Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where I live and walk

I have been doing many things in the past few days. We had a awefull lot of rain in the evenings so I go early in the day to try to accomplish what I can walking.
I got the house phone installed early, usually it takes up to two weeks, but they did mine in three days. I pulled some strings, about time I learned how to work the system here. Now they have a new rule, you have to have all incorporation papers, Residency or be married to a tico to get a regular house phone.

You see I had a phone when I first came here took me six months to get it, but the rules were different. So what I did was listen to what they told me, then suggested they look at my previous accounts, The business lines I had there were paid on time, the house account that was always paid on time. Also my electrical and cell phone. I paid much attention to the men that were working the computers and complimented them.. before you knew it they went right around the rules and put a super fast installation form in. Of course it cost me a little but Hey I finally figure out how things work here. Now the cell phone no way of going about that but I have the order in and in Decemeber I will have a phone.
Cable is next, already got it in line and ready to set up, when I get a Television. I don't have anything as I said before in the house so its very quiet. But soon!!! I have a little job doing computer work. Also a new blogging company contacted me last week, I will be doing soon.. a new blog on a net work called its a paid blog on subjects they direct. Mine may start on Weddings and Events, also there is live video blogs. So I will probably doing those too.
I have been putting adds on a page for Personal chef, and other various jobs and I have contracted a couple already. One nice wedding as a coordinator, the other personal chef.
I am applying for Marketing jobs and more but right now the whole world is a mess. The Job market is sad.
I keep my chin up and try and I know something will come to me! I believe it, I am a strong woman with lots of abilities there has to be something I can do to survive. I seem to be doing it even though its not easy.
I walk every day just about through this shady tree laden street, Sometimes it looks so pretty that I wanted to show you and tell what it feels like to have those moments of peace when walking solo on a sorta country road in the middle of the city. It is generally quiet a few bycylers, occasional other walkers, but generally quiet. Hot in the sun and in the shade very cool. The River although its muddy right now does put a little coolness in the air. Its humid and tropical so its not very cool.

I am posting the photos on tomorrows blog because the camera is in my other purse! after I got here I realized that.

Yesterday I was invited to go Marlin fishing here locally. I went ahead and took up the offer. We went early of course around 7:00 am. By that time it was already hot, cloudy but no wind.
The seas were slightly rough at first, I got sick the first leg of the trip. About 40 miles out I felt horrible and of course vomited. I laided on the sofa inside this 60 foot rigger. For some three hours. About the time I heard them slamming fish in the tank I got up and felt so much better. I got to see Flying fish,lots of birds, Manta rays flying out of the water, and only one Marlin. We caught around 13 durado, which is Dolphine, Mahi mahi. They are ugly in the head and face but the bodies are really cool. I bright shade of tourqose blue and bright yellow and green. The put up a great fight! I am so sore today, I am little and its not easy. Of course they had mates that helped so it was easier than going with amatures. They bated, rigged, and helped when I was reeling. The other people they helped also. They were a funny crew. They made us sandwiches, and hamburgers. It was a nice day after all.
I came home with about 45 pounds of Mahi Mahi. So wow is it ever good.
Last night We the group took some to the Colonial here in Jaco and the chefs cooked in three styles. Fresh fish is so delicious. Blackened, Panasado, and Ajillo that is my favorite. That is on the grill slightly with garlic and celantro. Mango salsa on the side. My friend Magali is a bar tender there so this was fun for her too.

I have been painting little by little on my art, and reading. Did some writing on the book still not finished. But working on it, this busy bee blog company said something about possibly working on an Ebook.
So things are turning around. Before you know it I will be up to doing what I have in my mind, which is another business adventure. But not design. Hey I want to say thank you for the complements and comments on my little apartment. I have made more improvements since the photos. But Can you imagine if I had money? what I could do? There are two people I do not have your email but you asked if I would assist you in helping with your place. Please send me your email and we can discuss it or chat about it. I am not expensive so lets talk.

Well off to buy fruits in Herradura a little shack made of palm leaves and old wood, has the best in the areas. I missed the market yesterday because of the fishing trip it was all day till evening. Topped off by a bloody mary at the Hookup in Los Suenos!

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