Thursday, August 30, 2007

Been working on a new landscape job, also putting a techio de palma. Its where they put palm leaves woven for a roof.

The owner of the house in Esterillos wants it authentic Costa Rican so I found a guy who works in this and tomorrow he begins to construct the roof. I really love this effect, and its so functional, insulates from heat and keeps the rain from coming in, but in this case its mostly cosmetics. If and when I build a house here I want this on a portion of the roof like the second story where my bedroom is. I think its so pretty.

So I will take photos of the process to show on the blog.

Tuesday I got a call from a friend for a Music video. They wanted Dancers and some of my close friends know I am loca for Dancing. So Kevin and I Clint's friend got dressed and went to for the filming. It was Five hours of Dancing in hot lights, smoke, and it was Raining like HELL.. the roof was leaking but that did not stop the filming.

It was weird really because they contacted the prostitutes from the Beetles bar and there were many of them in Short short dresses and high high heels. Not really pretty ones either! Its legal here, prostitution. So I assumed they figure they would contact that bar and get all the girls from there. But normal people showed up too.
They shot us in the back with the third camera, but later in a shot where the models come down the stairs they put me right in the front of the line. Ended up they filmed me three times solo, and well they asked for my permission to use the clip. The name of the Group is Kumbia Kings, I think there Mexican decent, and some live in California. They all spoke English. It was fun but really hard. The lights and heat, the take after take doing the same thing.. But It was interesting and it helped pass a very hard rainy night! It ended for us at 3:00 am we began at around 9:00 p.m.

Now in Jaco, we are actually becoming a city. We have professional boxing now,I personally like boxing. It is because my father use to watch the Gillette boxing night on Saturdays always. When I was young we all had to be still and watch or leave the room. I use to watch. So now in my adulthood I still like it. It is every Tuesday at Secret Society. I plan next Tuesday to check it out.
Other than that, the weather has been rain, hot but rain allot of rain. Everything is Green and pretty. I saw Ten Red Macaws the other day just sitting in the top of tree very close to me enjoying the rain. preening there selves it was very cool.

I may try to go to Manuel Antonio this weekend to just hang out, it is one of the main resorts in the area, but if it rains all weekend I won't because part of the road is dirt. If not I stay here and just visit with friends.
Tonight I have a dinner date with another one of my American Friends, he is going to cook me dinner, he said Marlin, and rice, salad and veggies. Sounds great! I am such a fish eater now... its so dang good here why not?
I was also invited to a big party at a chain place here in Costa Rica called the Cantina so We may later go to my friends Birthday party.
For today just trying to round up people for the work and order things to be installed and delivered. PURA VIDA!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Still sick

Thought I was better yesterday, but last night was horrible.. bad tummy issues. I felt really sick this morning when I got up. I had to go to Esterillos again for the house we have been working on. The people want some more things taken care of, so I needed to be out there before nine. But I sure felt crappy in every sense of the word!

I did have a nice evening last night, at least for a while. I Can not say who I was with he asked me not too, but it was nice for the most part.
We had a glass of wine first at my place, then went to the Copa Cabana where the food was terrific, it sits on the beach and has a really nice garden. It didn't end out well. I started feeling sick, but that was not the issue. The dinner went perfect the conversation was good. Then it went sideways at Rosie's. I suppose he was bored, as he said and well the whole conversation with he, I and Rosie was not that coherent.
So to sum it up he left.

Things not to do on a first Date:

Actually this was the second!
First date:he had asked me for dinner, then When I showed up there was a couple with him, which turned out fine because I just went along and didn't show that I felt that was not right on the first date? My opinion don't invite friends.Si o No?

Try not to talk about your ex's or your girlfriend you have now, or did have recently. This really is a turn off for me and many other people I have asked how they felt about that sort of conversation in the beginning

Although I can relate to any age and age is sometimes irrelevant to things, I personally do not like to be asked how old I am four or five times during dinner.

