Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Toliet Paper Man I AM LAUGHING!!

More things to know about Ibiza and Spain:
The woman like strange clothing combinations
The latin people are loving,not exceptionally warm but when they like you and someone says something bad about you, you better get ready to fight, OLAAAAAAAY
Flamico Dancers, dance until they die, AGE has no bearings on dance
Wine, olives, Shandees are a way of life, not a day goes by they don't drink this with there food.
Lunch is not at noon
Tomato is a predominant condiment, in every form, mostly fresh mashed and seeded, spread on bread before anything else.
Olive oil is a main stay
The lavender plant, rosemary, grows naturally in the moutains
The true Spanards are very fair skinned, dark haired and blondes.
Bacala which I thought was only Italian is one of the main fish they love

I have had some really good wines here, and there not expensive, before Spain some years back I discovered, Tempranillos, I really enjoyed the fullness of this wine. But its nothing like the Real Spanish Tempranillos that have been here for ages. Its the basic table wine here, its really fruity and full, and wow packed with power.

I had a great day regardless of the mess I woke up to on the internet this morning with the barrage of comments that were mostly invalid. I want to address Toliety man.. WOMAN! probably! I am going to expose you.
For the information of others, this man who was kind enough to buy me a few things when I really was in need, had no idea I was American!!! I spoke mostly in Spanish to him, he didn't know I had email, he didn't know I had blog.. so the person who took on this personality is not the real man who was kind to me.
All that other nonsense! Nothing to say..
I am not going to permit any of it to keep me from living, doing what I do. Enjoying what peace I have, with no bills, no debts, no credit card threats or worries, simple living.
Looking still for work and I know its coming I have options.

Today was a horrible weather day, it rained almost all day, buckets of rain, thunder, lightning. Not permitting me to get out and do what I was suppose to do. I was suppoe to clean another house today different person.But the connection person works the beach, she rents chairs and umbrellas to tons of tourists, she was not there because of the rain. So I waited till it was about gone, went to the bus waited for the bus. Someone I know saw me and offered a ride into town. That was so nice! I went into the printer, at the end of Iviza, where I have had some cards made. Stating all the things I am capable of doing, with a belly dancer on the front and on the back more information, about Catering, personal chef, Landscape, Interior, events, design. parties, weddings and free lance writing.

Then I walked to the Camera Shop and had my camera looked at, got it all fixed. I walked to a cute little pastry coffee shop, there everywhere here its the thing to do in the afternoon. I stopped in it was an Italian place I had a cortado, its a shot small typical coffee, with a tiny little horn pastry that was filled with chocolate! so good.
After I walked about looking at Fabrics, and just things. I walked to the middle of town and through the port looking at people. I made a special effort to talk to the french guy I met at the shop in the port last Sat. He was bored, no people because of the rain. After I walked to Mcdonalds got a diet soda, and waited for the bus.

I rode into Jesus, hoping that my friend was going to call and take me to San Antonio to talk to those producers about this job I was told about.
So he did, I went to San franciso on the corner, waited had a glass of wine untill he showed up.
I met two of his friends from France, Beautiful women, and we all chatted in English, then they changed to French. I didn't understand a word.
Later the one girl asked If I was working I said no, she said they needed people at the club she worked at, said she would talk to her boss tonight. I said Sure that would be great.
My friend then took me to the place where I was to meet this producer, they do a party tour on weekends. They are looking for people to work, I waited for him to show up, when he did I already knew who he was. I met him some weeks ago when I went to the Elephants. We talked a bit he is from London. He recognized me, he said oh its you? I have all your information but didn't connect it was you. Great he said
We discussed a postion, and I am gong back to talk again before Sat. He needs someone with my experience in organization.

My expectations are that I will get a good job, untill then I am doing what I can to make it.
We drove home after it was late around 11:45 for here its not late, people stay up super late. I got on line and chatted with family and friends.. now to bed.