Saturday, March 01, 2008

San Jose for the Day

Yesterday was a great day, it started out pretty early about 6:00 am to prepare for the Bus ride into San Jose. I had a doctors appointment, Raquel had to get all her papers for her trip back to Spain. So we went early as the ride is two hours long. I only had three hours sleep the night before, I went out to dance but no one danced with me, I saw my friend Carlos Rojas and we chatted and took a taxi together home. We talked at the house for a while then he went home, I went to bed at 2:30 I couldn't go to sleep thinking about the plan for the week.
So only three hours was not great on the bus. I didn't sleep on the bus either because three or four loud Tico guys were laughing, talking stupid and making noises. I was exhausted in San Jose but we had a great breakfast at an open air restuarant on the boulevard,this is a street that is blocked off the cars and only people walk, shop and eat. IT was windy and cool. We had fresh papaya, watermelon, orange juice fresh, coffee with milk, and cheese, a crossant egg, and ham. Things are in small portions but I still didn't eat it all.
The cost was 2000 colones, four dollars. Not bad for the view, the food. We then walked about and looked at things, window shopped. She went to the office to gather up vouchers, and tickets for the plane, I sat in the central park enjoying the warm sun and breeze. I watched all the people looking at all the pigeons. Tons of them flying about, people feeding them corn. The Theatrical museum is close, a water area and trees. It resembled something in Europe. So pretty so pleasant, I almost fell alseep while I waited. in fact I did, I caught my head bobbing! But it was interesting to watch the snall children with the pigeons. They would flock all around them almost scaring them and they would laugh so hard..
I thought about my Julian and Kelsey how they would be screaming if they were there.
Nice day.

Then we went to shopped a little more, I bought some earings for one mil, 2 dollars for three pairs. Raquel had the nails and toes done while I drank a refreshment in an open air Columbian Restuarant. I walked around looked at things while I waited patiently for her.
Then to the doc, she walked to a book store and bought the book that Tina sent me the Secret, in Spanish. So now she is reading it too... Funny! I guess its good!
We had a great dinner at this little place on a corner in Rohsmeir, Taco, spanish style. Really nice place we drank a couple of beers, and took a taxi to the bus station in Down town San Jose. The ride back I slept thank god!!!! then we walked about four blocks to the apartment and came in to rest. I feel asleep right away.
This morning I woke up pretty early about 7:00 to the sound of someone digging? it was Robertos Gardner in front of my apartment. He took out all the parrakeets, mini birds of paradise and replace them with tiny little bushes.. UGLY ok not appropriate for the area, and they are sun plants this areas is only shade. THey should last about four months then be dead like the parakeets. I wish he would have talk to me first I could have recommended what is best there and would look super cool. But who cares its his issues not mine. But now is not as pretty.
It is fine , I am about to leave this expensive apartment in about 3 weeks. so it doesn't matter!!!!
On to the beach, I never made it the other day I waited all day for someone to show up here and he didn't so I missed going but today I am for sure taking in the sun and the breeze!
Love to my children first, then my friends... My sisters

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