Retro is nice, when its retro.. but I live in 2007 at least live in the era( I am not that hip but I do like to be in tune and up with the era)

I know it sounds mean but these are things men do that are really a bad thing when your first dating. I hate dating, But what to do?

Sooooo it was a not so good night. My stomach after was a wreck, I did not sleep well at all last night.
I ate a little this morning some pinto, two eggs and one toast. I came home mid day to rest, feeling peunie... I laid on the sofa and listen to the hard rain, and its been raining all day extremely hard. I can not believe I have a sweater on today. Not once have ever worn a sweater here. I got a call from my Colombino Client who is opening the clothin boutique. He wanted me to select the colors for the store right now. So I got up got myself half way together and rain down the hardware store.

After I decided to come here, its so dreary here similar to Vancouver and now its chilly oh god did I bring this back with me some how?
I have no plans for tonight I think just rest watch a movie eat some popcorn and sleep.
Tomorrow I have work too and its Sunday, My furnishings I ordered were not finished because of the rain, and the Colombiano wants me to sample walls to see which color to put where?
Cristhian left for Puriscal, His usual trip every weekend. I have been calling it Bootie call sounds similar and its significant to how he returns. Pronouced Pooodiscal.

It is Because he comes back, with hickies on his neck every dang weekend. Clint said when I was in the USA he did not return with them but before I went and after I have gotten back he has them. He goes, plays soccer, visits family ,friends, drinks at the local watering hole, and I am sure picks up on the American Tourists gals that work in some of the eco farms that are located near his house.

I talk to Clint yesterday, hes sad and is missing us already and the weather.. but its ugly here to, I wont dare tell him.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Feeling better

I am feeling a little better still coughing and my chest is horrible but I suppose the sleep I got last night helped.
Kevin and I had planned on being together missing Clint of course! our plan was to go out dancing. Kevin is an excellent dancer so It may be he is my dance partner. Although I dance with many people... but that was the plan.
I came home after being at Rosie's for a while. I talked to Dave my Friend from USA, and then John from the USA Rosie said what is this your mating Ground? I cracked up no it was just coincidence... but it was nice to have visitors! they both are nice guys..
I came home took a shower, put a facial on, laid on the sofa which is this beautiful rich leather soft and cuddly.. watched a little TV and waited for Kevin, Clint's friend to come by at Ten.

Well I woke up at 1:45 and was shocked I slept all that time!!! In the morning I messaged Kevin in Spanish where the heck where you and what happened... he said he laid down for five minutes to rest and slept like till one, also his room mate they both woke up and was mad and he thought I was mad at him. But I thought I miss him and didn't hear the gate buzzer because I was asleep.. so no dancing no exercise this week GOD I need to go the gym bad... I love to dance its the best form for me of exercise.. so maybe tonight after dinner with John I can sneak away and go!

Today was early rising, 6:30 made coffee, cut the pina that Cristhian brought me last week.. I watch Regis and Kelly and relaxed then the buzzer rang it was Kevin in the morning. So we visited and had coffee it was nice.

I hate being alone I just hate it... its so hard for me.
I guess cause I am such a social person. I do not really need people but I need the people if you what I mean? I am strong I can be alone have for a long time but honestly I do not like Eating alone, being alone watching TV alone working alone.. none of that.. I guess I do need people? but I handle it ok if you know what I mean?

We have work again at the house in Esterillos the people loved what I did and asked for more so today we go and install some shelves, and prepare for the patio furniture I ordered yesterday to be delivered tomorrow.

Its very hot again today, my air condition in the car is now broke I will not work, I checked the fuses its not that it must be a line or something because I had it all repaired some months back.. DAMN TORTUGA!!! I want a new truck bad.. Just wish some of these golden carrots would materialize.

