Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today was a beautiful day, It started out pretty early I woke up at 4:45 and the sun was up! but that did not persude me to keep my eyes open. I laid back down and snoozed till 7:00 then made my coffee and got on line to see what new mail was there. To my surprise a few from old friends and one from a maybe new one?

Then I talk with the landlord about the pile of junk that has been laying out there as long as I have been there and how it is a bother to the quiet view in the morning. I agreed to help pay for it to be hauled off. Then he jumped up and said he would get it done. For me to find a truck.. Later I took a walk about 10 ish and walked into the hardware store where all the trucks park that want work. I talk to one guy waiting he had a small truck I told him to ask for Jimmy and he came while I was walking on the beach.

I began to walk but first to see some huge 6 inch round bamboo I spotted 8 months ago in an empty lot was cut and all very nice lenghts. I asked several times about them, so today I gathered them up and went on my walk.
At the end of the beach I saw small pongas, I asked they very thin fraile fisherman if they would sell me one. Yes for the price of less than two dollars. So I got me a fish and walked back. No one was on the beach it was almost completely empty except for one or two ticos walking.

Walking back I stopped at the bamboo spot, called a taxi and had them pick me up. IT just so happened it was a friend. He helped me put it in the back and drove to the house. I plan on sanding it and staining it. Using as a sculture in the house.
Then when I returned all the junk that has been there was hauled off! I was so happy. I ate some yogurt checked mail and then left for the nursery. I want to try to build a rasied bed here. I honestly have never seen anyone with a vegetable garden in Jaco. I thought well maybe I should ask what grows best, Although its filled with tropical plants, flowers and trees.
I found out some good news not much but a few good things will do well. Friday is the day.

This is the inside of the pod called guava pod, the seeds you suck on are furry and most. They are sweet and almost have a cinnamon flavor.
This is A fruit that is orange inside its called Zapote, It has a huge pit that is black similar to the shape of Avocado. The flavor to me is like pumkin pie. VERY GOOD use it in a blender with sweetend condensed milk and ice WOW WHAT A DELICOUS SHAKE OR SMOOTHIE

The yellow part is the fruit, crack open the green cover and suck on them

The same guava pod and memonies and Passion fruit

Here is the after of the fish I bought at the beach today WONDERFULL! I filet the fish.

Here she was before I cooked her

So after the vivero, the nursery I had gone to my friends salon. I haven't seen here since she came over the other night to bring me popcorn. We talk every day. We chatted and discussed a plan for the weekend. Our day at the beach hopefully if it doesn't rain.

ITs been raining some and cloudy and thunderous.. but hot always hot here.

SO BEAUTIFUL I am so lucky. I was so happy today with the fish, fruit the fun... and oh yeah the garbage is gone!

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