcorn, and everyone began to eat my popcorn.That was fine it kinda broke the ice I yelled hey this is my party not yours a and I laughed they laughed too!
After that the ranting stopped! thank god I was getting a little worried for the girls.. I said GRACIAS DIOS YO NO TRAVJO AQUI! they all laughed and said how bad I was being Rosie's friend and all...
Well everything was fine after that. The rain stopped a few people came and ate and well I went home.
It was round 12:00 she closes on normal night's at midnight.Weekends 1:00.
I drove home everything was fine, took the face of the radio out turned off the lights locked the doors and went in.
I slept ok not great, got up had a coffee put on all camouflage ready for the garden work out...I just direct, Cristhian talks and over sees.
Well went to start the car NO IT WON'T START!! shit I was so mad I can even express how I felt... first day after many days of no work, landed a nice job now I am late!!! CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Ok So Cristhian man that he is says its your fault... of course we argue for no reason!! and finally the neighbor helps pull the car and gets it started!!!
Of course I call the client and explain, then we go to pick up the workers who are waiting at a bus stop on the main road.. well were late and they left!
HE is mad at me now were both pist and hot... sweating like pigs. Let me tell you if those of you know how it is to hot and angry its miserable and well your whole mood body mind is upset.
So I yell the loud Italian I am... telling him go to quebrada seca, that is an area where some of the guys that worked for us before live. HE ARGUES again God ok I am exasperated now... I said goooooooo
He goes and sure enough there were the guys!
We both were happy but didn't look it nor said a thing to each other. they guys got in and we took off the job site.
Then I walk in and immediately the client lays a bomb on me.
Says he doesn't sign contracts and doesn't want to give us 50 percent up front.
Ok those of you that have hearing my sob stories here, this damn saga of trying to succeed in Costa Rica! well add this to the list of things that happen here. Contracts are not valid here anyway. It is a formality.. even if they sign it you can not hold them to it.
Sooooooo I say ok what are you going to give me and he tells me we agree. ( I AM ABOUT DONE and Desperate at this point) so I tell him look you are going to be so happy with what I do! Not to worry I for real!
I said I would give him a list of everything and my profits that I want to make. He agreed then.
So the guys are working, then Cristhian wanted to go and get a coke after a big truck came with the rock for the paths... the damn car would not start again. People here hardly have jumper cables I looked at the battery and the water was low, Sooooooo I hope this is the problem.
Now Villa Calettas called me, look up this first class hotel on the net! it is the most fabulous place ever. They called and want to come here and talk to me about my work for events! I hope they use me but the problem is I am in a short skirt with a halter top on that is all camo!! gezzz what else?
Cristhian took the car back to the site to sit with the guys. you have to stand over people here to get the job done right so that is his position he sits and watches drinks cokes and talks.
I can not change is my point I am here till they come..I hope they don't think I am slutty with this on lol!
Oh well if they do I explain.
So anyway god what a day already!
Right now I have about five chapters of the book done. But I keep remembering more junk, so I have to go back and edit it constant.Getting old is hell isn't it??
Can not remember things, then I start writing and all sort's of things come to me.
But I am working on now daily.
I have to contact Glenn Wright in Vancouver Washington, he was my editor at the Columbian newspaper, that I use to write Inspirations for the home and garden. I need him to send me more photos of previous events and all the photo shoots I did for them and have him possibly edit my babble!!!!! Glenn if your reading this contact me or get on my message board on Hot mail ok?
I am also thinking about doing an x rated or pg rated blog that is paid for.
If anyone is interested please send me a message because I need a source of income and I have plenty I can write about.
Also I want to thank a few people who send me comments on this blog.I really thank you for enduring with me, reading and encouraging me! I never dreamed that I would get so many nice comments.( yeah there is bad ones but I ignore those)
Now, I should have photos of this weekend.
I am going with Cristhian to matsatal he has a big soccer tournament its the final.
If they win there are killing a pig and roasting it.I am sure it will be delicious.sorry vegans ignore that part.
But were spending the weekend up there. Don't get the wrong Idea were freinds and co workers now,( although I wish it was diffrerent!) I will take lots of photos to show on the net .This part of Costa Rica very few Tourist see and it in the future will be somewhere you want to go as an eco tourist.
This is were those Cabinas I talked about some months ago are...( there is some x rated information about that place too) but I like to keep it clean on here.. that is why I am thinking I have many good stories so I felt if I open one connected to this where you want to read more.. then you pay a small amount and you get the real dirt!
Let me know.
Hope the rest of the day is better, Thank the lord anyhow I am working , feeling a little better too! THANK YOU JESUS!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Well, I landed a nice little landscape job this morning at 7:30 am. It is for a developer, around his pool.Were going to build a shower and toilet outside, a play area for the children with sand box and grass. It will have a waterfall into the pool, with plantings all around the waterfall.
Lots of tropical large plants almost fully grown and lighting so at night it looks super cool.
It will be a challenge but I know I can do it.
We both are very happy that this happened today.
Also I may have a buyer for one of my computers..
Everyday is new, something changes daily.