I had the hair so dang cute the way I use to wear it in the states all flipped up and in Ten minutes with no air it is wild like a lion now... god the whole day looking like a lion should be interesting.
With the humidity here and the heat its impossible to be beautiful. Ever since I was very young I always took care of my hair, my makeup and my clothes. It was bred in me. My mother liked nice things, and always when were little dressed all us girls alike, hair beautiful my mine was the worst of all us. STRAIGHT and does not liked to be curled. She would rag roll it and make it stay in for a day,take it down and twenty minutes later STRAIGHT AS A BOARD... some people die for this, but I like a little body in mine. It is funny all women the same really we never like what god has given us, those of us with straight hair hate it those of us with Curly hate it never happy huh?

I know dumb girl talk, but it is something I have to deal with constant. and Men notice when a woman takes care.
Well it is the end of the week again, I think time flies lately I wish it would slow down honestly. Although its nice on the weekend here. I only do a little work on Sat and always always always take Sunday to just play or do nothing. Rest, cook or find something interesting to do. But this weekend no plans, I do not think I want to go the beach after last weeks baking in the oven on Sunday.. maybe a week of not laying out would be called for so the skin can rest.
I may go up with John this weekend and see the sunset from the plane. He asked me again last night. Said the fuel line was plugged last week and that was the cause of the engine stalling. We will see!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The day was a little frantic

Today Started out a little frantic, the owners of the house called and did not have the keys to view it. I had sent Cristhian the other day when I was not well to deliver some things to the house the neighbor had the keys, in turn he got the keys and either put then in his bag or in my car. It was very early when they called.
I had been trying to reach Cristhian all night he didn't answer and I had thought perhaps something happened and he went to Guadamal, for the night. Well that was the fact after hours of not hearing from him and calling trying to find the keys. Finally I found them in the car with allot of other keys They were not marked so I had no clue if it was them at all.

I called the client and drove to Esterillos which is about some 25 miles away to see if it was and they were! I had an early appointment before this so I was a little stressed... After I returned Cristhian called and told me his dad had a diabetic attack, so he went to see him in the hospital. I suppose it is true but I was glad to hear he was ok and nothing had happened and that his father was fine.

It is really strange that I have these intuitions, and most times there true. I thought perhaps something had happened but I didn't know exactly what it was. But my inside was sure something was wrong...

We continued the day searching for things that the client has now requested.
Had lunch saw my friend that is the pilot talked for a moment. Then went on to order some furnishings from a rustic maker in Hermosa.
We eventually came here to the office to check mail, make some calls and now I am ready to leave and go to town for a while talk to some friends and see what the night brings. Maybe dance but I am still not completely well. I want to but It may be a bad idea to get all sweaty and hot.

I spent the evening last night at the beach in Hermosa had a beer and talked with Kevin, Clint's friend we laughed and chatted then I went home.
rested for a little while tried like I stated to get a hold of Cristhian but no response so I went down to Rosie's to find out a friend of hers needed my help.
I may be designing a little clothing boutique this week, I also booked the garden for the house in Esterillos, some furniture for the big house and a model in Bejuco.. for a new project. It sounds like allot but in actuality its not really.
The Columbus Heights project like so many others has been put off. I feel discouraged. I get offered these big golden carrots in front of me, I grasp as hard as I can and then they drop in a hole in the ground! Many of these is seems like? WHY?
We were so close to this one.We didn't even get to bid on it!! But I wont throw in the towel on them yet. I plan on visiting the site next week.

Well that is is for today, except I received a nice photo from one of my readers. He always says such nice things and I appreciate the thoughts thank You Jason for the Photo and the great comments! PURA VIDA MI AMOR!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clint is gone now

The past weekend was hot here wow! I stayed home Saturday night and slept hard I have not being feeling well for several days now. Sunday Morning Clint wanted to go on the beach early. We had a surf tournament triple crown here in Jaco, the first was in Esterillos, the second was in Hermosa and final was on the beach here in Jaco. So.. I told Clint lets go and watch and see what is happening!

