Monday, September 18, 2006

Been a long time since

Its been a long time a week or more since I blogged. The reason is because I do not have a computer here in Costa Rica any longer, As I said in earlier blogs, my computer was stolen here and it had lots of years of work photos and all my work information, with out back ups. How stupid was this? GOD as the days go by the more I realize this was the most stupiest thing a person can ever do is not back up. WOW what a mess, trying to work in this country with out is nearly impossible. It may be a while for me buy a new one. I had one new supposed client promise to bring me a computer, but when he arrived he brought nothing. I was very disapointed. He made excuses but I know he didn't even try to comp one for me even though I sent him all the information he asked for so that he could get the correct computer. I was so mad I can not even express how angry I was trusting an American who promised.

Enough of that on to the great things I have been doing aside from struggling with out my computer for work.


Last week I decided to take a day and just free my mind of all the worries I have here and try to be inspired by the world I am now living in and try to renew my spirit.

Tony had told me about LA PAZ water fall gardens in La Paz near Poas Volcano.

So I took a day and went to the area to see for myself how beautiful this was according to his discriptions.
I drove the mountian winding road beautiful the vistas, the fog surrounding the volcano, was surrounding the car and encroaching the hillsides near the LA Paz, wow what a cool hotel. Go on line and look at the La Paz waterfall gardens. It is a first if not ten star hotel and incredible botanical garden located in the mountain sides of this jungle area.

I rented a suite, it was expensive but so well worth every penny I spent. I checked in and then went to the lodge that they directed me to. It sat on a hill side with a beautiful cement path with rocks linning the path and great plantings all the way to the lodge. It had a fire place, and two jaccuzzi's one on the balcony, one in the bathroom. The bathroom had a huge waterfall and garden in it. The whole place was done in a lodge style setting and was first class all the way. Robes were on the benches made of stone, the floors stone, all slate. The two showers in this one bathroom were all stone and were waterfalls. Wow incredible. It had a bar, and a small kitchen area. beautiful Stain glass in the bathroom, sky lights and great lights reflecting on the plants.
In the bed area was a large over scaled bed made of logs and twigs all bleached white with a canopy set in such a way that any queen would be at rest in this bed!!!
The mosquito net was draped all over the whole thing.

I walked the grounds before dark, and saw the fish lakes with incredible waterfalls walkways, and lights every where . The landscape intertwined with the natural, was most incredible. They had swiming pools that were intermixed with the lake ponds. AS I walked the grounds the sounds of the birds and the frogs, the river and the waterfalls lifted all my worries and made me feel as if I was in Heaven.
I went to one area near the lakes that had a small restaurant, and bar with a beautiful open fireplace. It was raining slightly, and I sat at the bar had a michelada, talked to the people and enjoyed the surroundings of this astounding work of art.

I saw the butterfly garden that is all inclosed, but it was nearing dusk so most of the butterflies were sleeping and I realized it would be best to go in the morning when things are fresh, to really get the most of this perfect situation to enjoy the enormous amounts of butterflies that are living here in Costa Rica.

After Two micheladas, I walked back up the trail to the lodge I rented, and turned all the lights on and sat on the huge balcony and starred at the stars that were so bright it filled the sky. The balcony had that jacuzzi remember? so I turned on music, turned on the waterfalls in the bathroom, filled this machine that they provide oils and essesnces for you to concock and put into this machine. It fills the air with sents to invoke a memory of the past or present.. or of something you enjoyed at one time in your life. In other words, takes to a time that you felt extremely good.
So I mixed vanilla, and eucalyptis... my childhood of my mothers cooking and the trees in California.
It was divine, I ejoyed this idea of the past.

I got into the hottub and totally forgot what had happend to me the week before. I went in both hottubs ordered room service, the best shrimp with curry!! and a ceasar salad. YUM the best! I had wine lots of it and relax to the ultimate.
Wow what a night!!!!
The Next day I took three or four hours and hiked the trails there, saw the butterfly garden, the orginal houses, the farms ate the best breakfast, total buffet. I spent and hour or more in the orchid garden, then the hummingbird garden. WOW THIS PLACE IS TO DIE FOR!! I want to go back.. to bad it wasn't with someone I love or with someone who loved me???? DANG... what a great place to honey moon.

Three hours in the trails with tons of waterfalls, and great sites! and there in the middle of now where was a wedding going on on a small knoll, near the waterfall grande, with musicians, a videographer, and photographer. Only me, I sat I cried and I watched at this wonderfull time of peoples lives. I got to experince this alone no other people but me... wow

Then I walked for another hour on the trails and then rode the bus back to the hotel.
It was cool, I so enjoyed this and got a video and I hope that I can watch it soon to recall the unbelieveable sensations that I experienced in this short advernture. COSTA RICA IS MOST ASTOUNDING... I enjoy it and love it more and more each day although I have had some very bad experiences, the good totally outways the bad. In this case there is no measure when my eyes behold the beauty that god made and for us to enjoy. Some of us never ever think of doing things like this. But for me this was the first of many more to come and for me this was the perfect thing to do to forget the ill will that was done to me. I was so overwhelm, so in love, so happy and so excited to be in the most beautiful setting anyone can ever imagine. THANK YOU TONY!!!
For sharing your information with me... Although I know Tony will never read this, honestly I have to thank him, it was because of him that I experienced this pleasure of life. THANKS TON!

THe rest of week was just trying to work and create work for the two of us. Tony is a great helper, thank god for him... I know I have said this but I do everyday Thank the lord for him. Right now he is at the house protecting it so I can be out doing what I want.
This week was tough, not much work just trying to accomplish work.. and making contacts, making a corporation for myself so I can buy property and open a ligit business here.
We have been meeting with attorneys and more all week.Now this week we will try to get new account's and begin a new house soon. Allan as deposited me and so will one more, so the work will begin again

The nights has had lots of rain, the weather is changing here now its winter three months into it. The days are hot but the nights are cooler, very nice. Many trips to San Jose to try to accomplish business.
Actually its been kinda a fun week, many friends many parties and more more talking. life is good...
Love My Costa Rica, right now My friend from Columbia..Juan Carlos is here visiting me in the internet cafe, he is a real character! funny and sexy... but really a riot.

He says crazy things to me all the time.. hes fun to be around.

The internet cafe right now it getting full so I guess I am going to end but to say one more thing.
THANK YOU PEOPLE WHO HAD WRITTEN ME AND SAID THEY WERE SORRY to those people who follow and worry about me thank you for your prayers.

Keep Reading and hopefully come and visit me soon. I would love to show you around and help you do or find whatever you need here IN COSTA RICA!!

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