Monday, June 18, 2007

The weekend

IT started on Friday, we were canvasing most of the day while Clint took the day off. Went to the beach and hung out. It was fine with me. Nothing going on and I couldn't see paying him to do absolutely nothing.

I manage to talk to many different people involved with projects here in town. I hope that one or two decide to us for for there projects, later in the afternoon. Cristhian Drove me to San Jose, It was necessary, I had a little problem with my incision, where the drain tube was. I was worried, it had not healed over and its been over a month now. So Cristhian was concerned and said he would take me to the doc.

We went the Puriscal way, it was so quiet no traffic, peacefull, beautiful.. the views are so awesome.
Land as far as the eye can see, rolling mountains covered with trees, jungle and nature. GREEN GREEN GREEn.. Valleys mui lindo...( really pretty).

We arrived at the docs, he had patients and so I had to wait almost an hour for him to check me out.
I was wearing a pretty brown an pink longer dress and brown heels the hair was all down and straight. A little sohpisticated for COSTA RICA but I like that some times. But When doc saw me his face was full with a smile and kissed me twice. He said WOW Marianna you look so good... How nice but ya know he says that to all his patients!! but he is great really I love him.
I took me disrobed me and checked out the huge incision. Its all healing well except for three small areas. He said it was normal for that to be the way it is, and if I didn't like it after it healed up he could go back and cut it and reshape the whole so its small. It is covered by clothing so I guess its not a big deal, but with out clothes??? OMG! Deal with that if that happens I suppose?
We left and went to the Escazu and had dinner at a great Italian Resturant called Tre Fatelli.

We actually had a good conversation, and felt very confortable in the moment.
The food was great the martinis were excellent.
We began back for Jaco, He decided it would be good to go his way back Country roads, lots of rain mud... well we had a flat and had to fix it in the middle of the jungle, but he manage to limp it a bar of all things that he knew all the people and they helped.
We did not rolled in till after 11:00, I was tied, He decided to go out and party, which Clint and his friend were out too. So to bed I went and rested.
The next day, I did not work. I did all sorts of things but not work... I went out on Sat and had a great time. I had my own fan club it seemed like... Guys taking photos of me dancing all around me and with me three to four at a time Wow I felt like a queen and they called me that Reina!! it was fun only dancing. Till my clothes were dripping wet, the hair too... that seemed to attract more people WOW I am not kidding this was weird. It felt like paparazzi were there. Lots of flashes and a crowd... FUN!
Sunday was great... slept in till ten. First time in ages... Got up ate and went to the beach. For the first time in Years I wore my first bikini!! I was shocked and embarrased, not to mention nervious about wearing that...
But hey I got a little tan on the tummy that hasn't seen light in years!~

I am so happy about my new body... Can wait to the gym I go this week!!!

Today has been great... we had four inquieries about work very serious ones and had a yes from a previous client for more work!! I believe... And I hope that all turns around for all of us.
I thank god for my life, my friends... I am a generous soul, I know.. I appreciate the comments from my readers, and my friends thank you for your concern. The best I can say is pray for me... and believe that when you do good for others, it is good for the spirit and the soul. Come and visit me those of you who write. I would love to meet you.
Thank you readiing and I just hope it at times inspires you, or encourages you

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