Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Finally got the interview in Punta Mala

It took a few days but I finally got the interview at the reserve. We went pretty early in the morning and I talked to one of the students who is a volunteer. It was about an hour long, and after I felt sad.
Of course everyone knows that the condition of the earth is diminishing, and the seas as well as land are changing rapidly. When He explained to me about the migration, and amount of development that is causing the Tortugas, (turtles) to move to areas less populated and foreign to them, I realized how much they needed help in the clean up of the beaches. The amount of other predators now has increased which mean less of the babies to hatch, also the temp of the sea is causing many diseases that can harm and kill turtles and is harmful to humans as well.

I did feel sad, But happy in other respects that maybe when I do write the article I can articulate it well and make someone who never thought about helping lend a hand in the saving of the sea turtles.

I never dreamed I would be involved with anything so environmental, but now I want to be involved and if I can make a small difference just by lending a hand,by sharing my views and physically helping in clean ups then that is all that matters.

The day was really beautiful out there the mist on the sea was heavy, the waves that day were over 9 to 11 feet. The color of the sky a sorta mint green making the sea almost aqua. We drank aqua de pepa, from the coconuts. This is refreshing, it is also a form of medication for what ever ails you. It helps headaches, kidneys and Hangovers of all things... I love it and now Clint is drinking it daily. His skin is getting so good its helping his ailment too.

Its not milky its clear and semi sweet almost tastes like milk. But really refreshing.
We drove back to pick up Clint who was at one of our clients houses trying to repair some damage, the house that the mountain fell away? yeah well he was there plucking weeds cutting what was left and trying to spruce it up a little for our depressed clients.

We then drove back and changed clothes cleaned up and the two of them Cristhian and Clint at the lasagna I had made the night before. Making a nice lunch of it they enjoyed and rested before we all went to the office.
Things as I said in many other blogs are slow... no work so we take our time and enjoy the less stress and ease of the country. Tranquilla is what they say and I am learning that many times its better to be that and just let things happen.

Then today Cristhian, and yes this is how you spell it I was wrong before it is pronounced CHRIS THIAN and I went to Bejuco and Esterillos oste, and este to look for houses for a friend of mine who is interested in buying near the beach. It was about 8 in the morning the day was pretty we searched and talked and he kidded me allot.
I am finding that he is a real teaser... allot like my son and my dad. I find it amusing, and comfortable. Like family kinda, Clint is always annoyed by him, Especially when we both laugh.

I still have a special place in my heart for him. He is becoming a great friend.

Clint is finding more friends and has his own agenda all the time. He is bored, not working and not doing much. He is a real worrier which at times drives me mad. It is because I am seriously trying to change that part of me and he is constant in the negative mode. REALLY DIFFICULT For me to not say anything about it too so I put it on here LOL.

I have not done a whole lot, because I still recovering. But today I noticed I had more energy and I actually felt like moving the furniture oh boy no!! I didn't but I felt like it.

I am getting lots of complements on my appearance so I guess it is becoming evident that I am trimming down. Always have been so self conscious of the weight and looks thing.

I heard from a girl friend of mine of many years that I have not talked to in almost four years. It was nice to hear from her.

Its raining tonight I was so bored, I was at the house alone with the TV and couldn't stand the Spanish stations any longer so I locked up and came down to Rosies. Not very many people too much rain. So she got on one computer I got on another and here I am .

Tomorrow we will hopefully try to repair some of the garden on the mountain, then later more sales. I been canvasing. While Clint stays at the office. I go talk to real estate companies and pass out brochures and see if there is anything out there that we can get out hands on.

This weekend is a fiesta of the bulls in Heradura I may check it out? if not at the end of the month is a huge fiesta here in Jaco for three days so that should be interesting. I will be sure to take lots of photos and post them.

That is all for today nothing much new, except Jonathan, my Rastafarian computer mai, CUT ALL HIS RASTAS OFF!! I been trying to get him to do that for months and he did it!! now hes so cute!!


Matt M said...

Hello Marianna,

I have been reading your blog for awhile because I find it interesting and I would like to visit Costa Rica someday. Thank you for all your insights and the pictures you post. I haven't written until now because I didn't really have much to say, but after reading so many posts with comments about your employee/friend Clint I find myself somewhat concerned. The way he eats all your food, is always negative and attacking the other men in your life, and how he is constantly going out and partying makes him seem like a teenager not a grown man who should be providing for himself. I know it isn't my place to say anything as I don't know any of you, but time and again in my life I have seen successful, talented, charming women like you be used up by guys who don't take responsibility for their own lives. From all I have read, I find you an adventurous great woman but at the same time I worry your big heart is getting in the way of you actualizing your dreams. You need a partner in business, and life, not some guy who is running with his own agenda. I hope this email finds you well and know you have people out here in the blogs who are routing for you.


Anonymous said...

good share, great article, very usefull for us...thanks!