We left about 10:00 am and parked the car near Rosie's on the main strip here in the central Jaco. We walked down this little alley that is lined with Bananas and palms that leads right to the beach front. At ten it was already blazing. We stopped and got water, some yogurt and just snacks to have while we all sunbathed. Kevin , Clint's friend, Clint and I, all laid out and watched the action.
There were lots of people the skies for the first time in a week were absolutely Clear and blue. It was hot, there was a radio station parked near us and played very good music so it was fun to listen and watch all the people on the beach. We played in the surf and danced and laid out watched and watched what fun it was.... BUT

Well We all didn't know now hot it was??? I got total scorched.. my face has bumps all over it and it feels like a crock! My lips are horrible, and my chest looks like a crock UGLY!! oh god I hope it heals and doesn't damage the skin bad. Also I felt sun stroke, I was sick to my stomach, and feverish.
For four days now all of us have been sick, Clint the worst. Me I can hardly talk my voice is shot , don't know why? my body hurts, my head and my stomach. After Clint and I went to Jaco Taco, a new Mexican restaurant that has a great view of this beautiful field next to the beach. I had a margarita, and carne asada tacos.. wow the salsa taste so good! it is because here they do not put much flavor in the food and I love hot things!!
So I ate a bunch of salsa... Clint too. I got a call from a new American friend who is a pilot here for tours. He asked me to go up alone with him and see the sunset. At first I thought good idea! but after the day in the sun and not feeling so well, I thought hmmm I better not. Also I just didn't feel right about going up that day..

Well it turns out that was a good decision, he went up alone and the plane lost a motor. Should I had been in this small plane it was very possible that it would have crashed in the trees. He called me to tell me I had good intuitions and he wanted to get me know me better.. that he felt it was surely a good decision on my part.
I GUESS SO!!! anyway we all didn't know how burnt or how hot that sun was.

I had to drive Clint yesterday to the airport, he returned to the USA for God Only knows how long?

He has no idea how hes getting back but did say he could not live in the USA any more after his experiences here. I didn't think he would say this since in the beginning he was so unsure of this country and how the people are and well the system is so different.

But now he is sure, he said there is no comparison, that he is so depressed in Vancouver Washington, and he has no reason to stay there except his house that needs to be sold. His car that he wants to sell and his furniture.
So I guess he is going to do the same thing as me. Pick up stakes and move here.
Its all good, for now anyhow?

The drive coming back from San Jose was horrible, the rain was hard and you could hardly see the road during the evening hours. Trees were falling, rocks coming down on the road and waterfalls on all sides to say the least I was a little scared and nervous. But I made it back safe and sound.
I was sick last night I laid around trying to feel better but woke this morning to feeling the same.
The face is better but not much.
I have no excitement this week to talk about yet.. Still trying to get jobs nothing yet?? I hope something comes soon.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My friend from the Jaco Guide

I came the to office today alone.. Cristhian was out partying last night I saw him I was dancing with other people left early and he was still there.. so I know he is probably still in bed and that is fine because there is not much going on at all.
Clint is home with his friend because he is leaving on Tuesday to return the USA maybe for good or maybe to sell what he has and come back. That is his plan. He has expressed to me in the past few days that he refuses to live in Vancouver Washington any more after being here for eight months. Enjoying the people, the food, the sun the surf, the scenery, the birds, flowers and more. He actually has friends here. I hope he gets the courage to come back.. he needs to sell things in order to buy a ticket.So We will see.

Until then its Cristhian and I only for the jobs. At this point its fine not a whole lot going on. Sometimes I feel so worried as to how I will survive and make it here.. other times I am so happy that I have less stress, and I learning that really you can live with less and enjoy a better life. Although I like nice things and have the mentality of The USA striving for more more more.... Better Better, and bigger... I am losing it little by little.

I use to have such a cool car and nice trucks.. a decent house. Now I have a Tortuga for a car, its a crap mobile but it gets me around... I have a small apartment near the beach, not many clothes or shoes.. and very little furniture. But I am happy for the most part.

