Saturday, June 14, 2008

Euporbia in our Garden Click on the photos to inlarge

DJ Simon

Talmanca Chill out area

Alegria, de rancho bar

Talamanca la Playa

This is Talamanca ... Alegria, the bar

The side Garden in front of my apartment

The past few days no internet, the storm or something completey screwed it up all over the Island. I still do not have internet at the house, not only that but the computer decided to go to sleep for two days. Its awake again, there is definately something wrong with it. This is not normal, its been looked at several times and yet it does this

I have been searching for work.The french gals offer didn't come through at her bar. Just as well.
I have not heard from the other, although I have messaged and called his answering service.
Weather is much better really hot today, Kathy and I went to there local I would call it a flea market. It was so hot out there, but fun. I was amazed at all the hippe clothes. Not my style but some of it was pretty. I saw Maike there I didn't know she sold at this market. I was surpised, she said hello we chatted briefly.Other than that not much going on. Danced at Talamanca on Thursday made some ok Tips. Actually had a couple of people come that heard I was going to perform.

This was nice, I have photos of Simon and the beach now, the camera is fixed so I will be putting some photos of me in costume soon. The garden where I live the Island and more.

Tomorrow I am going to Aqua blanca a private area beach very nice restuarant with one of my amgios.

So photos of this should be very pretty.

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