Last night Spent four hours writing, the history of my career I want to try to finish this book in a month. It will be interesting I hope, lots of details about inside secrets and stories that no one knows about.

I went of course to my buddies Rosie's I don't have Internet at my house only the office, and the office is far to drive.
So off to the coffee shop I go sit for hours and talk to Americans, Europeans, and more... plus write and drink great coffee.Rosie was busy working, it rained really hard,amazing how it is here. Rain and no one around the moment it stops the place is full, and late at night too???
People just stay up late and get up early here..
I went home ate some cheese and crackers, BAD before bed oh boy! not good but I was so hungry I only ate a little during the day not much money.
So today when I woke up I felt so guilty for that.BAD GIRL BAD.... made some coffee in the morning put on the makeup and got ready said my prayers and left for the job at 7:30.YES I LANDED IT!!!
Hard here but some how a way opened up... now I just want the flood gates to open. I just feel like I need a break in life.
Those that only read, have no clue who or what I am do not know my history in work.
My life has been filled with hard intense laborious work. Now its not as much labor but still hard. Just a few good projects could set me up for a few years.Making my life a little bit easier.
Although I live simple, it would be nice to have a few more conveniences.
I am a happy girl t0day because of new work!

Thank GOD for the opportunity of new work.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


The weekend came and still no new jobs, Cristhian is depressed I can not blame him.I feel like I have let him and myself down. I have emailed and called but no one is responding. It is just slow here very very bad. I spent Friday just trying to get the car in shape, and working some for Nelson at this new place. At least after this We both felt better about things. He treated us to food, and drinks it made the day less of a worry. Later that evening I fell off to sleep, I had a date with Gerson one of Nelsons friends as a dance partner. Not a date date but a dance date only... He is gay! so that should explain why. He is Colombian and is a terrific dancer and loves the way I dance as well.