Clint informed me that if he does return he is getting his own place!! GOOD THAT IS GREAT NEWS!! then maybe I have a privacy, and well it will be on the other hand a bit lonely. I lived alone for some three or more years after Jordan moved out when he was 18. I lived with the boys alone for a long time. So totally alone is a bit lonely.. I was here for a year alone before Clint I did fine with it, because someone was always coming over... but now hardly anyone knows where I live. I have kinda kept it private.

It is nice today but I am sure for only a while a storm is coming, so I want go get out in the sun soon before it runs away.

I have the owners of the house I did in Esterillos coming this week, plus I go to San Jose to take Clint to the airport, and I hope I nail the landscape, and maybe a new project called Columbus Heights. That should be a good one.. I know soon we will be very busy. But only if the economy in the USA picks up. It has effected it greatly here.

Today is half day, Tomorrow is always lately on the beach. I am going to make Italian food for Clint and a couple of people before he leaves.
Other than this, I am enjoying the Meymonies the red fruit in the previous photos!!! GOD I LOVE THOSE!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The TSunami warning

Yesterday at playa Herradura near my office... Kevin treated me to mothers day lunch. Arroz con Camerons. Rice with Shrimp.. so delicious!
Woke up to a beautiful Sunny day.. hot again.
Last night was if you have not heard a warning of a Tsunami here in Jaco.
About eight o'clock, I was having dinner with a new American I met, at this cool Italian restaurant in Amapola. The food was Devine no lie.. beautiful presentation and the taste was so authentic Italian. While we were laughing, drinking a glass of wine with other friends. The general manager came up and told us there was a Tsunami warning that all of the beach areas were being evacuated.
I was not afraid... I didn't know why?
The place was ramped with people running,cars buzzing through town. all the Taxis left with people full inside. All the roadways were packed.. police everywhere... I help rescued a couple of people who needed rides to the mountain side, then I searched for Clint, he was not found I knew he was going to the Jungle bar to wait for his friend , so I drove down town. It was dark not a soul around the whole town was just about empty. When I saw only him walking down the road. I made him get in the car and drove to higher ground above the sea near Playa Hermosa at the tallest point which was about three stories. I figured that would be high enough should a big wave come... We waited and I anticipated running should I see it coming to the mountain, climbing a tree. But honestly I had no fear??? so weird I am.
Funny Clint, John and I all felt the same way.. I didn't think it was going to happen.
We watched the sea, at moments it was loud, then quiet... then very loud then quiet... but the time past for it to hit and I knew that it was only a scare.
The whole town was shook up, everyone I knew ran to the mountains near by.
We did have a slight earthquake a few days ago and it shook my walls in the apartment. Clint was scared.. I have been through allot of earthquakes so I was not.
But I lived and I am still here to work, enjoy and have a decent life in Costa Rica.
This weekend is a big Surf competition tripple crown world competition. So I am sure the town is going to be full of people.
I plan on watching at least one of the day of the contest.
Today I am working on a plan for new client...he is difficult to get intouch with. I have been trying for five weeks.. LET IT BE THIS WEEK that he says yes!
I plan on Taking photos of the beach and the contest... maybe one of me too?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Beautiful Variegated Bougainvillea

This is a beetle that was in front of my office in Herradura its dead but I liked it! its in the office now in front of the fountain
Meymonies delicious liche actually in the USA, Mango and most delicious tomatoes natural.

Today is Mothers day here.. I got three text messages from men, friends here that say I am like there mama! the all wished me the best mothers day ever! Kevin, Jonathan, and Diego.
I love them all there so sweet to me, and they laugh their asses off at me.
I do not have much to say today except I plan to call both my sons.. and see how they are.
I wish all those who live here in Costa Rica who read Feliz dia de madre!
Happy Mothers Day
Nancy thanks for your ecouraging note, I cried when read that I miss Julian!!!!! NONNIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Better day today

Although yesterday I was a little upset, today is a better day.

The sun is out, the wind is blowing.. its hot and I can hear drums in the back

ground. The children are practicing for the parade.

