Saturday, May 09, 2009

Wondering what I been doing?

I been doing a little of this and little that lately. Painting, rescuing Plants and repotting them. Went one day to San jose with my friends from Portland Oregon. We spent the day shopping and hanging out. Very nice to be in the company of them once again. We bought things to fix our houses up. Me not that much.. only a ceiling fan, small clock for the wall and a carpet for in front of the sink. Its not easy to find cool things here, but I do know where to find items. Simple things as I stated before on here is generally the most difficult. It is not a country of big design or beautiful items the country it self is the beauty here so being creative is the key to making someones place beautiful.
I always find ways but its not easy here at all.
I have not gone out, or into town in the past week at all. I walked a little but have been home doing things here. The laundry was an effort since I haven't washed in a couple of weeks. I just don't have enough to make it worth it so today was a big laundry day starting at seven am. Fun to hang it on the lines and smell it when you remove it to take it all in.
I don't know I find pleasure in the most simple things any more.
I had visitors last night Orhpa and Rossy came by. Rossy has never seen my place and was in love with it. My friends are becoming closer to me.. its very nice to have people who care. Things are changing in my life here.. and now I have more contact with family. Alot has changed in the past couple of months. THANK GOD!!! I actually was contacted by an old old friend who she and I have been soul mates as friends for years. I was lost to her she had no idea where I was untill one day her daughter Shannon, googled me and found me on face book. Now I am in contact with here about everyday in the past few days. Its so nice to be chatting with my buddy again.
She wants badly to come and visit, but I am sure finances are the problem. I told her its very cheap now to travel to Costa Rica, that I have a great place near the beach that she would be perfectly welcomed to stay here for how ever long she could. Maybe that will happen too? I don't know but I do know that things are changing for me.
Its been a week of just doing domestic things, and I plan to continue fixing and just hanging out being creative here for the next week or so.
We have had some rain really nice actually cooling down the days, now you can hear at night the numerous sounds of various types of frogs croaking in the small river that runs next to my place. Its a mis of thumping, drumming, cricket sounds and many strange sounds. from clicking to almost bird like sounds. But its all frogs or toads. I am acustom to the sounds since I have been here for a while but for a stranger I am sure its wild to hear. It almost like hearing some sort of music.
The other night I notice the fire flys, there so pretty at night. Lightly glowing off and on. Here they are very small black and fly slow.. The float from the ground and make patterns. I enjoy listening and watching morning and night.
Today I had two palmomas wild ones, these are wild pigeons. They are hues of rose with irredescent blues on the wings. Large too not small like domestic ones. Shy not agressive.. very pretty to watch.
Other than this not much doing.. I went to Friday market got passion fruits that are egg shaped and have a seed texture inside. The flavor is undescribleable but I am in love with it! so it must be passion....
I bought those guava seed pods again, Avocados that are huge so good, strawberries, grapes, green beans small and fresh. I had to have fresh squeezed sugar cane juice. Wow is that ever delicious.. kinda like Ice tea with sugar, green in color and full of anti oxidents. Then the pineapples white and yellow that are super sweet at this time. Sugar like no acid.
My fridge is filled with fresh goodies this weekend, that is pretty much my highlights..
Not a whole lot of people this week here, tourisum is down. WE need people to come and visit and enjoy the beauty of this place. So think about it want a nice place to warm to visit where food is good and the airplane ride is cheap now? Come to Costa Rica!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post some pictures of yourself ! We want to see your lovely face !