But I feel off to sleep, I woke up around 9:45 and ran to the shower and got all ready. By the time I got all already it was about 10:45 almost 11:00. here that is still early believe it or not. I went to Rosie's she was busy then i walked to the Jungle to meet Gerson, but they were doing Karaoke, so I walked back down to another placed watched a video for 30 minutes and then walked back. The place was packed now and no more singing... But Gerson was not there. I ended up just dancing no drinking only dancing, made my spirit feel so much better. It is my only outlet right now, and it sure is a great form of exercise. I had many takers one individual whom I danced with a couple of months ago was very jealous of any one else wanting to dance with me, but i carried on and ignored the fact that he was becoming very possessive of me. I saw victor a friend of mine and a few other people. I saw Cristhian as well but he was reclusive in the corner and was not dancing or talking. Only drinking his beer. He did talk to me a little but generally he acts like he doesn't know me for fear another woman might think were together! WHATEVER!!!
I left with Jessica my Colombian gal friend and Juan Carlos my Tico friend and walked to Nachos, but I was tired and went right home, it was last like 2:30.
I saw Cristhian sitting outside. HE heard me say we were going there I think he is having issues with his mind at the moment.
He just sat and looked When I walked by I said good by, he watched me go in the taxi and never even waved.
Then Sat we both went and took a few things out of the office, it may be i closing it. I can not afford it any longer. He was argumentative, and did not want to do a thing... maybe hung over???
I dropped him off early, like around noon, then dropped off the car to the wash. I wanted him to pick it up and park it and put a for sale sign on it so i can get rid of it buy something else more useful.
But he said you do it.. of course most of our conversations are in Spanish.
I left the car, took a taxi to the house then got a text message saying he would take care of it?? ok I just got my things and walked to town ands talk to someone about selling one of my computers. I need help right now and selling a resource is maybe an answer temporarily. I have a couple of computers so that should be a little help.
I walked later to Eidas and visited with her, she encouraged me to write a book, another friend of mine said the same thing.
I already started it little did she know???
But we talked and tried to come up with fast money making ideas.
Later Cristhian called with the car came to Edias and asked me to fix dinner again... lately likes my food, plus I know its free for him.. I am such a soft heart.
I fixed dinner he came ate, but was grouchy, and a little rude.
He left shortly after, I slept and woke up this morning at five. Why I have no clue but forced myself to stay in bed till 7:00, made coffee. Then ate some komplete, watched American news, then started writting.

Now i am at Rosie's internetting and going to go the beach for a couple of hours, then belly dancing.
Rosie is never here on Sunday's its just the girls that know me and now lots of Americans eating and talking. Its hot but over cast, great day for the beach!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

trying to keep my chin up

As bad as it is I am trying my best to hope for Jobs and that things will be better! Its hard I tell ya but I set myself today as knowing its a new day and anything can happen.
So far nothing yet. I called on the project in mataplatano, cool condos not too badly priced but they were busy said to call around 2:30 so I will try back. I called my other promise a model in Bejuco but everyone is busy.

Last night I walked from Rosie's after helping her type up a new menu. Cristhian called and wanted me to make dinner, of course... eat free and well with me at least company.
I made some fish that I bought in Esterillos last week. I froze it it was good I put olive oil, spumante that I had on the shelve, some season salt and rosemary. Baked it in the oven, made fried sweet potato with onion for him. They are purple outside and yellow inside really tasty. A green salad, and corn on the cob.
He came we laughed and talked ate and then he left.
I know its simply for the dinner nothing more... but it was nice to have something to do and to have company. The house is always so quiet and lonely.
Today I walked to the soda had a tiny bit of breakfast, saw a friend of mine. chatted and then C and I walked to the bus stop to catch the bus to the office.
I saw The Crazy Colombian guy that use to chase me like the pepe le pew... he offered me a ride for 1000 five hundred colones. That is about 3 bucks.
I told him no, I needed to be careful and its better to take the bus.
Right now I have too, no money for nothing... the car is finished they called but they want another hundred dollars to get it out.
I have to check the bank today to see if I have it! This is really pathetic in my opinion... but well I guess it could be worse??
I managed to pay my rent at the house all the cable, Internet, and the four phones two at the office one cell, and one house. At least That got paid! THANK GOD!!!

I am sure some people could not relate to this, going from one day having a nice little sum of money to the next when your walking and riding buses to not knowing where your next job is coming from.
It is tough, I have done it long time.. Right now I am tried, being sick adds to it. I just want a break a nice big project to land and ride it out for a while!
It can happen and pray soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How good it feels to sleep when it is raining

