Thursday, October 16, 2008

Been busy , and Rainy season is definitely here

This is road about four blocks from my place. It is full not passable as of my writing now, this was about hour and half ago.
These are lamps I designed when used at night above the bar its very pretty, although I need chairs, I need everything!!!

Amazing, my bathrom is smilar to one I did before I left the states, the glass block I love but its black different for me. I like! it's modern! I made the mirror.

Better shot of the living room the other side is not finished yet. I want an entertainment wall, and Franz, from Nicauragua, is going to build it cost me 18 dollars for the wood and concrete, I want it to look the same texture as the walls. Shells from Punta Leona

My room, not finished yet, the bed cover was something I saved from years of weddings, the drapes are table covers I use to use for weddings and made them into window coverings with only fishing line attached to the old louvered headers, now last night I added crystals I had from before the boys were born.

The chair before I painted it

The canvas is blank and as you can see no drapes the chairs I just changed, they were in the apartment, I painted them dark and found some fabric in a little store, there are no fabric stores here, But I manage miraculously to find this and its matches. Soon I hope I can do more!

My Balcony, that is Jenny from Nicauagua

This is Punta Leona, I picked up lots of shells there the water is warm and the sand is clean

Typical loras, flying everywhere here.

These Avocados are bigger than a cantelope

I have been painting, repairing, scrubbing old paint off the baseboard's and doors. When Ticos Paint they don't remove light switches, or clean up any dropped paint or splatters. It was all over all the wood baseboards everywhere really. So I took a scubber and cleaned for days everyone of the baseboards. I been putting things together, with what I had, and purchased some small items I needed such as glasses, coffee maker some pillows for the bed, which is not mine. I am with out Television or Stereo or radio.. No Internet yet, no phone. So it is a bit lonely and quiet.

Everyday I make a small breakfast, with fresh fruit and sit on the little balcony and watch the River flow by. It has been so peacefull, its very green where I live it is an isolated area in the middle of town. The river passes in back of it and in front of it, there is small bridge that is private for the house to cross so its sort of like a half moat. The workers there are still putting rock on the building so in the morning is a tiny bit nosey. Soon it will be done.

I have been waiting for my drapes I had in the office to be rehemmed, Its funny here they tell you Manana, Manana.. like I have said before you think It means tomorrow in reality that is what the definition is, but really here it means a week, maybe TWO.. I keep going to the place and she keep's saying Manana!!!! its probably all of five dollars to fix them, but its just fustrating. No one can really see in except the one neighbor across the way but I just want them up anyway!

I found out there is a new place now that actually sells art supplies, so I am going to begin painting again. I did in Spain some, water colors, but I gave them to Kathy when I left. I use to paint when I was very young. So this should be interesting again. Mostly for my place is what I am doing now but if I find I am enjoying it I may just do it and maybe try to sell them. I really would like to do rendition's of the tropical trees, leaves, flowers that are everywhere. So this is what I am begining with. I saw an idea with Bamboo in Chocolate and Red, but I already have too much of that color in the living room. But it would be interesting to make to sell to someone.

I have not gone out, maybe once or twice since I have been back,for dancing. I been concentrating on looking for small jobs. I may have a condo I sold for my friend Christina and Joe. They actually have two on the beach very nice completely furnished so this could be a nice commission. I have contacted Los Suenos yesterday but no repsonse yet for Christmas. I have a couple of maybe small consulting jobs. But I am just relaxing and trying not to stress about things.

Now the rainy season has hit, its really a bad storm this week. Rivers are over flowing, streets are all flooded hip high, mountains falling down and trees in the roads and rivers. Crashing into the bridges, even ours. This morning I am sitting looking in the tree tops at some huge birds, when I heard a crashing noise below. I looked at the churning river the color of coffee with milk, Its force is powerfull, shoving huge trees under the small bridge causing it to rip some of the wood off the bridge and bend the metal. The sound was so loud it was shocking! I was wittnessing it all. No one else saw everyone was inside because the rain is so intense. But I sat on the balcony and watched from above. Now the bridge has some small damage which will have to be repaired. It is the only entrance to the apartments.

Then I went once again with a taxi, it is impossible to walk anywhere the rain is so hard, no umbrella either! and I tried to get the drapes. But yet once again Manana!!!
So now I am here at Rossy's the smell of lizano is strong, this is the typical Costa Rican Sause they put on the rice and beans. I like it but sometimes it makes me feel strange the smell..

They called the rice and beans, gallo pinto. Its brown looking like Dirty rice. It is good especially with fried eggs.

I don't eat much of it, I am not a rice eater any more. I rarely eat Pasta, Rice, bread, potatos, but when I do endulge, I eat small portions of it, only once in a great while. Yesterday I ate something called chamote. It was yellow in color and mashed like potatos, I discovered its there sweet potato, its mild and slightly sweet and the texture is really good. I enjoy so much all the different varieties of veggies and fruits. Not to mention the DEVINE COFFEE!!! I drink way to much of that!! but its so dang good.. pure. It comes from here. You have to understand, that Starbucks is one of the biggest exporters from here. They but good beans but burn them in the states, the flavor is so incorrect. Here the same beans are cooked in a process either with sugar or with out, the sugar extracts the acidity in the bean, making the Coffee so delicous and with out all the acid oils. Even the Process with out is really rich and good. Personally I think that Starbucks is extremely over rated. There is not one in this country but they buy an awefull lot of there production of coffee here. well enjoy the photos more to come now that I have the converter.


Anonymous said...

You are so good with natural elements it astounds me. I will be in San Jose sometime next month and staying with a musician until I find a place of my own. If at all possible I would like to have you decorate my abode.

Anonymous said...

Your home is beautiful!

How did you make the Lights over the bar?

The wire just hangs from the ceiling, but yet we see no holes.
That is too cool.

Are they made of metal or wood?

You are a fine creator and decorator..