I got an email from Jordan telling me Happy Mothers day as Tomorrow here is mothers day in Costa Rica. Everything is closed and people celebrate with there families.

I missed the Mothers day in the states, Christmas, My Birthday. So to sum it up I have not celebrated much at all here. I do miss that.. I was thinking of dropping by one of my friends house today and asking if there making a party for Mothers day just so I can attend and help, and share in the fun. I do not want to be alone.

Clint is going to leave in a week, so I will be in the house now alone again. It has been raining allot so you can get out much. I spent Sunday with him on the beach laying out for a couple of hours... then this huge storm came it was huge the waves were gigantic! Many many Surfers came out, we were caught under palm trees, and took cover under a small rancho,( palm covered umbrella in one hotel) I had to sit up under the table to avoid getting all soaked.

We talked and watched the surfers for about an hour until, the storm blew off a bit.

I found out yesterday, there is a triple crown competition this weekend at the Best Western in town for Surfing so that must have been people who love to surf, and those who were practicing.

I am sure were going its three days on the that should be interesting and fun! not to mention the tan!!!!

I enjoy the sun, I read the other day the sun cures many things not just physically but mentally too. It has the power to heal many things. I want healing in every area.. The power of the sun!!!

Today is not much work we still have a few things in Esterillos to complete.

We are working on a new landscape project, and I have to get a business plan for the Martini bar I want to open here in my office... changing to that!

Anyway here is Julian, hes my doll! tomorrow I will have photos of Memonies, and other big fruits that are in season here, Clint and I eat ourselves sick with them.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back home in Costa Rica

I am very happy to be back, the weather was too much for me.. and people too. I enjoy a simpler life here, although just for the record.

A Blog is a Blog... its about the person, self absorbed or not.. its the person them self and the people surrounding them, there daily habits, goings on or off.
Swill if it will and inspiration sometimes to others I do not claim to be perfect.
Take it or leave it its my Blog. I feel if your offended by the thoughts I have and I write honestly about it... then please don't read on and do not continue to read. You all have a right to your own opinion.

About the fat comment, I know your reading it must be a family member or someone who thinks there family. Yes I was fat almost my whole life... I battled with the fat regardless of how little I ate and how hard I worked out. I had three surgeries which left horrible scars and bad bad sagging enormous amounts of skin. I wanted this surgery for years.

Do not put me down for my ability to finally do it and or my happiness about it. It has inspired me to be more in control of how much I eat. I have lost more weight than ever. I am feeling very good about my body and my mind. I will not allow someone who does not have the balls to tell me who they are when they slam me to take me to a downer over my conquest of weight!
When I was a heavy set girl, woman... I was depressed seeing other people who were extremely over weight. I had been teased, made fun of, and cruelty was put upon me for MANY MANY YEARS about it I hated me especially me and... now I am sad for them and it makes me understand why some people have the problem. You can do something about it... no matter what it is there is a solution.

This is true of all things there are solutions! Troubles do not follow you they exist in our imperfect world. If you have no troubles you are a liar... everyone has some sort of problem. I am just not afraid to talk about mine or share them. Maybe it helps someone... maybe it makes me see clearly on how to solve them? or maybe its a cathartic way to to air them and be free of them? Who is to judge, lest you be god? I have troubles but honestly, I came to Costa Rica for a freshening and It has happened! I feel better than ever... I look better than ever.. and I really feel sorry for those of you who get pleasure in saying things that are basically mean.

Yes I do not like screaming kids, I suppose everyone is ok with sitting next to this except me? if so oh well its my flaw. I do not like hyped up screaming kids. Not even my own when they screamed. I was very upset and tried to make them be quiet.

As far as being mean to my son and his girlfriend? Who are you that you think you know so much about me? Identify yourself..

This is all really a part of my life here, the Blog was intended for those who actually know me little and my family to keep up with what i am doing.

But the family rarely writes, or tries to keep in touch. Now only a few of the people I know in the USA keep in touch.