I took the bus home yesterday and went to the little soda where I ate alone and very little. I knew I had to eat but just had no desire to eat.From there I walked home and changed my clothes. Laid on the sofa and the rain began. I heard the phone but I ignored it. Soon I was sleeping sound but could hear the thunder in the background. It is very loud here, the rain comes and cools down things a little but it is still warm out. I actually had the air conditioning on so I could rest comfortably.
Maybe two to three hours past when I heard the phone, It was Cristhian calling from his mothers in the mountain. He said he rained too hard and he prefer to come back today on the bus when it wasn't so bad. He said it took three hours and a half to San Jose. Normally it is two hours. So what could I say no come back now.. I kinda knew he was going to his Moms, because the day before he said the roads were bad this weekend when he went to visit and he didn't see his mother. So that was fine, he actually talk to me for while and was concerned about what I was doing and how I was feeling.
That really made me feel wanted and good. His mother invited me to her house to stay for a couple of days so maybe in a few weeks I will venture up there when the car is repaired.
She insisted that I stay with her. She really likes me allot I can tell. Cristhian sure was concerned? he ask everything I did which I thought was strange but happy that maybe he cared.

When I hung up Kevin called me Clint's friend... he was sad and we talked for like a half an hour.
I remembered then that Victor a friend of mine was celebrating his birthday and had invited me to the party.So now it was like 10:00 I changed my clothes and caught a pirate cab that is very cheap for five hundred colones which is less than a dollar. Went to Rosie's and waited for her to go to Victors. We all went lots of people were there dancing and happy with horns and party decorations. Of course everyone drinking.. but not me. I just don't feel good but I danced twice and and talked to everyone. It was a very nice party.
Came home super hungry, but I only had some Ritz in the house so I ate like four and went to bed. I woke so late today.
No desire to get up.. But I forced myself to shower and go.

I heard about the interest rates cuts on the news and how the stocks were up so maybe that will have an effect on my business here now! I sure hope something changes.
There are so many people doing design work here now that Its really hard. But I know my landscapes are beautiful, I hope this is the key to support me for a while.
Cristhian is still not back with the parts yet its now 12:20.

I walked to town, ate an egg some rice and two slices of tomato then walked to the bus stop. Rode the bus to Herradura and walked to the office about a block of so. When I came in Manolo my artist Friend who lives here from Spain came in to visit me he tried to cheer me up and said not to worry it will be OK your super good Marianna he bragged to his brother about me.The thing is when people do that, and I know i have accomplished much really in my life, an yet I struggle with hardships... I feel so dumb and so not worthy when people brag about what I can do. In other words I feel foolish to be in the position I am in if I am so dang good? and there telling someone I am so good ya know?
I can't explain it but it seems redundant.
Anyhow I am here for a few hours, Rodrigo asked me to place mirrors in the clothing boutique for him today and help with the placement of the plants.
I have no plans for the evening, simply straighten up my place and cleaning a little. Nothing more.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rainy day Tuesday

Well yesterday was a bit of a struggle but I made it!

We got the car and took it another location but barely made it there. The man could not do a thing till this morning. So after Cristhian left from walking me to the house I laid on the sofa to contemplate and rest for a moment. Then I got up changed my shoes and walked back down town. I just couldn't stand the thought of sitting there alone thinking about my issues!
Of course

I went right to Rosie's, its about two miles from my house. You walk out of my place about two blocks, the down the road of pops, that is what they call its about ten blocks to the central. Then Down the central over the bridge and past the little mall and there sits Rosies.

It started to rain so I got a little wet but not too bad, but right away I felt sick. Maybe because I already have a bit of infection. I started to feel sick in my throat and coughing was the first sign.
She was busy so I sat watched TV and hung out till we could talk.
I checked my mail, then just visited with the few people that were there which was about three the ones that work there. It rained so hard no people were out.
Late about 11:00 I walked back home fast before it rained again.

Did not sleep good last night, I was hot, and worried and just did not rest well.
I must have gotten up three or four times.

