Monday, June 30, 2008

The Weekend Many locations in a small amount of time

PK2 Platya Estanol

Typical Ibicican clothing past
La platya Estanyol

Queso, Cheese
Look at the poster and tell me who it is

Thats Cathy in the back ground

Special bread sweet with angel hair squash sweetened with sugar inside

These are like my mother use to make, Doughnuts with a dough that is made with potato, anise and sugar and lemon

Caracoles, Snails in a tree

Sat Los Dalhlias

Los Dahlias Market Sat

The Salines
San Antonio Beach
Pueblo Inglesa, The Area Salines Church
The Salines
Human Statue
I spent some time with the people from the main land, nice but not very friendly. Because they know I am no Espanola not much conversation was made. The two women that are visiting are sisters, I take it there from a small village that may be not so modern. They are slighty overwhelmed by all the things of Ibiza. We took a ride on friday evening to the salines, that is the area they mine the sea for salt. The salt beds are miles of flat land area with levys, where the water is evaporated and the salt is scraped from the land, they are stagnant and reek of stale water, mosquitos are rampid there. Especially in the evening which is when we went. Its interesting to see but not too scenic. Although I was able to take a very nice shot with the sunset.
We went to Playa Sant Antoni, for a hour and we played in the water, watched all the planes fly in.
Then On Sat we visited Los Dalhias, a Sat Market where there is many Items from India, Indonesia, Morroco, and Spain. I found an restuarant in the Market that had a dj with all Arabic Music, we made and agreement that I would return on the following Sat and dance for the public and he would anounce me and make sure people knew it was for Tips.
He has the perfect music, area and in the vacinity is all the items for the dance for sale.
ITS PERFECT! so I am going to give it a shot this coming Sat. Its long ways away but I will find a way to get there. Bus or friend or perhaps Cathy will take me. Today I am going to San Rafeal to ask two restuarants there that are Arabic if I can have dates to dance there. I tried on Sat to go but the bus for that area broke down as I was catching it of all things.

I was all dressed up so nice, ready to introduce myself , I packed my bag with my costumes and makeup and all my belts and jewlery to my dismay it didn't happen. The whole week for my efforts was similar to this night. I had a little rough week, lots of disapointments. But I am still smiling and trying super hard to be positive something is coming for me.
After Los Dalhias, we took a short jaunt to another little pueblo Cathys visitors bought Herbas the local drink made by old brewers. It has the herbs inside the bottle. Personally I do not like it much. It is heavy with anisette, and other natural Herbs of the area. Its strong and sweet, taste to me like medicine. We then took another little road trip to a small pueblo called Gertruide, There was a festival, the church members, artisans and locals were selling authentic products of the country. Some where dressed in typical Ibicican clothes, and were making products of the country. Shoes, baskets, cheese, breads, and a fresh market with fruits and veggetables. I enjoyed this more than the visitors. We all sat at and out door restuarant and they had there so called bocadillas, but to me its huge sandwiches with lots of cheese, smashed tomatos and ham or Hamburgers, They eat very heavy here. We have been eating late at night around 12 or 1 am, goign to bed at three.
We came back, and they prepared to go somewhere to shop, I stayed home and practiced, I played on the computer and tried to write people for work. Sat night I stayed home, didn't do much watched Tv, I wanted to go out but no one responded to my messages. I talked with my Son Jordan first time in months on the computer. That was nice I felt very happy after although things are a little rough for him right now.
Sunday Morning, Cathy invited me to go to the beach with her, I believe she misunderstood me I said yes but she said it would be about an hour, So I got my belly dance clothes on and practiced for a hour waiting. She never came to get me??? I went to the door and all was quiet, the screaming children Ivan, Hyro,Evania, all were gone. Not a person around. Disapointed I stood for a while thinking? So I changed into my bathing suit got my things and began to walk to a place called Playa Estanyol, its near here in a car about ten minutes, but walking it took me one hour and fifteen. Its mountains hills and then it drops down into a secluded cove. Pine trees line the mountains with intermixed rosemary, and various other shrubby plants. A few figs here and there. Its really arid looking. But the hills are steep, and it was quite hot. I was dusty and tired when I arrived at the beach. Although, I knew the people, they were the first people I met when I arrived here in Ibiza, they gave me a lift to a hotel, when I came and asked if you remember me, the owner did not. I drank a water that cost me 3 Euros, about $4.50 the bottle was really cool, so I am sure its the bottle that cost so much. I enjoyed the music, sat and then relaxed on the beach for about hour or more, entered the water is was warm and refreshing. I listen to the music in the water and watched people play, swim and just enjoy the sun. I stayed there for about three or more hours and walked back. It was tough getting up the hills going back, my legs were sore and it was now very hot. Returning to the apt, with lots of noise, I tried to be calm and rest, its been super noisey with all the children crying, the adults talking loud. Ivan and the children in the morning open my door and just walking right in. Waking up out of bed..!!

Today they are leaving so peace will return hopefully.

Last night we went to a discotech that the people who live above me said they worked there.. they are from Romania, but come to find out, THEY DON'T work there at all. We got in because I convinced the gate man that he invted us and I smiled alot he permitted all of us to enter Amnesia, this is a disco that is very famous here.
For some reason last week, Cathy and I were talking about the people above me, I had questions about where they worked. I had told Cathy I thought differently and I believe it was not about a disco, it was about a night scene but maybe underground. Well I was correct, they used that name thinking that the likely hood of Cathy visiting this disco was slim to never. But these people visiting wanted to see a disco, they have never been. ME EITHER, not here anyway. Since Ibiza is Famous for its night life, they suggested we go to the neighbors and ask if we could get in free to see it only. The entrance fee is in Dollars $45.00 per person, e 30
Ok so we go at 3 :00 am .We got in and it was ok, I loved the closed off area, it had great props in the ceiling, Huge butterflies, and flowers, and on the ground lights and Camels that were life size, elephants that were life size all made in metal. That part was cool the lighting everything but there were no people in that side. They took me to the vip area, above the Dance floor where all the dancers perform.This part was really incredible the energy they emmit. There were only two men, and I am sure they were gay. The bodys were incredible, One had on platform shoes white that were about two feet tall, he had a mohawk that stood a foot at least all white, everyone in Amnesia wears white. I enjoyed the dancers especially, the crowd was boring not much dancing. but it was full. This is the place that sprays Foam on the crowd. We stayed for about and hour. The visitors were very shocked, and not into it at all. We left at 4:00 am the party was just getting started. People were lining up. Crazy the night life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look like you are having a great time and getting settled in nicely. Love the pictures, though they would be even better if you had more with your pretty face in them. I hope you are having a wonderful summer.