Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well I think the discotec has stopped! It was so nice to wake up to quiet, with birds singing. I felt hot stuffy when I woke up this morning. Sun was shinning bright making it warm as you pull yourself up an out of bed. I stumbled about the apartment open the door first thing to looked outside.. to see the new day. GOOD MORNING WORLD I said. No noise so pretty out, with the colors of all the plants this morning being so vibrant to me. it just seem wonderfull to be alive.
I want to explain about the discotec if your not understanding. For the past month or two.. I should say. The girl that lives next door has come home all hours with people, and turns her stero up to the ultimate volume and blasts house music till all day or middle day one time till the next day. I was so frustrated. I can not call the police, as she will know Im the one only me and one other person lives down stairs and thats her very good Columbian girlfriend. THe owner lives below here but they say they can't hear it. which I doubt. They say the doors are closed the air is on they don't hear it. IMPOSSIBLE!!! its so loud the whole places shakes.. this week three times one at 6 am, one at 5 am and the last which was Sat, at 5:30 am till Sunday afternoon at 2:00. Yelling dancing on the balcony this time. This was the first time I lost my temper. I was sleeping on the sofa trying to rest good because the bedroom was too hot. I heard them come in loud and drunk. Probably stoned on Exstacy, I got up slammed my door hard knock something down in side that was how hard I slammed it.. then slammed the window shut as well . She was out there dancing on the balcony next to my window I was ready to put my fists in her face! this is the first time in ever I felt this.
I didn't though I beared with it horrible it was.. tried to eat got dressed and left for the beach. My friends met me it was Sunday our normal day at the beach. We talked and I explained again what I have been going through to my friend Orpha.
She said don't do or say anything Marianna, her friends are Columbiana, and she is or could be dangerous and could hurt you or do bad things to your place. Now more frustrated, I thought there has to be a way.. later In Orphas house Phili her daughter and were brain storing on what I could do to defer this music, maybe something sinister..!!! I walked home as soon as the rains came and thought all the way home. I hate to have to move, the place is so beautiful now and I have spent alot of time and my own money to repair things. Ok so what? Ok So try talking to the landlords

I go down Angelica and I were outside thats the owners name, Jimmy the husband Gringo.
We talked I explain not mad not with anger. I said Angelica I have been very kind and patient about this, There are lots of bad people out there and some are coming here and going in and out like its nothing. She is doing something to obtain the drugs, and drinking is very hard now. It is only going to escalate. ( of course were speaking in Spainish) I explained ,Yes I am older but young in my spirit there fore I have not said much to her about any of this except three times asked nicely at those early hours to turn the music down slightly so I could return to sleep.
She never does..then I said I have work so hard all my life to be a person who respects, and tries to treat others decent. I respect her and I don't get involved with things that goes on in front of my face. I want respect too this is not good, if it doesnt stop I have to find another place. I also pointed out you have two young impressionable Children and you are permitting this to go on about you. People coming going,, who knows whats going on in there.( kinda have an Idea) But the nationalites of the people Are dangerous and I will not get invloved with a war with any of this. Please talk to her, please tell her she has to stop.. come to find out she hadn't paid all the rent. So that was a plus in the action of her going and speaking to her about all this.

So well she did!!! and it has stopped for now its only been three days. But the girl was scared and begged that she didn't throw her out in these hard times. I told Angelica, listen if she has money to fiesta and do other things.. she has money to pay the rent.. no excuses!!
That day Angelica went to the local hardware store, bought some high bar stools, she called me in and aske me to do a project for her. Make cushions so I agreed, and I was happy because now we are buidling a bond. The next day I talk with Jimmy about the garden. I helped him trim all the bushes and palms and disucssed the idea of building a vegetable Garden near my side where the sun is full most of the day. Making it a raise bed. I went bought all the seeds and and now were talking alot. Then in the Morning Yesterday, they asked me to go along with them to Punteranas to help them find the fabric for the chairs. I was thrilled I wanted to get out of Jaco for a few hours. I got dressed put the makeup on and we took off about nine. It only took us Twenty minutes to go there when before it was an hour or more.. they made the new Freeway and wow was that fast!!! soon the new one to Jaco from San Jose will be done and I can not wait to see how that goes?? anyway we drove around tried to find fabric, that didn't work. Nothing in this little fishing town that sits on the edge of the mouth of the bay. Puntereanas could be a beatiful place if the government would invest money in it but its run down. Old buildings ghettos, old old stores. IT looks like its set back in the early 30s. IT was fun Jimmy took lots of pictures of old things saying soon you may not see this. We ate at this place on the beach front, and talked it was very nice. Then we walked around in the strickening heat. GOD WAS IT EVERY HOT!! I sweated maybe 3 kilos off! At the end of the day in Punteranas, we wizzed by the pier and stopped and bought from one of the Shrimp boats shrimp. Jumbos I got like 40 Jumbos for 7 thousand colones. Amounts to roughly 12 dollars right now. IT goes up and down daily. I plan on having shrimp tonight!!
Then we drove back stopping at two hardware stores, because I wanted to try to find a drop light for my dinning room table.( HERE NOT A COMMON THING BUT I THOUGH GIVE IT A SHOT) well I did see quite a few of them modern ones but not bigg enough or too expensive, or just plane ugly.

So coming home putting away my wares, talking on the computer for about two hours to my Son Brandon and to My friend Terri. Brandon and I are doing famously now! Things have all turned around with us. I am so happy to have my son back! I enjoy his stories and his questions on life.
I can not wait for him to come here in Aug!!! I have so many visitors coming. NOW IF Can get Jordan, Nancy, Julian here.. thats my youngest and his girlfriend, my grand son. THey just don't make any money period, its hard for them as its hard for everyone. I wish I could just send them the tickets....( thinking how????:( ) They want to come for Christmas but I am not going to be planning on them coming its a nice thought. I haven't spent Christmas with Family in Five years.
OH well on to the visitors, My Ex boyfriend is coming in July, Brandon in Aug, Maybe a good friend in Sept or Oct, and Clint my good friend and asssistant for so many years is planning on coming back in OCT. Wow ok this is a first!!! I got to get some good little jobs so I can entertain well and not be worried about paying things..
honestly I dont worry any more Worry only stops the good from coming. Im very positive in these days and it sure is paying off for me.
I feel great and I am looking so relaxed no stress.
You think How?
Ok I just put in my mind that everything is going to be fine, I put a smile on my face and think pleasant thoughts and change the way I use to think.
I try to believe that everyday is new! and something good is coming...!!
Good morning world!

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