This morning when arising it was dreary, I made coffee and showered, only after watching a little Reggis and Kelly.
We get like four English speaking stations here so I always watch that if I can in the morning.
I didn't eat there was nothing in the house at all to eat.
I called Cristhian to wake him up and ask what time he would be taking the car to the new guy? he told me to meet him at the Soda.
So I got ready and walked to the soda, after my landlord handed me the rent bill and the power bill! oh Joy!
I had one egg , one toast and two slices of tomato, He ate a ton as usual and he is so dang skinny.. how to they do that?
We talked only for a second, Cristhian is very quite these days, I am sure he is worried too. The other issues I am sure are bothering him as well.
We took the car to the mechanic, hes very fussy, he was mad that I didn't bring it him in the first place. He took the pump off and said he would do nothing till I paid to order the new one.
I felt sick to my stomach at this point knowing that its allot of money and everything is due. I am sure some of you out there know how this feels. I am strong but right now I feel so beat down.
I stood in the background thinking, head down wearing white Capri's and a white eyelet top. Standing in the gray the rain started to begin. I felt it on my arms and my face. We then walked with the part to the main roadway.

Cristhian had and idea, that he would get on the bus take the part directly to San Jose and make sure he gets the right one so no more time is lost. He asked for money for the bus and lunch. We took a taxi to the central about 15 blocks to the cash machine and it was not working. So another taxi to the end of the town where the bank is and the bus station.

I gave him the cash and be boarded the bus. I walked away feeling a bit defeated, then walked across the street to a project that I had given a proposal on to see what their answer was. I knocked they let me in and I sat and waited for the manager.

We talked a moment then I asked well what is going on... his reply was NO Marianna No we chose someone else.
Ok I smiled and walked out, With the smile on but as I walked I felt kicked in the stomach.
I was hoping it was yes and answer to some of the things that need to get resolved. AS I WAKLED DOWN THE ROAD I heard the bus behind me... I kept walking not looking at the bus at all I knew that Cristhian was in this bus, I think he saw me walking with my head down.
I kept walking till I came to Century 21 about seven
blocks from there.

I walked in to the Century because they owed me some money I was hoping I could collect.
I talked to Thomas the owner, then I got a message from Cristhian saying in Spanish "tranquillo yo estoy tambien para ayuda" Meaning Calm peace I am here also for your help.

How nice is that? I felt better then Tom told me he deposited the money in my account its not much but it will help pay a portion of my rent. I felt a bit better. When I left the architect for Toms remodel was outside we talked and Tom told him I was joining the company as a personal designer for the company.

Its all good now lets see the cash! I am A funny woman... some can not live with out Men and have a complete breakdown with or with out them. Yes I want one in my life one to share things with and do things with to love would really nice! But I live fine and manage to do ok with out. Although I have horribly lonely moments and want to just curl up and die. I manage! but when I have no money or no work.. I am a wreck! I have to be working, and good cash flow or I feel as though the total end of the world is coming.
Frankly it is.

I went to Rosie's little Store she has two coffee shop's and one little pulperia, I purchased a cigarette and smoked half way... and threw in the road.Standing on the roadway in all white waiting for the next bus to Herradura.
No money for a taxi, pathetic I think! but hell At least I am still trying.

I boarded the bus feeling a little out of place people staring at me, I kinda stand out ok? I sat and just prayed all the way that god would open the doors of opportunity for me and for Cristhian too. We do nice work I believe in my work and my ideas.

Our Client from Esterillos wrote such a nice letter last night telling me how beautiful everything was. I kept those thoughts in my head as I rode to Herradura to my office. My office now is so quiet, not a soul passing by, not a phone call, not a walk in nothing.

I proceeded to check and return mail and now blog Later I have an article due for the Jaco Guide.
I have the the Local Latin MTV on trying to lift my spirits with the music and a good cup of Costa Rica Coffee. Yum the coffee is great, Thank god for my life! no matter how difficult I am great full that I have my health my youth in my age, and I am able to go on.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Many things since the third of Sept

I have done a few things since the 3rd of Sept, so I will explain what has been going on with me as much as can today.