I have made a choice to be here health wise, and mentally and I am doing just fine. I feel sad at moments missing my children, but When I left this last time. I knew that things really do not change unless you make them change. I made a change...if they come and visit GREAT! I worked hard my whole life supporting them with no help. I did the best I could for them... running a business and raising two boys. That tough situation made me who I am. I can change my thoughts, I can change my form of conversation and I can change how I speak to people nice or mean... I can change my body and my mind, but the person that came from having to struggle her whole life basically on her own will not change the strong self based person she is.

My world is small, I have no family here, I have Two sons, who we barely communicate. I have two sisters who I rarely talk to not of my doing. Their choice.. to busy and maybe jealous too? I have a brother who doesn't communicate with hardly any of us. That is it... I do not have a lover or a male friend, or a boyfriend or husband/ mate so my writing is about my feelings and my thoughts.

I have a complicated personality I know this.. my inner self is frustrated at times with the outer. NORMAL!
Aside from all this rot...

I love Costa Rica with its pitfalls, robbery, poverty and ICE controlling everything. But there is so much more than these few bad situations. I feel alive here, the people are friendly. the men are help full, the women are beautiful, the food is clean. The jungle the mountains the birds, the trees the flowers, the scenery is incredible. The beaches are amazing. And for me that is all that it takes. YES it would be nice to have my family here... but obviously its not a priority to visit. Maybe some day they will?

Until then I continue to write my blog, If your offended DON'T READ.!

Tomorrow I have great photos of things from here and my grandson who is the most adorable ever... sweet personality gentle spirit, and pretty eyes.I pray god takes care of him.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Here in the Cold DrearyVancouver Washington

Left on Weds, to stay in a hotel there in San Jose so I could Fly out on Thursday early am.
I made it just in time I had five minutes to board at 7:00. The flight was full and I had to sit next to two small children and mom who was feeding them skittles at that early morning hour.. what was she thinking? these kids were so hyped up and screaming allot on this flight. After about 15 minutes the mom could see I was annoyed with their behaviour she called the attendant over, ( I had already asked if I could be moved) and asked if there was another place where they could be alone? he told me there was a seat in the back and it was open. So I moved and had some peace for a while. I didn't sleep I just thought and looked out the window as these two heavy set girls from Texas jabbered and laughed the whole flight.

In Houston, it was a four hour layover. I had a hard time getting my huge trunk off the carousel, it almost knocked me over and not one man offered help. Different from Costa Rica, some one would have jumped in and helped. I was a little offended honestly .. It was evident I was struggling and I am serious it almost knocked me over but not one person offered a hand.

I stayed for four hours, drank a couple of Caparinia's and talked to a couple of people.

The flight to Portland was fun, I sat in the wrong seat purposely, because this cute woman was sitting in the corner of the very back of the plane. I sat on the aisle, then this nice man came and said I had his seat... I moved over next to her then told them we were a team. Then another guy came and said we were in his seat but I didn't move they placed in in another.. I said to these guys really what does it matter where you sit were all going to the same place, and besides all the seats are the same!!! we had the best time. We all talked and laughed and Henry the man next to me had a Ball with the two of us.

Nice time on the plane, Brandon And Sara picked me up outside the airport after I got all my luggage which was only a carry on and a trunk.

Friday we landscaped the back yard for the party.. Brandon and I, gravel, plants bark dust, laid a stone bench all around a patio area and got a fire pit. I screwed lattice to the bottom of the deck while Sara later shoveled rock around the edges.

Sat I went to Jazzercise it was fun I miss it so much I WISH WE HAD IT IN COSTA RICA.. then I went to shop, but I was getting really sick. I didn't feel good when I left and the plane air only made me more ill. I have been coughing and hacking and weasing. It is so Cold here it feels like fall.. Not summer at all.
So Yeah I got sick and spent the afternoon yesterday in Kelsey's bed for about two hours sleeping.I got up and went to the store to buy somethings to complete my recipes for the dessert I wanted to make and side dish.

