Saturday, October 04, 2008

Yippeeeee My Apartment is coming along

You see when you believe you can do something...
You will find it will happen. All you have to do is believe.

I was so believing in coming back here, why? many curious questions as to why. But for the best reason is my peace of mind. I have always in my life had goals, aspirations.. and achievements.

Some simple some complicated, but I manage if I believe hard enough and trust, that things will happen and they happen.
I wanted badly to find a place, low rent, Nice, located close to the beach. Well some how some way I ran across one cheaper than I have ever paid here. In a very nice little area all by itself.

The landlord is Tica, and the husband is Gringo. They have a guy that does everything there, he has installed the three chandeliers that I designed for my old office over my bar, I painted the living room all chocolate brown deep dark, with my red leather sofa I had in my office. It was in the Century 21 office for the past year, they didn't want to pay for it, so I went and got it and put in my new place! it looks great.. I believed so hard that I would have this and now its all coming together. I been doing some computer work, and it is enough now to pay for the place.
The kitchen is a caramel color and tomorrow I paint both the bedrooms. The landlord gave me a discount for all the paint and they are so nice. I am happy after staying in a storage room for almost three weeks was horrible. So this is like heaven, its got to be one of the best places I have had in alot of years.
Yesterday inbetween painting, I ran quickly to the la ferria, bough all sorts of fruits, and veggies, flowers and plants. Its really coming alive!

So if anyone is coming to Costa Rica, please contact me, and lets make a plan to visit, and eat at my place.
Good weekend to all.

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