It has been slow, I was working in Esterillos which is south of Jaco about 10 minutes, its a huge beach with a tiny little town, one store three restaurants, a couple of bars one puplpuria, a soda and a hardware store. Going there everyday was expensive and long. But now I am done and well no other jobs lined up at all.
My car broke down the power steering pump went out and the relay switch on the air conditioning all at once. First before this was the electrical on the air condition I had that repaired, I drove the car two blocks parked it and the next morning could not drive it.
A friend of mine from the states offered to fix it but honestly I don't think he knew what he was doing its been sitting at his place now for ten days.

Some how today I have to get it to a mechanic but how I am paying for it is another story... the part is over $ 300 the other part is about $100, I have very little in the bank at the moment so I have no idea how its going to get fixed. I been walking, around town and that's good for my health, but to get to jobs not good... taking taxis is OK but it is getting so expensive. I need my Son Brandon here right now to fix this crap car. I been so worried about how I am doing everything.
I have some projects in the future MAYBE??? but nothing going on and not a dime coming in at all. Lots of expenses, lots of worries.
The worries has taken a little tole on my body too. I came down with a slight kidney infection, so yesterday I consulted with the pharmacy here and they gave me some strong medicine.

So on top of no work, very little money, no car, now an infection. I suffered with it for about five days till I couldn't take it any more. I did a little project for a lady on Friday and made 10 thousand colones, which amounts to about $20 bucks so I went to the pharmacy.

I been consulting for a Colombian friend of mine on his new clothing store but I only made 50 thousand colones for three weeks, that was food money.

So now on to what I have been doing. We landscaped the house in Esterillos it came to $1800 dollars, but most of that was materials, plants, rocks and labor. Not a lot of profit.

I had gone to Puriscal a week ago with Cristhian to a friend of his. The whole weekend was strange, I can not tell you what happened but something concerning his family and it was very uncomfortable being there.
They are very poor, the house has light coming through the wood walls. the roof is peaked but opened at the ends so animals can come in and they live high in the mountains/ jungle. they do not have hot water, and the toilet doesn't work they have to pour water into it to flush it. The water then runs down the mountain side. The kitchen is dirt floors, with a roughly built pit for fire and block around and on top for the cooking area. It is all open too. Chickens running all around and in the house, the beds are very old and run down. There are some windows I think I saw three.
I felt so lucky to have what I do have after being there. I was ashamed that I complain about what I do not have.
I felt so sad in the morning when I woke up, after sleeping on the floor of the living room. His sister offered me some coffee made by hand and some cooked coco palm seeds that you eat like a tiny apple this was all they had.

Cristhian had so graciously taken and old pad and put it on the floor for me with a pillow from a sofa that was old and worn. This was late at night after he found out some information about his family, he and I sat in the rain in the car, the car was surrounded with mud , talking till the wee hours about this situation. It was very heart breaking for him I felt so much compassion for him.

Even though he and are not together, and I know it is impossible for us as he is so much younger than I, the fact that now he is working for me, (and actually doing much better.) I still have feelings, I realized I had more than I thought when this happened? I don't know If he is a repair for not having my sons? or if I love this kid? or if I just have so much compassion for him knowing all the things I know now? or all combined, but I can not deny that I have feelings and I have gone out on a limb to help him.

Some could say it is so wrong, but in my heart, I feel fine about helping him, no guilt nothing in fact I feel so good when I do something for him or his family.
I came home on Sunday that weekend, his family and I all went to the soccer field and watched his team play, he slept to late to make the game so he just watched. We stood on the sidelines there on the mountain side with a view in the distant that was so beautiful. I thought how simple the lives of these people yet on Sunday everyone is together playing soccer and enjoying the company of the families that all come.

