Sunday, September 10, 2006

Davids family, lived in this little wooden house that had such large holes between the boards that day light shined right through. I was shocked to see this house, since his family build really nice furniture for me. It was as if this house was built in the earlier 20´s and still was in exsistances. The porch was of course slanted and most of the furniture for living was on this porch. An old beat up sofa, two side chairs and a simple run down wooden table with a nice cloth on it. The surroundings were very messy and wild unkept. It looked just like the beverly hill billies shack. When walking up to the house I noticed that Davids dad was standing on the porch and waiting for us to arrive. Seven of us, new visitors people he has never seen, welcoming them to his very humble home. We all greeted and then walked the house and the surroundings. We saw this big log on top of another log in a wedge position, you rock it back and forth for some reason? As I walked about I saw sugar cane, bananas, and a rough crude garden with chilis in it. lots of Garbage. Chickens running about, and guinea hens in cages. In the far corner of the property was to man made lakes for talapia, a River fish that is very tasty.

Then I saw David show one of the guys with Tony what these logs were for. They were for smashing the sugar cane to make juice. It takes time they have to run it back and forth a few times while one hold the cane and the other rocks the logs. There is a bucket down below catching the delicious juices of the sugar cane.

I watched, Nick from the USA Filmed it and Jill was in Awe. Her husband was chewing a fresh piece that was kept in the frig by Davids Mom.
Jadeda was washing dishes in the kitchen, but there was no sink, it was slat´s of boards with water running over it and the water ran through the slats. There was just spaces betweeen the boards. Wow this was different. I was in a completely different Rhelm than I operate in. Since my work is to make things beautiful for peoples homes, for me to see this was a step back in time, and surely made me appreciate all I have which is not much, but much more than these `people can even imagine.
Later we all rode to the river, there are two that join one is hot and one is cold, the areas where the river is was exactly if you have ever been like the ride in Disney land, the log ride? have you been? where the growth of the plants hang over the river colorfull and green combined. Lots of plants and birds. THe water in this area was cold,freezing compared to ocean here that is very hot and most of the waters in the costal area are very warm.
We played, drank cacique with squirt, and lemon and all went in the river! it was so refreshing. Lots of Rocks, waterfalls and pools.

We returned to a nice but humble offering of food from Davids mom. It was simple Rice, yucca, potatoes, some meat broth from soup, Home made tortillas.
Good and filling. In a few moments we left to return to Jaco, we stopped later and got ice cream and chatted with the other people in the other car and then on the road we got.

Returning to Jaco late, We all just went to bed tired from the great weekend monday Adventure.

This week was on Meetings, Tony had things he was doing personal not much work. Then this Thursday we went to the Jungle to dance, sing eat and have a great time with 7 of my other friends, I danced from nine at night till two in the morning. I still wanted to but things got ify, everyone was getting drunk and very tired. So off we went back to Jaco, only to stop at a special place Tony knew about on a cliff so we could see the Sea in the moonlight! we all got out of the car 7 of us,and just stared. Edwardo took photos.. It was fun.
YEsterday We Went to San Jose to propose a new idea for My work To Diasa and meet with Pin my Drapery guy and then to Moses for a meeting. We ended up at the mall, ate a subway sandwich and then I rented a small but lovly little hotel in Alluejuela. We had a beer said good bye so, and Tony left to go to his house. In the morning I had got up to a beautifull Garden , tall banana trees and palms, even pine trees. Ate some fresh fruit that they offered and drank some sandia, watermellon that they blend up.
Walked the gardens, then got dressed to ride back here to Jaco. Today the pool after I internet, tonight just rest and gain my thoughts about this once again New Adventure I am about to take with my work. Wow never had so many offers ever, many people offering me different things... much to think about.

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