Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Over the weekend

I spent Sat and Sun helping the land lady clean out the apartment above moving all their things to the one in the bottom. Sunday was a small party for one of the children of the boyfriend of her daughters. I helped her put all the kitchen together, while she cleaned above. I organized everything and cleaned up the apartment below. I worked a little in the Garden, and on Sunday cleaned the terrace area for the party. Cleaned the fountain and put fresh water, floated flowers in it, made arrangements for the tables and the house.
Kathy was amazed at my work, I tried to explain this is nothing! If she saw some of the events and things I have accomplished in my life she would understand. But no use it trying to explain, she can not possibly fathom the products the level of events, the whole kit and caboodle that I have been involved with and have created in my life time.
This was barely a blink for me.. A blink of an eye. Not even a thought went into any of it. But she was amazed! actually gave me some money and bougth me some popcorn and sodas, and a few little items at the store. I accepted since I don't have much in the house! I was happy at her kind gestures.
The party was flat, people were not into talking to much. I tried to communicate with a few, but not many cared to talk to me. I was fine with it, I just watched, listened, and ate like a little piggy. The Cake was the best! it had some rum cream flan combination, white cake, then chocolate mousse or pudding? not sure. With whip cream topping and pastilles, big ones. Silver and lots of decor.
The little pizzas but they called them something else were really tasty too, they like piemientos, red ones with onions, on the pizza nothing more, then one with Some sort of big slice of cheese, oregano, onion and sauce. Some of them spoke in Ibecencan, I am finding it is a mix of lauguages, Lots of Italian in there, and Greek, Spanish. Really wierd it sounds all jumbled to me. I can define one or two words here and there, only because my family spoke some Italian now and then, when I was young, and I know Spanish so its really quite a unique language.

The day was easy, relaxing for me. I had a phone call earlier in the day from someone I had left my name with for work. She has an office right across the street. She asked me to come on monday morning. So Monday morning came, I got all ready bright and early went there but she said I DONT HAVE TIME NOW return in a hour.
An hour went by I returned and she was not around, the gal in the office called her, she said return about 11:30 or 12:00 so I did. When that time came she only had about two minutes for me, not really looking at any of the photos of my work or listen at all simply pushing me off, then saying she knew a client that could use me the owners of Cirque De Soliel. This is the show in Las Vegas, and actually all over the world. OK NOW I AM EXCITED I deserve this, I worked my whole life for an opportunity to be a designer for someone special. I was happy she said return tomorrow and we will go and I will introduce you to them. They have lots of Parties here and they need someone like you!

Ok so Tuesday came, I went early again, she said oh I can not get ahold of him he is at the book keepers won't pick up the phone, and I am really busy so I will call you later. LATER CAME she never called. I was so discouraged yesterday I sat here waiting! But before this On Monday I had an email from another company interested in me... Seems here its the same People interested but no one commits to talking to you or taking time to interview you, I called the company asked when they wanted me to come to talk? they couldn't tell me... Talk about discouraged yesterday! so I just hung out read, got on the internet, because the day before when the gal told me to come back at noon, I did, after that I walked into town but I took a new way which was very long.
I must have walked 12 hours On Monday. I was so exhausted that night. So yesterday, I felt I needed to rest. Now Today I am going to town again see what else I can find to apply for. Talk to someone about making me some cards, drop in on this woman again. And just try to be proactive again.

I don't want to give up! its been two months and nothing has popped! I have so many talents, I can do just about anything I put my mind too, I mean and good!! I am one of those kinds of people. I endeavor to do well and I generally do excellent. SO NOW WHY ISN'T someone Wanting me? I refuse to give up! every day I write more than five companies or people. but no responds, or if they do they don't committ to anything?? so strange?
Well the good thing is the weather is nice, still a bit cloudy but better than it was. Another good thing is I talked with my friends that live in Costa Rica, on the Web Cam. It was fun to see everyone, they miss me and I miss them. They want me to come back... MAYBE I WILL! I miss the warm weather, the dance, the food, the beach, the people. But I don't miss the robbing, the drugs, the theivery. So how to combat that? then I would be ok. But I need work there and right now? NOTHING EITHER! so where is th balance here? or there?

Great full for my days, although my nights are lonely. I pretty much stay alone here. Almost all the time. I have met some people but no one really calls or visits. Only yesterday was the first time a friend called and came and took me for a ride. He told me about the opening of Space a huge Club here. That he had gone with a few people this past weekend, but when he was telling me I felt neglected, he bragged about the place and how much fun they had. But I thought well why didn't he invite me? I have never been to any of them yet. HE KNOWS THIS and I repeated as he told the story, I would have like to seen that? But hey its better!!! To many people I am sure he said over 2000 people in one place. That must have been a night mare for the employees! I can not imagine that!
But at least he visited! and we had a couple of laughs. He dropped me off I made dinner, then watched some tv, Read the final chapters of my friends book the LAST SIRENS,and fell asleep.
I woke up to the computer dinging it was my friends in Costa Rica, at 7 am here is 12:30 midnight there so they were all happy, closing the restuarant, and partying! I was barely waking up, and suffering bad with alergies. I used to have those in the USA, never had them in Costa Rica. Now again.. I HATE IT!

I did not dance after Weds, episode of dancing and not one tip. I feel discouraged about it although its one of my passions to dance. I practice allot and I feel am getting pretty good at some of the difficult moves in Belly dance.

1 comment: said...

Hey Marianna..Its great to see the comments open again! Now lets hope everyone can play nice.

Someone in SPAIN please give Marianna a chance at a job. That is my hopes for you. POSITIVE THINKING!