When I left in a friends car,I was worried I could hear the brakes making horrible noises and at one point did not have much brakes going down the grades of rock and dirt roads across the high mountains. I was scared, I prayed that god keep me safe and put angels on this car and I manage to drive the curves just fine, I went very slow. It took two hours to get to Jaco,

I hit a skunk the night before so you could smell that horrible smell all the way home. I took the car right to the car wash in Jaco and waited for two hours while they cleaned it. Then I dropped it off and walked home about a mile. I went right to the shower it was hot out so I was really sweaty then laid down and slept. I was exhausted and sad, and worried about him and my life.

The past couple of weeks only working on Esterillos, and dealing with how to get by with out the car. My friend who was going invest in my place here backed out with no reason really all these months of promises then he just backs out? so that has been a worry too.
Jaco has had allot of rain although its has nice hot moments in the day. The evenings have been nice and cool or rainy. Still you wear sleeveless clothes or shorts not cold weather clothes.

Rosie and I have been seeing allot of each other I go and visit and hang out so not to be bored or sad at home alone.
Last week Cristhian, after the news spent three days at my house sleeping in the spare room. He could not go to his apartment and this news made him go out and get his own place instead of living with four guys now. I told him I think this is good for him anyway time to be a little more independent. I cooked every night he was there, he loves my food and it was nice to be doing something with someone.
Actually I was shocked that he stayed with me? but after the second night we talked about things and I knew that it was necessary for him to have some peace in his head about things and my place is quiet and peace full and relaxing.
Perfect for him to hang out.
On Friday when he went back this week he wrote me a note in Spanish, it said on my cell phone:" Lo siento por cualquier cosa, yo quero que todo este bien y si que usted es buena persona y usted da mas, entonces mas le dara Dios" I can translate but I think really what he meant is God bless you for being a good person, the best of people really.. and he was sorry for anything he had said or done earlier in the day, that he knows I am good.

That made me cry, because I feel like sometimes I am not worthy of anything. Although I try to help people, not just him but many... Not much help comes to me, I felt sad all week, and he saw it in my eyes, I didn't tell him I was sick on top of it but I think he knows.

Aside from all this.... I did spend time with Edia my old friend this weekend. I bought some chicken, she bought pork, we invited a couple of people for Independence day on Sat and I cooked for everyone. I made Cuban Pork on the bbq and Coconut ginger chicken, Italian style salad and Armenian Rice pilaf.
Those that showed up liked the food, then Eida suggested I open a restaurant. That was my intention when I first came here a small little place serving Tapas and wine, some beer something cool different and simple. Everyone that eats my food here says the same thing GOD YOU SHOULD open a place but its super hard work.
I would rather do that and have my Son Jordan come and run it and be the person in control and mama over sees. But Eida did offer to make a place in one of her locals for me. It is all talk as far as I am concerned really!

Then Yesterday she invited me to swim in the pool in the morning and have coffee with her. So I got up cleaned the house and walked the ten or more blocks to her house.
We talked, swam, and then I walked to Rosie's, when I was on the street Rodrigo, the partner of my Colombian friend saw me and picked me up and took me to Rosie's. When we got there Rosie called and said Come to belly dancing.
So I went with my bikini and sarong and Rodrigo took me to the class. The rest of the day was great we danced for a hour in class, then she took me to my house to shower and change, then she changed and we took up again and went to this place called OZ a hotel and bar and had a margarita, then we went to Sushi. Rodrigo went with us, we had a nice night. Later back to Rosies place and sat and talked with people, Helen too!
Then I took a taxi and went home to bed. Slept till 7:00 and got up made my arrangements with the travel agent for a ticket I had some months ago to go back to the USA.
I will be going in Nov for Thanksgiving, Although I really do not want to go back I want to see my kids and grandchildren once again.
Then I took a taxi here to the office and now waiting for Cristhian to show up. Its almost noon now.
The rest of the day is making an invoice for two places, trying to get my car to a mechanic, and maybe that is all for the day.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Three beautiful babes on a Sat night

