Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Started out very Early Yesterday

I Began very early yesterday Walking to find a place again. I found three or four but not really good and very expensive. One house was cute huge yard, found out it was a friend of mine Lilly, she is a tour guide who now lives in San Jose and will not return for a week or so.
Rossy said the house is very small would not be able to put my beatiful red Italian leather set in it. It would have to sit outside and for me that is a big NO. So this house is out. It has no living room in other words, its all outside. You would need all teak or tropical furniture to sit out on the porch all the time.
The day yesterday was different, the weather is cooling if you can say that, We have had much rain, but the sun comes shinning through an hour or two later.
Last night the rain was pouring. I was stuck in Rossys for hours. I spoke to Jon my freind on line, I have the camera and mic built in making it easy to do live chat.
If you want to chat with me or have questions about Costa Rica you can contact me and I will add you to the board.
In the coming months I am going to be working on goal I have, not only business, to see some different areas. One is to go to Nicaraugua, its not that far from here, and I hear its just as pretty. Its only 25 dollars on the bus, It would be a fun and different weekend. Maybe in November or December. There is a beautiful beach town right inside the border, I applied for a position there for a resort, one more reason to go and see it.

I want to express my worry about the world situation, Wow yesterdays news about the stock market, the veto of the bail out, which I have to agree, why should tax payers take the brunt, when Goverment is at fault. It is such a mess there.. I am sure that there are many people who have no idea how bad it really is. From this Stand point outside of the USA the news they broadcast here is very grim for you, and for the whole world. The effect is obvious here already, Sales of cars are at a stand still. Tourisum is flat, banks are worried . Food is prevalent, but the news that it would effect the exportation to USA could drastically decrease the economy here. Since Cafta is not really solidified, and the drop in exportation continues, wow! If you go to a Costsco you will find Costa Rican Products, and a few international food distrubutors are shipping still, but the failure of the USA's economy will ripple though out the world and cause serious food crisis.
I guess I am greatfull, for my postion right now, Although I have been put through the ringer about my descision to come here and live simple. I have been made fun of, and riduculed as to how stupid I am to not think about the future! BUT WHO REALLY KNOWS THE FUTURE? REALLY??? Evey day changes, Every day something different happens. I thought what if I did have a 401 k right now the state of that is very touchy, it could be completely lost! So honestly I am glad I made the descision to get out of my mortgage, sell my expensive cars, eliminate excess material things, and Adventure and try to enjoy what life is. I would be super stressed living in the States wondering if the house I paid on for so many years would be taken from me because of a closure of a mortgage company? although they say federal reserve takes over, But how do you know any of this is true? ALL THE LIES<> FRAUD> BUSH<

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