Monday, April 02, 2007

The Weekend and Mondays hope

Marcos showed up, we meet but he had called Christian also, I saw Christian on the street in his car we stopped and talked for a moment, he had grown a new go t, looked really handsome. We both drove to the center of Jaco to pick up Marcos. I talked to Christian for only a minute, he is not very responsive to me any more. I Have no idea what is in his head because we only speak in Spanish and although my vocabulary is building, I do not have enough words to ask him what is going on in his head about me?

I was wearing a white lacy dress it was very sunny and hot, when I got out of the car I had many men looking and actually stopping in the street to stare. This is common here, Men just admire who they please and sometimes its me. This day it was many men and it almost caused an accident in Front of Christians car. I saw Marcos walking I waved and he came to me and smiled. We hugged while Christian looked on and just stared. Then he greeted him with a handshake and asked what was up? Marcos and I left to go meet some people I wanted to introduce him to to help support his Eco tourism project. We told Christian and this other guy, Graven to meet us later for a beer. It was very hot and sunny and he was sweating allot, I do think there was more to the sweat than the sun.
Later Christian messaged me and told me where to meet them. We met up had a beer talked and Christian was a bit concerned but didn't tell us he was leaving to go to Puriscal like hes has been doing every weekend now. I invited him to hang out with us and so did Marcos but he said no, I asked for him to stay for dinner and he told me some excuse.
The evening went without them, Marcos and I and Clint had a nice dinner, we bbqued cook some chiote, and salad. We relaxed on the balcony and the three of us talked some, Marcos shared with me some facts about Christian and made me think allot about him while he was talking.
He use to be a upper end enforcement officer, I think the pressures of the job and the fear factor is the cause for him to quit and now works some very menial job.

Marcos, I and Graven, Christian's friend went out for the evening. I really didn't drink, I didn't have much money so I just watched and danced an awful lot with many people who knew me but I didn't know most of them? Very strange this night so many people called out my name, Marcos thought I knew the whole town. Lots of people recognize me now. Actually shocking to me, I was not sure I liked it. My spirit was down and I didn't feel enchanting.
But I smiled and said hello...
The night went on till three, We walked to the Tico taco and I had one first time I have done that late at night. All that dancing made me hungry. We took a cab and went back to the house, Marcos stayed with us. He left early in the morning, Clint and I went to the beach right in back of the apartment and swam allot during the day. I was very hungry and tired. We took a break from the sun and went back to eat some lunch but I didn't have much in the house so he ate and I watched and drank some tea...

Returning to the beach to lay some more, I watched the clouds form, how beautiful the sky was bright blue with lots of soft billowy white clouds. Looked allot like white cotton candy.

I tried to ease my mind and imagine what the clouds were forming, but I didn't see anything in particular but the beauty of the sky.

The water was warm very warm, but clear you could see the bottom even through the thick foamy waves. I could see it was getting rougher out there I got knocked down once, this was enough I was too tired to fight the sea. I got out and laid until Clint was done. Then we walked back to the house and made sandwiches for dinner.

I wanted to just do something, because the apt is so small, there is no TV now and no Radio only the coffee maker and microwave stove. It is pretty boring although Clint and I talk much, sit on the balcony its still pretty dead in there. So my thoughts were that on Sunday Doce Lunes has free Movies and Free popcorn.( We don't have a movie theater) We go at 7:00 no show. It was theatrics, but never began, we waited for a hour, Christian called the moment he returned to Jaco we talked about 15 minutes, then I dropped off Clint and went and met Christian Down town to talk for a few minutes. He seemed very nice, Different. He told me that Today he may bring his sister to meet me.. I hope so that will be at least something to look forward to in the day. There is no work here this week, it is Semana Santa, the easter week.
All places are closed and no one works period. We have no idea what were doing?

I had hope on Sat, one of the investors made yet another false promise. He agreed to deposit his share in my account. But this morning when I got here and read the mail, he has said oh first I must email RON, and find out what he says.. hes in Rome I don't think I am a priority .Yet another ploy to avoid paying what they owe. My hope was pretty much smashed after reading that... I have no game plan now. I can't even come up with one. I am so beat down more than I ever have been. All I know is I have photos the work is good, I gave more than was agreed.

I had several letters today from readers, one who knows me personally and is very upset. She said Marianna, you always give above what is expected, your work in the end is always Absolutely Beautiful! when I read this from Barbara, I cried... its because I have done many things for this Client, they know my heart too.. I would never cheat anyone and in fact I give give give... Or l try to at least. I thanked Barbara, she said she would be sending me good thoughts... I NEED MORE THAN THOUGHTS!!!! but it helps!! thanks Barb and Bill.
One other reader said he loved me, although he doesn't know personally or in person, he knew my heart now. And that he felt I was a real person someone who does share it like it is and tries her best to do what is correct. I thank you Vegas nights.. I cried also when I read your mail. I appreciate all the support I get from my readers and my friends. I have little family, none here to support me.. so I welcome the thoughts and the comments. It is helpful for me to sort, although I always use my judgement, mistakes yes many in my life.. but hasn't everyone made mistakes?? My self very many.. But I always ask for guidance in knowing the way. I hope this helps someone? because maybe this is my total purpose in life.

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