I went home Sat very depressed, I am certainly tired of being alone alone... I just laid on the sofa and watched TV after a shower and then fell fast alseep.
I had three messages to Call Rosie, I read them and called she was out for dinner with a friend. When she returned she called and invited me to go out with her and Jessica, this beautiful Tall dark Columbiana she is about 26 years old and has a sugar daddy if you will, who pays for her total everything. Yet she is not happy! he is a nice man I met him several times but young as she is needs her age I am sure.
She was so happy to be out we went to Esterillos to a latin dance party put on by the instructors here in Jaco is was a really pretty location on the top of a knoll.. it is called the Brisa Restuarant it is all Italian. We danced for a and hour or so not many people but a beautiful setting for sure. Verandas fountains, breezeways and gardens.
A Nice Change.. Later we all went back to Jaco to dance a little more. I went home early and left Jessica dancing.
Sunday I got up late and cleaned the whole house, then went to he beach with Helen my crazy Columbian friend that sells hot dogs every night in front of Monkeys. She makes the best Columbian hot dots ever... pineapple crushed potoato chips saugsages, cabbage, tomatoe, and more there to die for!
Anyway we just went to beach together for the first time in months, we only spent two hours it was hot and I couldn't take it any more... then we walked down the dirt alley by Copa Cabana, to another little soda and had fresh cievehe and a she had a beer I had a diet coke. We chatted and then went home.

Today I worked with the guys on the garden in Esterillos. Ran to Parrita and all over Jaco. Iwas not in the office till now and its about 5:00

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Beautiful Day!

Esterillos house
This is just a couple of views of the house, the stools and most to the things were made for the house its not like the USA

After the roof with palms were put on its pretty now!

This is the house in Esterillios it has four bedrooms and it is for rent for vacations. This is before the landscape and the roof I had done

The past two days have been simply beautiful, We worked on the house in Esterillos it sits right on the beach and I swear its the most peacefull, beautiful place ever. I would give my left arm to live in Esterillos.. But the past Thursday night was the worst. I was suppose to have dinner with a friend who was cooking for me at 7:00, I got a call from him asking If I was coming for sure. I said yes and he continued to tell me he was preping for the dinner.

Well this storm blew in like ten minutes or less after he called. It blew and rained and well the lights went out in the whole town. NOT A BIT OF LIGHT anywhere. Well that lasted for some Two hours. I thought to myself well he has to have gas, everyone here cooks with Gas they rarely use electric stoves. So I decided to go in the rain storm to his place which is on the beach and down the narrow alley.

So I put my makeup on and got ready in the candle light. Got in the car, well my aircondition in the car is broke and that means there is not defroster or de humidifier for the windows so I put the windows down some and try to get the windows so you could see. Its warm so all the windows are fogged up. I had a towel so I kept driving and wipeing and well it was miserable rain was coming in. But I tried to find his place, Well I got there and the gates were shut, I know there electric so Those were not going to open. I honked and yelled and then tried my best to see with all the windows fogged, to back down this alley that is just wide enough for the car.

Kevin lives down the road from Dave,so I drove to his house in the total dark. We sat in the dark for another hour.

Later I got dressed when the lights came on and went to my friends birthday party. I had no way to call my date and tell him, he does not have a phone. I had told him earlier in the day about after dinner going with me to this birthday party so he knew where I was going to be.

It was a nice party live music in a place called the Cantina across from the Aqua project on the beach. Very fresh and cool that night. But the power went out again later.

I went dancing later with friends and got home very later

But the next day Yesterday was soooooooooooooo beautiful! and today too. I have never felt it so cool here and so pretty today was beautiful as well.
Cristhian and I had our breakfast and coffee on a log on the beach in front of the house. It was so nice the breeze was actually cool today and it was so clear the ocean bright blue.
We then worked with the guys on the garden just instructing them on where to move things and cleaning it up getting ready for the remodle.
At noon we stopped that is my schedule on Sat. The guys rode with me and I paid them, Cristhian when to Bootie Call or Puriscal again.. Normal weekend for him.
I am not going to Manuel alone I decided not too, so I have nothing to do this weekend at all. Maybe something will come up!