Saturday, September 09, 2006

In the Evenig at Jadedas Parents house

In the evening At Jadedas parents house, we heard pigs sqweeling in the background, they new that Jadedas Dad Orlando was ready to feed them the fresh yucca that he just dug out of the ground. It was really cool to watch him feed this extremly clean animals in pens made of concrete with not a drop of dirt in them. I bet this meat is very tender since the animals never walk or get out of the pens. My friends from the states took photos and videos and it was a very interesting time for them. The place reminded me of Porterville in the country with tons of plams and tropical plants if you will? the level of the land I think is what I mean.
AS if got dark Tony and I admired the Moon and the whole star filled sky. JUST TO DIE FOR! the smells and cool breeze, then we all walked as it got dark to the river, yo could hear animals, monkeys and lots of bug sounds.

We walked with flash lights to the river and just admired the beautiful tropical flowers that filled the area. Later we sat to a very interesting dinner Chop suey that Jadedas mother made by hand, also the best Hearts of palm dish I ever ate! and salad. Very different for all of us but so genuine and delcious!

LAter we all danced in the living room while sitting around and telling Stoies. I felt kinda wierd at one point because Jill the gal from the USA questioned me about HOw come your sons have not ventured here to see the country and you? I didn´t know what to say, then she added wow I want you tobe my mom... they are really missing out on this. I know this but they have there own lives so I just carry on and live the great life I am having now.

LAter the next day we ventured to Davids Family some miles away on another rock street, this was an extremely different situation here, only after we ate home made tortillas and some interesting corn breakfast bread. Well I have to go the internet plac is asking me to stop, so stay tuned, hopefully soon I may have a new òmputer I have so much to tell, I will be doing a new studio business soon and there is much to write about that, plus the thingsI have done in more adventures this week, Wow MATA PLATANO THIS WEEK WITH SEVEN FRIENDS WHAT A HUGE FEISTA WE ALL HAD!! More to tell soon thank you all for reading, And please send me a note!

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