Friday, June 08, 2007

Scouting for work, Garbage in the reserve

Black sand beach

Turtle eggs that were rescued prepared nests

The Reserve

We need Help cleaning this up soon!

Yesterday was slow again, I decided mid day to go have lunch at all our favorite place Garribito, and then we rode to Bejuco to see what we could drum up. We got the name of a couple of companies to email and contact so I accomplished what I set out to do. On the way back we stopped by the turtle reserve, because I need to get that interview for print. The ride back to it is long and no pavement. It was rough on the boo boo.. I yelped a couple of times laughed in agony, and almost keeled over once. Christian continued driving Clint in the back yelling all the way! Christan laughing hard making fun of everything. We meet some park guys on the way they told us the admin was not around that they had a big meeting with the community. So we missed the interview, but we got out to see how the reserve was and the condition. HORRIBLE! I was shocked to see that there was more garbage than we picked up before the reserve, Today I have to call the Muni and talk to them about helping again... its bad and dangerous for wild life. The river Toluene that runs about 700 meters south of the persevere dumps all there garbage right into the river and when the storms come it flushes it into the sea. This is bad... I told Clint I wanted to write to the president and see what the country can do to save what is left of what they have? I know its not my country, and I know I am not powerful in anyway but If I can inspire one person to do something about it, and if I can help I will.
We walked around for a little bit, the Sky's were really gray a storm was heading in. I had a moment there that was separate from the turtle experience, Christian showed Clint a rancho he built to Observe the turtles. Well months ago when we were seeing each other regular, he took me there one night, with a bottle of rum and coca cola. We sat cuddled and kissed drank a rum and coke and watched the sun go down. It was very romantic and different. I had never had anyone in my entire life do something like this with me ever... So when we walked up to that place my memory sprang, and I stood for a long time staring, thinking and well having a moment. I had to shake it off and pretend nothing was in my head but it was...
When we got ready to leave Christian had found these seeds that the Ticos feel are good luck I saw he had a handful of them and Clint too. The Hawaiians do the same thing I have a few myself in the house. He also found a little play plastic crab and gave it to me.. told me it is a present.
Then he asked if I wanted Peppa, which is fresh coconut cut from the tree? I said YES because Aqua de peppa is excellent for the kidneys, the body and healing. He got a big pole with saw attached to it there at the reserve and walked to the nearest palm tree and cut off three of them... Then he got a machete and cut the top off so I could drink it. It was an older one, the meat was not soft and gummy it was hard like the type you buy in the states. I prefer the green to yellow ones that are sweet and the flesh is gummy. Those are the best, but I drank it, and he commented saying that wasn't the best...
Then he cut another one for me It was too green so he tossed it and we drove back to Jaco.
I was suffering at this point, My stomach was a little puffy, I had some inflammation. So After dropping off Christian, Clint went to the store and got some Ginger, and ice other things to help me.
He made me green tea with ginger, to bring the inflammation down. He also Ice Packed the stomach.
It worked but I had to do it a couple times. I really couldn't feel the ice that area down low is totally numb. The belly button was really red so I Iced that too.
I heard arguing outside last night, two of the people I knew, there was more across the street. Someone got arrested it was loud..
I went to bed and slept very well, got up around 6:00 went out read the bible today.
Felt I needed some inspiration for my life...
Even though I have someone in my house, he is not always there. He is not my mate or lover... he is gay. He has lots of friends here and he goes out allot so I have been alone. I am again feeling very lonely, I question constantly why Am I ALONE? I am funny, not bad looking, talented, kinda smart... um can cook like a five star chef when I don't burn the bread!( I always forget how long I put it for) its so strange? OK I really do not understand it!! I am feeling like I am just withering inside lately.. Sounds silly but its not. I just want a companion, a helper, a lover, a friend.... even someone that I might be able to fight with now and then! that's kinda fun after!!!
I had a bad night in thoughts, and this morning too.... So I read and it helped lift my spirits a little. No answers but a word that is extremely difficult for the majority of us in any situation. "Trust, patiently wait and hope"
I been waiting for years! yea one of two walk in and out, don't last long and some of the quality of some of the ones that have wandered in an out are really bad..
Hope this changes SOON!
Today is Friday, we don't have much going on again. I have Christian Emailing, Jonathan is trying to find the brochures they sent them to the wrong location , only after the first time cutting them wrong! Clint is making a plant list for a proposal. And I think this afternoon if we get the brochures were going out and soliciting all of us!!
Other than that things are quiet.
I heard From my friend in Portland again Jon.. hes so funny! I am happy that old friends still stay in contact, Kelly from the Heathman lodge repsonded to an email I sent here and now is writting its cool!

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