Saturday, April 14, 2007

Palms 18 the basis of my strength

It is true I read this morning. The basis of my strength I believe is this. One person wrote me today saying hurray for your tenacity.. true I do have that, but it is the faith I have, that no one really knows about that keeps me going and sometimes just barely hanging in there with it.

It is so hard at times to have that strength and faith, but I will admit if it wasn't for that I may not be alive right now.

Thank God for that answer in the MACAW PROJECT. I learned an awful lot about people once again. And about my business. Here especially tough to be a woman in business.
In the states many times Clint and I would test the theory of me being in command over him, I would say something to a client and get the worst response especially with men, he on the other hand would say the same EXACT WORDS AND GET positive response. We actually tested it many times and it worked. Here now, I have to do the same thing, I have a front man, but in this case I was the force, I kept on this American and I finally won.

It can be difficult as a woman to accomplish the same thing a man can do in seconds we have to push harder. Those of us who understand this comment is... we are competent sometimes more so than men, God made us the strong ones but were perceived as the weak ones the soft and submissive ones in most cases. But some of us are strong if not over bearing more so than men... yet we struggle with things getting accomplished because were women. I know that I have done things as well if not better than some men... not that I am a militant feminist, but I know that in some cases Women especially now days can and do accomplish many things, that once was considered unheard of.

Today is Sat, again cranking the music up in here it is now a ritual in the office. Makes me happy to hear music, I am a dance machine I suppose... will always be untill I die! I plan on doing that tonight.
It has been very slow, no people but I am working on two new proposals one for landscape and one for a killer office that is going in here. I sure hope I get both!!! I want to work towards that house I see in my head... I need a place the apartment is so small and being robbed now twice is not fun..

I helped one of my friend's yesterday, he was having some bad situations similar to mine a few weeks ago.

I felt compelled to help so I lent a hand, weather or not it is ever paid back I have no clue , in fact I don't care... but it sure felt good doing something good for another person.

I gave rides to other friends yesterday as well, I am trying to live up to my convicitions. When I was down, not hardly a soul helped, I said when I have the ability to help others I will!! Not looking for it but when its presented to me, I will do what I can for others. I have said this before, I am not rich, and I am unperfect in many ways but If it is my virtue in life to be a help to someone then so be it. Find my joy though this I suppose....

This week I had a little date with Ed my friend that owns Costa's Furniture store. Not really a date were just friends but we did go out and eat and had a couple of beers. We went to Sunami, expensive but great sushi. Then to this Tico bar on the beach over looking the waves. I like it its cool and fresh and diffferent. He was not quite sure. Not up to Eds standards... someone who was use to a very comfortable lifestyle and is now in the middle of life change. I am not saying that is bad in fact I hope with all my heart that Ed gets through this and that he learns some valueable lessons on how to appreciate the small things, and friendships as well. He is a good person, I surely believe that life is not fair, and that the deck were dealt is sometimes the worst, but like all of us is experienceing some horrible struggles at the moment. I hope he knows I am a good friend and expect nothing more than his friendship.

We talked for hours, I was sad when I left him thinking about his trials, felt his burden. And it has effected me the past couple of days. If anyone knows about trials I swear its me!!! I sure hope I can cheer him up now and then.

Felt very lonely this morning, still pineing about the single life, and how can I continue, it is hard being single. Just wish I had a companion... someone to share life with!!!! and other things!!

1 comment:

vegasnights said...

Remember ( Count Your Blessings )
What you want might not necessarily be what you need.