Saturday, May 02, 2009

Nothing much more going on

Some sort of Holiday again, there are lots of people in town this weekend. It began yesterday, I got up normal time slept on the sofa again because its so hot, got dressed in my surrong and bikini to walk to beach and then to the La ferria. Friday is our fruit and vegetable market at the end of town. Not to many people there but the streets were begining to fill up with cars and people walking by the time I walked all the way back. Its quite a distances from my apartment. I would estimate about three miles maybe? Maybe less, but its hot and when you walk you feel like your treading down. I did it but boy it was hot. I was absolutely Soaked by the time I reached the house.
Then later I had sorta a date if you wanna call it that? I met this guy from New York, but right now I am not thinking to highly of him or his friends. He met me on Thursday evening, asked me for lunch I went to his condo as he asked.. he wasn't there called after I paid the taxi to go there, walked about mile and half back to this taco bar and had humus. Said he would find me took him a hour after that I had paid already then he said lets go in the pool at my place I agreed to walk back but I wasn't wanting to go in the pool. We talked He asked what I was doing today? I was there about an hour chatting and drank a beer with him. I told him nothing. He has five friends in the condo, I said why don't we invite some people, you pay for the food I cook and we all have a nice afternoon. It's some sort of holiday here so everyone is out and about and on the beach. The condo is right on the beach front so you can see all the people and swim in the pool. He agreed it would be really fun so we made a plan. Ok So I saw all the them last night we talked about it, I invited maybe ten of my girlfriends. I left my number so they would let me know but we agreed I would come there about 11:30 or 12:00. I did exactly that got up early made breakfast drank my coffee interneted, researched on some reciepes.. and wrote a list for the store. I took the taxi again to the condo, NO ONE THERE.. and to this moment has not called. Its 2:00 the party was to be at 2:30 Needless to say, I was disapointed, and discouraged, and a little mad. So I walked back on the beach, its near the la ferria so it about three miles back. All dressed up with no where to go.. Feeling super down,
I hate that when people committ and then flake, I am a woman of my word.. when I say I am doing it I AM DOING IT.. and I was so disapointed. I was looking forward to cooking for a group and enjoying food together talking and being social.
NOT only this but what are my friends going to say to me? FREAKING MEN!!
So walking back sweating like a pig.. all pretty, hair washed ,makeup on wedge heels, and cute dress.. Paid my water bill rested in the mas x menos grocery store so I could cool off. Ended up buying corn chips cheese, conditioner and water. To make some stupid NACHOS! instead of a great meal with friends.
Now I walked home, ate this wierd fruit pod thing called guava but it sure doesn't look like guava.. and sat here and thought about life itself.
I generally have respect for others, And If I have a problem with something I committed to I tell them I can't do it or call or something. Although he doesn't know me well and I don't know them.. Even though he told me they were fire fighters from NEW YORK and were invoved with 911.. You would think they would be decent( NOT) I still think you should at least tell someone you cancelled plans.
Can you tell Im mad?
Now My day is just sitting around looking at my plants, doing absolutely nothing. BELIEVE ME if i see them tonight out honestly I dont know what I will do? I want to just ignore them and tell them to you know what? but on the other hand I want to say why would you do that?

The security gaurd at the condos said they left very early around 9:00. Strange I left the note on the door but no word. SO WRITE THAT OFF, there loss I am a very good chef, and they missed out on the opportunity to enjoy time with me, my friends and my food.
I thought as I walked that is the very last time I will never offer anything to anyone again. NEVER.. and I am the type of person who enjoys giving. That ruined it for me some how?

Ok on to other things:
I have made few inquirys for jobs this week but nothing yet. I tried to talk to the hotel gal three times no repsonse. So I keep hoping that something good is coming I say it daily and believe in my heart I am going to be just fine.
We have had some different weather here, cloudy and cooler in the afternoon then about 5:00 its hot as hell. during the day hot. Little bits of rain not much.. other than that NOTHING MUCH MORE GOING ON

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