Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Ice, Our electric/ phone/ cell phone/ company and Miro

This morning I got up around 8:00 drank coffee at my breakfast, and sat on the balcony watching the birds. Its was warm already at 8:00, my bedroom is mostly glass, so its pretty warm when the sun comes up waking me early.
After I thought I should go to Ice and ask about my house phone, I had previously, so they could reinstall. But of course, you have to have a paid receipt of electricty, and directions to the house. NO ADRESSES so for example, The Direction is, 50 meters,south of the yellow bridge,off the aveneda Pastor Diaz the road entering El Limbo, and across the small personal bridge to the complex. Well I didn't have the correct directions so I have to ask, the owners to write it out and show a copy of the receipt of electricty and maybe they can install a phone. Problem is I think that the owner never paid for a box to be put out front. Meaning that one of the tennants has to pay for that.. So I may not have a phone. The other thing is I applied for a cell phone but I must wait till Decemeber till they have a new line. I asked about internet and it is over $130 per month for high speed. So I guess I just continue at Rossys, kind of inconvienient, I like to get on line at night and hang out. So I just deal with it and keep moving forward.
As I was leaving ICE, Pronoused ESAY. I Saw Miro.
Miro is the man who owns the mountain here in Jaco, he bought it some 20 some odd years ago for like 75 cents a hectora, He is a very rich man, and has contributed all the roads to be paved in Jaco. I mean every one of them. The government has tax money but doesn't do much about road, water or other wise. Miro decided he would take charge and now he has these pavers every where. The roads are really nice. Well he saw me again, he saw me last Sunday walking and stopped and asked me to go to lunch with him. I know who he is but he did not recognize me from the past. I am thinner, and now blond. He showed me all his projects, he is over 8o or more years old, and is constantly busy building projects. Making a board walk here with cars and walkeways and statues, plants. He wants to make a mermaid, and have me pose for it. He is serious. Marianna the Mermaid.. funny because when I was little lived in the pool Day in and day out. I was waterskiing at age 6, I taught Swimming for many years in High school and later on in life. I am a water freak. I use to pretend I was a mermaid. Now all these years later this man wants to make a bronze statue of me as a mermaid, to put here on the beach?
I laughed very hard but he is serious, he said it again today.
Anyway we had lunch last Sunday and I listend to his very interesting life, he is Yugoslavian, had a furniture factory for many years, he fought in the war and was in prison for many years in Yugoslavia. There is more, but If you read back to the begining of my blogs you will see and interesting story about him and the mountain, the restuarant he was building and Eida, this friend of mine. Who I shared my story with and she horned in and took charge of trying to get a piece of the mountain. He did not like me at all, in fact he was rude to me constantly, but something has changed. Now he adores me and is constantly looking for me. He is a genuis, inventor, and buider. Late 80s and has fire in his blood. Actually for his age he looks GREAT, still very handsome. Well it seems were building a nice friendship now. He took me today to see his new castle he is building WOW O WOW THE VIEWS ARE 360 the most incredible in Jaco. all the beaches, mountains the town totally everything it sits on the very top of a jungle mountain and its enormus. I know have the computer chip to take photos once again so look forward to seeing some really cool photos in a few days.
I don't know but he seems to be taking me under his wing, I am carefull I don't say much to him and I don't ask for anything. I just listen to his promises. I am very cautious, I have heard so many people promise and never come through, and of course his past has something to do with how I am responding to him.
He really didn't like me before, but now I hope its going to be a good friendship. He is a strong powerfull man, and I could use some help. Everyone knows Miro, and the Mountain. So it proved to be a very good day. I enjoyed seeing the views from the top of the jungle mountain, WOW no lie its so breathtaking.
Then later I went and found some little things for the apartment. Now I am going to walk home and visit with Magaly. She Is friends with a friend of mine but now we have become friends.

Well lots of people are here at Rossys now its about 4:30 afternoon. First ime in a long time I have seen so many people at once. It have been a beautiful day in Paradise.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found a nice place. It seems that life has a plan for you. Continue your journey. Keep personal comments about your kids disappointment to yourself - it only widens the gap even more - how they don't want to or whatever - it's just not good. You make them sound icky and it they read this blog - well - sometimes things are better left unsaid. I am sure they are icky!

Anonymous said...

Please listen to these words the previous person sent you. They are so true, and I would hope your change in words or words not said will bring healing to you and your family. You must care, I just think you forgot how to listen.