Saturday, September 23, 2006

Have you missed me?

Its been so long since I blogged that I almost forgot that I do this.. Having only internet cafe's to go to is a pain in the ass... But now my neighbor the new one Jill and her hubby have a computer so I am using it today.
The week was not a busy one, although I had to meet with a client who lead me on now for three months, and promised to bring a computer and didn't and then sexually harrassed me in the condition of the contract. In other words told me he was doing nothing with me untill I had sex with him before he hired me to do his condo. This man is a lech, an old jerk.. I put up with his demeaning words and statements all week in order to obtain his condo. Sounds bad but hey sometimes in business as a woman or I should said most of the time with men and a woman dealing with them the suggestion of this is always there or in the back of there minds. He asked me out on Weds, to dinner, I thought perhaps that he was going to approach my contract, and disguss the price. I was all prepaired, but he said nothing but your'e late. Tony was preparing paper work for me while I got dressed. I waited on Tony for like fifteen minutes after I was ready told Tony hes going to be mad but he ignored and kept punching numbers.
When I showed up he did say your late, I apologized, then after one drink, He commented on my breasts, said they were saggy and that I needed plastic surgery, then said your face needs it too, and your lips need collagen, on and on. I put up with it and just smiled. I wanted badly to say thanks you jerk and your pot belly is hanging to the floor.. or something rude like that. But I smiled and ate the dinner of lobster, and shrimps and drank the best wine. So what I am saying is I was in spite of his rude and terrible words, I enjoyed the night ate like a princess and had other people talking to me there that I knew at The Hicaco. Its a very fancy place here in Jaco. It is right on the beach beautiful five star, with live music and food to die for. I think the bill for the two of us was 180.00 dollars. The evening consisted of one of my other clients Rocky seeing me and talking with us, and a new client developed from that outing. He was sitting next to us and over hearing Rocky and the Jerk Daniel. He handed me his card, and yesterday I called and went to his mansion in San Jose. WOW a little fish caught me a big fish.. so maybe that was the reason for the outing??? but the abuse?? there is no reason for that. I want badly to say something horrible to him before he leaves tomorrow. But only if I run into him.

THe rest of the week consisted of developing new contacts, and new clients and new vendors. So the work was not in the design end nor was it difficult. I even had a whole day that I stayed in the pool by the beach. I thought to myself wow despite all the crap I have been though I am very lucky, very blessed to have such a life that is not as complicated as it use to be and that I have the luxury to do simple but enjoyable things. I looked at property this week but missed the boat again by three weeks. They sold all the lots in this incredible five hundred house community that is being built in Hermosa.
I was disapointed, but realized that when it it meant to happen it will and to just trust that God has me in his hands. I want a house bad, so bad that I did cry after this disapointment. The amount of money I need to do this now it increasing daliy, I felt very discouraged and thought for a moment, that maybe possibly it will never happen. Then the next day I bucked up and said NO IT WILL HAPPEN HOW I AM NOT SURE. I will continue to work and strive and hopefully a big brake will come and I will not worry every again about how I live... Sounds stupid really when I write it but it is my inner thoughts, I want a nice place since what I do is make everything for so many people beautiful, isn't it Ironic that I the one that does make things beautiful for others has so little and no place that is beautiful??? but It is the driving force that keeps me going and makes me know that Soon I hope I will have my own place, with an amazing garden, and a pool! and more.. Material wants yes, but nessesary for me.

Honestly, I am happy with my life, I am pleased that I have a protector Tony, who does so much for me, a freind Adrian my angel who helped me when I was out of commision for the accident, he still calls and makes sure I am ok when Tony is gone. I have no one in my life that loves me per say like a boy friend or lover.. but I know that someone loves me... and I love so many people. I have a car, its nice but cheap and nothing to really be braging about.. and I have a simple little apartment. But I live in a beautiful place and now the work is picking up... so What do I have to complain about? nothing...

I felt melancoly this week, missing my kids, missing the opportunity to obtain that lot for a home, not having a companion, no computer that is my life LOL, although Tony is a great Friend and tremendous help.. Actually I am glad for whatever our relationship is. Not sure right now since it is such a strange thing to have a man staying here, and working with me, yet were friends and do social things. But not involved. Its wierd ok, but I like that It is a sort of companion.

Now,Jill is here wrapping presents for a friend, were going to find out about the gym, they have new aerbics class so I am happy cause I would love to have a normal exercise routine and as it is I don't. So I can not wait to begin again on that.
Then today is a huge meeting for me, with a developer for 25 condos to be done by December, If I get this it could be the window of opportunity that will free me of my worrys about my living arrangements, and provide security for the near future.

Then I may go out tonight and dance, I have not done that in two weeks for me that is an outlet. I love it!

The Weather here has been rainy at night but the days are hot hot hot...I noticed there are many Americans on Vacation in the town this week, Oh and I heard from My highschool sweetheart Robert Orndoff... how sweet that he wrote.I invited him to come and visit. But AS it is no one has come. They sure do not know what there missing here.. The good here outways the bad. I will continue to look at life that way. And I sure hope that Robert or someone I know comes soon. I need to see friends and family.

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