Everyone showed up early, it was kinda cool out we had the fire pit going it was a nice party. But mostly all the people left early.
Some spent the night, and lots of kids were here about 8. It was a bit wild in the morning.
I am tired, I think today we were suppose to go out on the boat, but I may go and see my other son and grandson.
There is no real communication between the two, its a strained situation because of the women. Its a long story.... So I have to be careful about what I say to one and the other. I love my sons both, and its hard for me to be divided.

BUT..other than this boring story I am ok, and know for sure I will never live here again. I like my hot climate, the dark skinned people.. the clean food. (I have had a stomach ache since arrive in the states.) The beach... I miss my children, but this is so much better for my mind and heart. At least this time Brandon and I have talked some.. more than the last. I think he is getting use to the idea that I live so far. He has been sweet.

I want them to come and visit maybe at Christmas? that would be fun!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I AM NOT KIDDIN I FORGOT I HAVE A BLOG I have been so busy trying to get my passport, that was lost or stolen, working on Christians visa, the house and trying to get new business that I forgot I do this ! oh my god! now I am sitting in a little quaint hotel, in Aluejuela Costa Rica Called hotel Casa Antigua. Its old house on a side street across from the airport. It is owned by a young couple in there thirties. She is Colombian and beautiful, he is tico and very nice. Christian and I found it after our day long trip here to get my passport buy some things for me to take back and pick up some Costa Rican souvenirs. I told him to drive by the airport and to find me a place we did, Its very cute, needs some work but there new owners, so I know in time it may be a really cool place to stay. I managed to get my ticket to go to the USA and I am flying out tomorrow morning for Portland Oregon. I return to Costa Rica on Thursday of the following week.

We have been working on the house in Esterillos it is really turning out cute. Its all blue white and brown, I added brown touches and it is looking great!! Its cool Sunday we spent the day on the beach in front of the house. I had date with a new friend Jorge. A nother young Tico who manages a hotel restaurant not far from Eterillos. He is handsome, I met him some months back but last week he asked me out. I said sure.. but I know already nothing will become of it. I think he has a girlfriend and just likes the Idea of being with an older woman.

We had a nice time, Clint had a friend with him as well. We all had dinner on the beach, enjoyed the full moon and drove home in the rain.

I have gone to San Jose Twice in the past week to obtain cosa's (things)for the home.

I have a couple nice dates with different guys but nothing interesting at all.

I saw Milo last week he came to Jaco to visit me. It was very nice we talked laughed and had some margaritas and dinner at the Jaco Taco. I nice new Mexican restaurant here on the beach.

I saw Ron my good friend who may be helping me turn my office in a high end Vip bar soon. We are working on the Ideas and the money.
I think its going to work!

Tomorrow I see my son Brandon and Sara, Kelsey their daughter and JARVUS their bull dog. hes nuts but I love him.. I am spending a week in Portland for visiting, shopping and rekindling love I hope for my family.

Yesterday back tracking now... I started out the morning early I picked up Christian and he and I did the bank thing, got the supplies order our breakfast to go, and drove out with Clint to the beach In Esterillos.. We all sat on the private beach watched the waves and ate our breakfast in the early morning cool, the beaches are very hot here so that was pleasant early in the morning.
We did as much as we could in the house and left for town around 2:00. I had to go obtain a few more things for the job then I went and got a pedicure and manicure. Later I went to say by to Rosie at the coffee shop. I saw Miguelitto he had a friend with him and convinced me to go the jungle bar for dancing. I did for three hours, i still had work clothes on. I saw many people I knew including Christian.. ha! of course! scouting out women.. as usual.

I went home late around 1:00, got up at six and got ready for my trip. We left town around 10:00 and I finally got my passport at the last minute.

So now here I am just waiting for the night to end so I can fly away in the morning. I really do not miss Portland but I do look forward to some convenient shopping and fun with my kids...