Sunday, May 03, 2009

Woke up to a fresh rain

Waking up a fresh Rain is always inviting when the weather has been as it has lately. Hot ,sticky, down trodden, so this should wake all the plants back up clean up all the dust that has crusted everything and cool down the atmostphere. It feels so nice, sitting out on the balcony smelling the fresh coffee and sipping. The coffee here is the best, the life too along with it.

Those guys called yesterday don't know what they said because the phone they were using was cutting out. That happens all the time here half the time phone system hardly works. I didn't bother to call back, one of my guy friends that I told the story too was disgusted said something really good. Said the Tourists that come here are very inconciderate of most people. USA tourists are the most embarrassing, really loud obnocious, and rude. Which that was rude... but today is a new day and new things has arrive the rain is a great sign of freshening.
I feel refreshed, but the only thing is today is my beach day with Orpha, guess that is not happening. Its cooler than I have remembered it being here in May. Normally not much rain, but this is nice.
Lots of Parrots and hummingbirds singing and fighting about who is getting the nectar first. They pretty big here not small like in the USA, I saw some in Spain those too were tiny. ,The climate here produces big things.. thats an understatement!
I had one of my friends from Nicauagua Call last night she lives right up the street, she is 21 years old and very cute. Sweet.. loves to just chat with me.. funny I have Women of every age as friends, from 18 to 50. The younger ones like to be around me, reason they say is that I am funny and beautiful. So nice to have sweet friends like them. I am lucky, I do have a nice assortment of beautiful friends. A few male friends here too but most of them are always after one thing. Regardless of age, this is the nature of most men. I am not afraid to say it, I have experience this my whole life.. here is more out in the open, sex is not a bad thing nor is it something that is sequestered here. I can say this, when I lived in USA not very often was asked out, in fact hardly ever.. never even looked at Ignored mostly, but here!!!!! wow!!!
The best thing I can say is its very nice to be complimented, and asked constantly, but I do get tired of some of the locals constantly asking me for my company. I just smile never am I rude and I politely slip away or go on to another subject. Its constant.. I am not complaining, I am just stating its a different world here, you can not compare it North American standards. I am use to it now at first when I came here was shocked and thought ok they are targeting me.. but its not that at all. Its when they see someone who is attractive they tell you. Its not harrassment its compliment. So I am lucky in that aspect.
Was reading yesterday about Sicily I want so badly to visit my heritage, I have a couple of goals here in the next year. One is Maybe to go to Columbia for a visit, and to see Sicily if I can. My friends from Spain keep writing me to come and visit them too. In fact a friend from Italy is coming this next week. He may be staying with me. He lived in Spain and I became friends with him and his good friends. Really funny guys. They wrote me last week to tell me they were coming. I told them they would be smart to have me take them around. I will see what happens,I am not making any solid plans till I hear from him. It will be the first time In Costa Rica so I am sure hes going to want to see all the famous places.

Well... its nice today I am happy to be alive and living in Costa Rica, Today is a new day and new things are about to happen.

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